Torn Role Player HUB - OOC RP Cross Talk :)
Posted on 11:36:55 - 09/08/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkIf you qualify, I qualify.
...Which is weird to think about, to be honest. I didn't think I classed as a veteran of anything. -
Posted on 13:42:17 - 09/08/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkWelcome back. It is always refreshing to have new members to the community, especially seasoned ones. Welcome back from your hiatus. Torn has a lot of new functions as a game and has changed a lot since the time you were active, but we hope you find the RP community and the game alike a lot of fun.
I've personally been here about two or so years now. I would probably be considered among the "veteran" members, seeing as my RP called "Wood's Tavern" has been one of the longest running to date. A lot longer than I though it'd last. I guess my favorite works have been some interactive fantasy adventures done by Gameplayer75. They were fun, engaging, and really enjoyable for while they lasted. -
Posted on 17:07:06 - 09/08/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkWelcome back, Solo. I am the neighborhood Granny, and haggard old witch of Wood's Tavern. Been enjoying this RP forum since I joined Torn a few years back. We also have a Torn RP Discord server now that is run by Wood, formerly by AkiraDawn, who recently left to tend RL. Hope we'll see you around these parts more!
Posted on 14:39:41 - 12/08/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkDealing with off-topic threads, a short guide by me.
Hello all, as you have no doubt noticed, off topic threads are a fact of life here. I can assure you, they have always been here and will always be here, but there are a few things you and I can do to deal with them.
First and foremost, ascertain if the thread is against the rules of the torn forums. This would be your invitations to cyber, recommending other websites or games, and the like. If a thread is against forum rules, or in blatantly in the wrong forum, simply report it and move on. Posting in them, even mockingly, just gives the OP attention and makes those type of threads look active to visitors.
Next we have threads that aren't in line with what WE think of as the forum, IE a place to roleplay. Staff has a very broad definition of what this subforum is for, and this stems from two things. 1. The old description of the forum was "for anything your imagination can dream up." and 2. They don't care. Reporting threads that someone who has no idea of what RP is about could construe as "playing a role" or "creative writing" will likely not accomplish anything. This is why you occasionally see them move garbage here.
The two best things you can do if you see a thread that falls into the category is to ignore it, and put a substantive post in a real thread. The best thing you can do is to keep RPing, and push the crap threads down the page with inactivity. In short, do what you came here to do, and have a good time! As good ol' Sun Tzu said, the greatest insult one can do to your enemy, is to ignore them. -
Posted on 18:59:10 - 12/08/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkPretty true lmfao
Posted on 19:00:30 - 12/08/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkWood, Strange, DcDark, Yazi, GrannySmoosh and Akira. Granted there’s a few more, but those lot have been on here since before I’ve tagged in with this teamLast edited by Kalkeo_Walker on 19:02:38 - 12/08/23
Posted on 04:30:52 - 14/08/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkThat one thread is a comedy of its own. The hateable comedy which I can't even think of.
Posted on 05:11:33 - 14/08/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkAye, Strange is the only one I recognize.
He was the resident "old timer" back when I showed up 15 years ago. The dude has been the pillar of this community since it's inception, or damn near.
Frankly, he might be an immortal vampire who haunts the Earth century-after-century for the sole purpose of roleplaying, as far as I'm concerned. XD -
Posted on 10:37:26 - 14/08/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkThat’s one way of putting it lol
Posted on 17:53:14 - 14/08/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkDo you have what it takes to keep America safe from the supernatural threat?
Are you a brave soul or intrepid explorer?
Then sign up today for the DSSP!
[Join Strange's thread; hunt ghosts and aliens; it's a good time] -
Posted on 18:36:33 - 14/08/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post link10/10 for the logo alone, thanks for making that solo.
Posted on 20:18:05 - 14/08/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkAwesome
Posted on 23:25:13 - 14/08/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkI think the only supernatural threats are the far-right and radical leftists
Posted on 23:26:01 - 14/08/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkI don't know what prompted this information
Posted on 02:25:25 - 15/08/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkThose aren't 'supernatural', those are 'unnatural'.
Posted on 02:29:57 - 15/08/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkPICK YOUR PLACE!GrannySmoosh is hiding under the bed, on the right, peeking out near the foot from beneath the bed skirt.Last edited by Tanarra on 02:30:19 - 15/08/23
Posted on 02:32:41 - 15/08/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkI am riding there cloudy edge between the bedroom and the stary void.