Hello, guys. I'm just arriving in Torn now. A few friends and I are migrating from another browser-based strategy game that has been online for 20 years and is now shutting down :( We're sad, but thankfully we found Torn where we can keep playing together and developing our characters.
I was checking out this forum and didn't quite understand how you guys play. Halp?
Do you usually play exclusively through the forum? My friends and I often engage in a lot of 1v1 gameplay through private messages. There were topics to find gaming partners and characters that matched your character's style. Is there anything like that here?
Torn Role Player HUB - OOC RP Cross Talk :)
Posted on 09:23:03 - 15/05/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkHello, Akira. Thank you for the sweet welcome :D I'll take a look at those sandbox topics you mentioned. The more organized ones would require a bit more time from me, and I don't have it right now :( but maybe someday, after my RL kids turn 18 (which will take... A LONG time) hsuahsuahsua.
Can I join the Discord? Is it an open community?
There's an interjection of surprise in Brazilian Portuguese that I love: 'eita' hsuhduahsua, and I need it to express myself right now. Eita! Can we not do mature RP here? I had seen in the rules that it wasn't allowed, but I assumed it wouldn't be permitted in public spaces. Thank you for letting me know. I know that many people use 1x1 RP to spend all their time talking about inappropriate things, and I find that unfortunate. It's actually an incredible way to develop relationships, identity, and your character's story... I'll probably create a blog for Eden and share her story there s2.
Thank you so much for the reception. I'll take a look at the RP you're creating. Thanks for the invitation.
@GrannySmoosh I'm so freaking in love with your profile *_____* it's so cute. Thank you for the welcome.My friends (and I) have quite a hard time using the forum because of the language barrier. I'm trying to make them use chat gpt to translate and come here. But speaking/writing incorrectly is a big cultural taboo for us hahahahahaha. It holds many people from taking risks in English -
Posted on 21:45:05 - 15/05/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkAww Dopamina, I understand, and we have friends from around the world, so please don't feel shy about typing/speaking in English. I'm sure your friends do much better than they think. And I use Google Translate to speak with friends in their own languages. So...
Obrigado pelas suas palavras gentis. Estamos muito felizes em ter você e seus amigos aqui, no Torn, bem como no Discord, se você decidir se juntar a nós. Divirta-se! ((Thank you for your kind words. We are so happy to have you and your friends here, in Torn, as well as on Discord if you choose to join us. Have fun!))Last edited by Tanarra on 21:45:33 - 15/05/23 (1 year ago) -
Posted on 23:25:30 - 16/05/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkReason why I am not active in chatting(Although I am always active for training):
Took me about 3-5 days to complete. -
Posted on 23:39:19 - 16/05/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkCool art, Gameplayer! Thanks for sharing it. :)
BTW, I'm excited to see some new faces around the RP forum, as well as some new stories. Sorry that I cannot join all of them, but Granny can barely keep her head on straight these days. I love the creativity of all of you, and encourage you to keep on creating, writing, drawing, etc. Summer is coming up, and that means, time to indulge in hobbies! Have fun! -
Posted on 12:25:45 - 20/05/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkI’m off screen, asleep
*Exhausted* -
Posted on 09:04:59 - 21/05/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkI have arranged 3 of the stools as something to lie on, and am now lying on the 3 stools while spacing out.
Posted on 12:52:33 - 22/05/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkWood is reaching for a book to read while he occasionally stares out the star port. Such a lovely day in space.
Posted on 16:47:05 - 24/05/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkI CAN FEEL THE DARKNESS AHHHHHHHH MY DARK POWERS ARE COMING OUT THEYRE COMINGNNGGNNGNG
Posted on 17:25:50 - 24/05/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkIf you came to the Role Play thread to demand money then man, are you dumb haha
Posted on 02:24:38 - 25/05/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkDonated a little money to your bounties, bless up!