Torn Role Player HUB - OOC RP Cross Talk :)
Posted on 20:47:42 - 09/03/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkLmao my mind whenever anyone asks me a question to do with maths
Posted on 21:39:27 - 09/03/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkI can't hold conversations on stupid stuff with a Magic 8-Ball.
They don't understand. T-T -
Posted on 22:58:23 - 09/03/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkWell you know I don't always understand either, Yazi. LOL
Posted on 06:47:43 - 10/03/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkI find it a little ironic that there have been several threads like this one in the past, and this seems to be the most successful one by far since I have started roleplaying in TORN.
(Looked back at the Chat Room thread and Limbo thread) -
Posted on 12:55:47 - 10/03/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkIt's the inclusion of silly photos that makes it a success. :D
Posted on 23:18:20 - 10/03/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkWhen me and Angelo talk, we're supposed to show affection by relentlessly injuring each other in various ways lol
Posted on 23:21:28 - 10/03/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkI'll be going on vacation tomorrow! (Saturday) All the way to Wednesday! I may have time to get in and post in the evenings, but may not. No idea. Just a heads up :)
Posted on 23:36:02 - 10/03/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkCasually sends a Tsar Bomba after Angelo* Aliright! If one of us dies they're just collateral damage
Posted on 20:39:03 - 11/03/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkHave a great 'escape' Dawn! Be safe, and relax. :)
Posted on 22:29:28 - 11/03/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkWhat does error 550 mean? I was so scared a few minutes ago
Posted on 23:43:41 - 11/03/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkI think that is when the TORN servers hiccup.
You should be okay. -
Posted on 00:13:21 - 12/03/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkNo need to worry. If a 550 pops up just refresh. If a 404 pops up. Well…
Posted on 01:06:49 - 12/03/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkJust means Torn servers are busy - either legit or due to a DDOS attack. If it keeps happening, go do something else for a bit and come back. Doesn't tend to last long (these days anyway - used to be real bad a couple years ago)
Posted on 09:16:26 - 12/03/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkI remember last year when everyone went insane on the discord torn servers. How bad did it get then? If you said that “it got real bad”
Posted on 16:26:09 - 12/03/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkIt was about the same level insane but it happened every couple weeks for the first couple years I was here. There was a point toward the end where you could barely get in at all for days - that's when they finally moved on it and got more servers or whatever it is they did.
Posted on 20:45:52 - 13/03/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkHello RP friends! Did you know if you hit 1000 karma you gain access to the VIP Corner (forum thread?). I told the folks there they should come and RP with us. hehe
In other news... Granny has been feeling very low energy and weak, so I'm sorry I haven't been posting more. I am taking care of my health, but have some chronic challenges to deal with. I appreciate you all checking in with me to see if I 'feel better' -- and your caring/concern definitely helps me feel that. But sadly, these aches & pains will be a part of my existence going forward. So please bear with me if I'm slow to post, or seem sluggish, disinterested, aloof, etc. ♥
GrannySmoosh -
Posted on 06:05:59 - 14/03/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkAll the best, my thoughts are with you
Posted on 14:45:12 - 14/03/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkGranny you have our prayers and good thoughts. If there is any tangible help we could offer, I know the RP forum likes to look out for its own. Please let us know if we can help. Until then we will be patient and bear with any sluggishness and slowness.