Upcoming API changes - Page 5 | API Development | TORN

Upcoming API changes

    • Allenone [2033011]
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    Posted on 16:20:02 - 18/07/24 (5 months ago)
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    Allenone [2033011]

    Why are they getting an alert? Why should the game allow that?


    To this extent you're asking for them to remove bazaar API calls.


    The why/how of it is very simple. known total price of all listed items on bazaar - new total price of all listed items on bazaar = purchase made from their bazaar of that difference.


    simple logic to trigger an alert that tells you "someone bought something totaling this value, you can potentially mug X% of that"

    Warwinds [3015831]

    Yes, remove bazaar API calls altogether.

    To me it's the simple answer to a nagging problem. To some people it's not a problem, the script is treating them great, of course. But to others the script is cheating. Blatant cheating.

    Not going to happen.


    I think you're in the minority here. Not considering all of the tools, websites, scripts, etc that use bazaar API calls in a beneficial way.


    Mugging is a part of the game, people are going to find a way to obtain targets even if its not from the bazaar API.

    • Omanpx [1906686]
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    Posted on 16:36:48 - 18/07/24 (5 months ago)
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    Allenone [2033011]

    Why are they getting an alert? Why should the game allow that?


    To this extent you're asking for them to remove bazaar API calls.


    The why/how of it is very simple. known total price of all listed items on bazaar - new total price of all listed items on bazaar = purchase made from their bazaar of that difference.


    simple logic to trigger an alert that tells you "someone bought something totaling this value, you can potentially mug X% of that"

    Warwinds [3015831]

    Yes, remove bazaar API calls altogether.

    To me it's the simple answer to a nagging problem. To some people it's not a problem, the script is treating them great, of course. But to others the script is cheating. Blatant cheating.

    Can you please stop spamming nonsense and read what the change does? There is no new 'script' - the change is intended to hamper long existing mug bots, nothing more. If you don't use any external tools for mugging, you should be happy about this change as it makes buy mugging a lot easier. 


    Only real impact is that buy mugs are now easier to pull off and will be stolen slightly less. You of all people should be happy about it. You are clearly out of your element on the topic so please stop derailing the discussion and enjoy an easier time buy mugging.

    Toolbox - a collection of my tools and spreadsheets made for Torn.

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    • Ice [2641154]
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    Posted on 16:41:32 - 18/07/24 (5 months ago)
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    Allenone [2033011]

    Why are they getting an alert? Why should the game allow that?


    To this extent you're asking for them to remove bazaar API calls.


    The why/how of it is very simple. known total price of all listed items on bazaar - new total price of all listed items on bazaar = purchase made from their bazaar of that difference.


    simple logic to trigger an alert that tells you "someone bought something totaling this value, you can potentially mug X% of that"

    Warwinds [3015831]

    Yes, remove bazaar API calls altogether.

    To me it's the simple answer to a nagging problem. To some people it's not a problem, the script is treating them great, of course. But to others the script is cheating. Blatant cheating.

    Your ID is above 3000000 shut up you noob and stop saying shit that you have 0 clue on how it works.


    • Violation [1522277]
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    Posted on 17:04:54 - 18/07/24 (5 months ago)
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    splent [2088243]


    Due to concerns of unfair advantages being gained through mug scripts as well as complaints from players worried about their API keys being linked (please note that this is an unfounded complaint, but was worth addressing), we have added a global 30-second cache to the 'user' -> 'bazaar' section in API v1.
    This change applies to all requests, regardless of which query parameters are sent or which API keys are used.

    We hope this change will provide better experience and enhanced gameplay for everyone.

    For those who might attempt to bypass this change by scraping data, please ensure you do not violate the rules, especially those regarding page scraping: 


    Oh yeah, because the nerfing of another income source is totally what was needed...


    'Unfair advatanges' - You know if you don't have cash on hand, you can't get mugged for it, right? Simple really.

    Last edited by Violation on 17:06:21 - 18/07/24 (5 months ago)
    • cestlatimmy [2107631]
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    Posted on 17:16:38 - 18/07/24 (5 months ago)
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    Violation [1522277]

    Oh yeah, because the nerfing of another income source is totally what was needed...


    'Unfair advatanges' - You know if you don't have cash on hand, you can't get mugged for it, right? Simple really.

    Pretty sure this is a buff for 99% of the player base

    • _SCOFIELD_ [1441750]
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    Posted on 17:20:16 - 18/07/24 (5 months ago)
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    It is very clear that muggers have no place in torn and ched just wants to make this game go from a crime game to a safe game.


    pro muggers found a strategy for cayman mugging when stocks 3.0 came out - bam 15 seconds delay. people made mug bots, spent a lot of time and money to make such bots to have an advantage in a game where money making avenues are being killed off left and right and bam another delay added.



    15 second no attack period on travelling, 60 second no attack period when in RW, now 30 second delay on API bazaar calls.... seriously why not just remove mugging altogether huh?



    Stop calling torn a crime game then

    Last edited by _SCOFIELD_ on 17:22:35 - 18/07/24 (5 months ago)
    • ita [2523178]
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    Posted on 17:27:07 - 18/07/24 (5 months ago)
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    Warwinds has very valid points not sure why most are alienating him or distorting what he says :p


    This is a good change but agreed we should go further


    An alert for a bazaar sales takes lots of skill out of mugging and benefits laziness, imo should be removed 


    Naturally people who are benefited by mug scripts or that are in favour of scripts in general will visit this thread more than the average torn player that plays on a huge disadvantage without such scripts, either by getting mugged or trying to mug without scripts, dont think the general torn population wants these kind of alert to exist at all



    • _SCOFIELD_ [1441750]
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    Posted on 17:34:08 - 18/07/24 (5 months ago)
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    you use torntools don't you?


    Using profile stakeout, one is doing the exact same thing, just instead of stalking bazaar,u stalk the player to know when they r out of hosp etc to perma hosp them or whatever.


    Hey that's an unfair advantage. Why should people be allowed to get alerts from scripts about a player. This is unfair for people who are manually refreshing the page and stalking a player. Maybe add a delay to this too?


    Maybe add a delay to everything?


    Maybe even go ahead and add a delay to every action/ every page refresh u make in torn coz someone is closer to the servers than the other person and thus is able to hit in attacks faster (referencing the 1 second attack turn delay if u didn't already know about it).



    Heck why have API at all? all information is available on the website if u search for things manually. Remove automation completely from the game? No scripts, No API nothing?



    Absolutely shit update imo

    • Violation [1522277]
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    Posted on 17:35:38 - 18/07/24 (5 months ago)
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    ita [2523178]

    Warwinds has very valid points not sure why most are alienating him or distorting what he says :p


    This is a good change but agreed we should go further


    An alert for a bazaar sales takes lots of skill out of mugging and benefits laziness, imo should be removed 


    Naturally people who are benefited by mug scripts or that are in favour of scripts in general will visit this thread more than the average torn player that plays on a huge disadvantage without such scripts, either by getting mugged or trying to mug without scripts, dont think the general torn population wants these kind of alert to exist at all


    It's really not hard to protect your cash, there are many traders who do it and do a successful job of it. Don't log of with a bazaar open for example, set alarms/timers for just before you come out of hosp, ghost trades I mean it's so easy really. You say scripts benefit laziness but if you can't be bothered to protect your own cash with a simple solution which also requires minimal effort, then who's really the lasy one?


    If everyone protected their cash properly, mug scripts/Bots would be pointless. The issue is the player, not the scripter/mugger 


    This change is likely to increase buy mugging as it will be easier to do that without getting detected by a script in time.and therefore getting sniped. 

    • Allenone [2033011]
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    Posted on 17:37:12 - 18/07/24 (5 months ago)
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    ita [2523178]

    Warwinds has very valid points not sure why most are alienating him or distorting what he says :p


    This is a good change but agreed we should go further


    An alert for a bazaar sales takes lots of skill out of mugging and benefits laziness, imo should be removed 


    Naturally people who are benefited by mug scripts or that are in favour of scripts in general will visit this thread more than the average torn player that plays on a huge disadvantage without such scripts, either by getting mugged or trying to mug without scripts, dont think the general torn population wants these kind of alert to exist at all


    most are alienating him or distorting what he says


    This is a good change but agreed we should go further


    What is your solution to going a step further? Removing bazaar API calls isn't an option. You're killing functionality in Yata, Tornstats, tornPDA, torn.report, and many other bots, financial reporting scripts, spreadsheets etc.


    Y'all are whining about API this API that but aren't even discussing scrapers. Which are stronger than  the API, legally you can sit on a bazaar page with a script that adds up all of the value and spam F5.


    The use of scripts, extensions, applications or any other kind of software is allowed only if it uses data from our API or a page you have loaded manually and are currently viewing.

    • ita [2523178]
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    Posted on 17:38:15 - 18/07/24 (5 months ago)
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    ita [2523178]

    Warwinds has very valid points not sure why most are alienating him or distorting what he says :p


    This is a good change but agreed we should go further


    An alert for a bazaar sales takes lots of skill out of mugging and benefits laziness, imo should be removed 


    Naturally people who are benefited by mug scripts or that are in favour of scripts in general will visit this thread more than the average torn player that plays on a huge disadvantage without such scripts, either by getting mugged or trying to mug without scripts, dont think the general torn population wants these kind of alert to exist at all


    Violation [1522277]

    It's really not hard to protect your cash, there are many traders who do it and do a successful job of it. Don't log of with a bazaar open for example, set alarms/timers for just before you come out of hosp, ghost trades I mean it's so easy really. You say scripts benefit laziness but if you can't be bothered to protect your own cash with a simple solution which also requires minimal effort, then who's really the lasy one?


    If everyone protected their cash properly, mug scripts/Bots would be pointless. The issue is the player, not the scripter/mugger 


    This change is likely to increase buy mugging as it will be easier to do that without getting detected by a script in time.and therefore getting sniped. 

    I'm totally in favor of mugging bro, what im against is lazy players being benefited over people who actually play the game and stalk bazaars

    Last edited by ita on 17:39:51 - 18/07/24 (5 months ago)


    • _SCOFIELD_ [1441750]
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    Posted on 17:42:39 - 18/07/24 (5 months ago)
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    ita [2523178]

    Warwinds has very valid points not sure why most are alienating him or distorting what he says :p


    This is a good change but agreed we should go further


    An alert for a bazaar sales takes lots of skill out of mugging and benefits laziness, imo should be removed 


    Naturally people who are benefited by mug scripts or that are in favour of scripts in general will visit this thread more than the average torn player that plays on a huge disadvantage without such scripts, either by getting mugged or trying to mug without scripts, dont think the general torn population wants these kind of alert to exist at all


    Violation [1522277]

    It's really not hard to protect your cash, there are many traders who do it and do a successful job of it. Don't log of with a bazaar open for example, set alarms/timers for just before you come out of hosp, ghost trades I mean it's so easy really. You say scripts benefit laziness but if you can't be bothered to protect your own cash with a simple solution which also requires minimal effort, then who's really the lasy one?


    If everyone protected their cash properly, mug scripts/Bots would be pointless. The issue is the player, not the scripter/mugger 


    This change is likely to increase buy mugging as it will be easier to do that without getting detected by a script in time.and therefore getting sniped. 

    ita [2523178]

    I'm totally in favor of mugging bro, what im against is lazy players being benefited over people who actually play the game and stalk bazaars

    what about the lazy players benefitting from YATA event pings that they got a sale or pings that they r coming out of the hospital in xx time or player stakeouts? Add delays to everything then? Why just shaft muggers again and again?


    Clearly TORN just focuses on the noobs and not the active/ smart players who carry the game.

    • Untouchable [1360035]
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    Posted on 17:45:26 - 18/07/24 (5 months ago)
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    The fix here wasn’t a 30 second cache but an X (1? 24?) hour delay. 

    All reporting & data collecting tools will function basically the same and it totally prevents the bot mugging. Removing script involvement isn’t a nerf, it’s a reset to how mugs used to be, when it required actual effort and time. Most of my mug stats are before all of this botting 


    I say this as someone who has written a bot for this express purpose but I do it because if you want to compete you have to. I personally like QOL scripts/bots but I hate the near automation of play.


    ive made billions from writing and utilizing these bots but the game is just more fun without them. 

    if game rules/mechanics don’t change, its not a nerf to an income stream, its a technical change on an external API that is no way required to play the game.


    i support the idea, but the implementation was a poor choice imo 


























    • Untouchable [1360035]
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    Posted on 17:47:58 - 18/07/24 (5 months ago)
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    ita [2523178]

    Warwinds has very valid points not sure why most are alienating him or distorting what he says :p


    This is a good change but agreed we should go further


    An alert for a bazaar sales takes lots of skill out of mugging and benefits laziness, imo should be removed 


    Naturally people who are benefited by mug scripts or that are in favour of scripts in general will visit this thread more than the average torn player that plays on a huge disadvantage without such scripts, either by getting mugged or trying to mug without scripts, dont think the general torn population wants these kind of alert to exist at all


    Violation [1522277]

    It's really not hard to protect your cash, there are many traders who do it and do a successful job of it. Don't log of with a bazaar open for example, set alarms/timers for just before you come out of hosp, ghost trades I mean it's so easy really. You say scripts benefit laziness but if you can't be bothered to protect your own cash with a simple solution which also requires minimal effort, then who's really the lasy one?


    If everyone protected their cash properly, mug scripts/Bots would be pointless. The issue is the player, not the scripter/mugger 


    This change is likely to increase buy mugging as it will be easier to do that without getting detected by a script in time.and therefore getting sniped. 

    ita [2523178]

    I'm totally in favor of mugging bro, what im against is lazy players being benefited over people who actually play the game and stalk bazaars

    _SCOFIELD_ [1441750]

    what about the lazy players benefitting from YATA event pings that they got a sale or pings that they r coming out of the hospital in xx time or player stakeouts? Add delays to everything then? Why just shaft muggers again and again?


    Clearly TORN just focuses on the noobs and not the active/ smart players who carry the game.

    I draw the line at reminders. “Hey come back to the game” is fine for me, I hate all of the sale notifications, war target finders, filters, stakeouts, yes add delays to literally all of those things.


    if it helps you optimize your game I’m fine with it, if it helps you gain an advantage against someone else I’m against it. Simple as that, but if you can’t beat them, join them in the mean time 


























    • ita [2523178]
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    Posted on 17:50:10 - 18/07/24 (5 months ago)
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    ita [2523178]

    Warwinds has very valid points not sure why most are alienating him or distorting what he says :p


    This is a good change but agreed we should go further


    An alert for a bazaar sales takes lots of skill out of mugging and benefits laziness, imo should be removed 


    Naturally people who are benefited by mug scripts or that are in favour of scripts in general will visit this thread more than the average torn player that plays on a huge disadvantage without such scripts, either by getting mugged or trying to mug without scripts, dont think the general torn population wants these kind of alert to exist at all


    Allenone [2033011]

    most are alienating him or distorting what he says


    This is a good change but agreed we should go further


    What is your solution to going a step further? Removing bazaar API calls isn't an option. You're killing functionality in Yata, Tornstats, tornPDA, torn.report, and many other bots, financial reporting scripts, spreadsheets etc.


    Y'all are whining about API this API that but aren't even discussing scrapers. Which are stronger than  the API, legally you can sit on a bazaar page with a script that adds up all of the value and spam F5.


    The use of scripts, extensions, applications or any other kind of software is allowed only if it uses data from our API or a page you have loaded manually and are currently viewing.

    I lack the technical knowledge to propose you a solution, I'll leave that to people who know what they're talking about :p


    • AnusOfSatanus [1687273]
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    Posted on 17:50:29 - 18/07/24 (5 months ago)
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    ita [2523178]

    Warwinds has very valid points not sure why most are alienating him or distorting what he says :p


    This is a good change but agreed we should go further


    An alert for a bazaar sales takes lots of skill out of mugging and benefits laziness, imo should be removed 


    Naturally people who are benefited by mug scripts or that are in favour of scripts in general will visit this thread more than the average torn player that plays on a huge disadvantage without such scripts, either by getting mugged or trying to mug without scripts, dont think the general torn population wants these kind of alert to exist at all


    Violation [1522277]

    It's really not hard to protect your cash, there are many traders who do it and do a successful job of it. Don't log of with a bazaar open for example, set alarms/timers for just before you come out of hosp, ghost trades I mean it's so easy really. You say scripts benefit laziness but if you can't be bothered to protect your own cash with a simple solution which also requires minimal effort, then who's really the lasy one?


    If everyone protected their cash properly, mug scripts/Bots would be pointless. The issue is the player, not the scripter/mugger 


    This change is likely to increase buy mugging as it will be easier to do that without getting detected by a script in time.and therefore getting sniped. 

    ita [2523178]

    I'm totally in favor of mugging bro, what im against is lazy players being benefited over people who actually play the game and stalk bazaars

    _SCOFIELD_ [1441750]

    what about the lazy players benefitting from YATA event pings that they got a sale or pings that they r coming out of the hospital in xx time or player stakeouts? Add delays to everything then? Why just shaft muggers again and again?


    Clearly TORN just focuses on the noobs and not the active/ smart players who carry the game.

    Yea sure "pings" that can be setup with ur mobile/PC timer lol
    Cant compare that to the script that lets rich players become even more rich ignoring all other 50k daily users. Ez to shit on everyone sitting at HoF. If devs would look only for their ego shit like you do, you would be playing something else :)


    • ita [2523178]
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    Posted on 17:53:34 - 18/07/24 (5 months ago)
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    _SCOFIELD_ [1441750]

    what about the lazy players benefitting from YATA event pings that they got a sale or pings that they r coming out of the hospital in xx time or player stakeouts? Add delays to everything then? Why just shaft muggers again and again?


    Clearly TORN just focuses on the noobs and not the active/ smart players who carry the game.

    I won't be one defending scripts, I'll abuse them as much as legally possible if they exist of course as everyone here wants to be competitive


    I enjoy QoL scripts, but there should be a line drawn where automation takes over too much off actually playing the game

    Last edited by ita on 17:54:13 - 18/07/24 (5 months ago)


    • Untouchable [1360035]
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    Posted on 17:56:24 - 18/07/24 (5 months ago)
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    ita [2523178]

    Warwinds has very valid points not sure why most are alienating him or distorting what he says :p


    This is a good change but agreed we should go further


    An alert for a bazaar sales takes lots of skill out of mugging and benefits laziness, imo should be removed 


    Naturally people who are benefited by mug scripts or that are in favour of scripts in general will visit this thread more than the average torn player that plays on a huge disadvantage without such scripts, either by getting mugged or trying to mug without scripts, dont think the general torn population wants these kind of alert to exist at all


    Allenone [2033011]

    most are alienating him or distorting what he says


    This is a good change but agreed we should go further


    What is your solution to going a step further? Removing bazaar API calls isn't an option. You're killing functionality in Yata, Tornstats, tornPDA, torn.report, and many other bots, financial reporting scripts, spreadsheets etc.


    Y'all are whining about API this API that but aren't even discussing scrapers. Which are stronger than  the API, legally you can sit on a bazaar page with a script that adds up all of the value and spam F5.


    The use of scripts, extensions, applications or any other kind of software is allowed only if it uses data from our API or a page you have loaded manually and are currently viewing.

    That’s where you’re wrong, API bots are infinitely worse than scrapers because you can only scrape one page at a time. 

    if I collect a key from everyone in my faction, I can have a bot that pings for 10K+ bazaars and checks every 5 minutes, that is fundamentally broken and if you don’t agree, you’re being selfish. 

    there is absolutely no need for such tools to exist, and you can’t convince me otherwise. Speaking as someone who has profited massively from them, and could continue to do so, I think they’re broken and make the game less fun.


    scrapers require you to be at your device refreshing, I can be in the gym, taking a shit, or doing literally anything, get a long on my phone that takes me to an attack loader and mug someone in seconds with plunder, then go about my merry way. It’s dumb


























    • Allenone [2033011]
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    Posted on 18:08:46 - 18/07/24 (5 months ago)
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    ita [2523178]

    Warwinds has very valid points not sure why most are alienating him or distorting what he says :p


    This is a good change but agreed we should go further


    An alert for a bazaar sales takes lots of skill out of mugging and benefits laziness, imo should be removed 


    Naturally people who are benefited by mug scripts or that are in favour of scripts in general will visit this thread more than the average torn player that plays on a huge disadvantage without such scripts, either by getting mugged or trying to mug without scripts, dont think the general torn population wants these kind of alert to exist at all


    Allenone [2033011]

    most are alienating him or distorting what he says


    This is a good change but agreed we should go further


    What is your solution to going a step further? Removing bazaar API calls isn't an option. You're killing functionality in Yata, Tornstats, tornPDA, torn.report, and many other bots, financial reporting scripts, spreadsheets etc.


    Y'all are whining about API this API that but aren't even discussing scrapers. Which are stronger than  the API, legally you can sit on a bazaar page with a script that adds up all of the value and spam F5.


    The use of scripts, extensions, applications or any other kind of software is allowed only if it uses data from our API or a page you have loaded manually and are currently viewing.

    Untouchable [1360035]

    That’s where you’re wrong, API bots are infinitely worse than scrapers because you can only scrape one page at a time. 

    if I collect a key from everyone in my faction, I can have a bot that pings for 10K+ bazaars and checks every 5 minutes, that is fundamentally broken and if you don’t agree, you’re being selfish. 

    there is absolutely no need for such tools to exist, and you can’t convince me otherwise. Speaking as someone who has profited massively from them, and could continue to do so, I think they’re broken and make the game less fun.


    scrapers require you to be at your device refreshing, I can be in the gym, taking a shit, or doing literally anything, get a long on my phone that takes me to an attack loader and mug someone in seconds with plunder, then go about my merry way. It’s dumb

    API bots are infinitely worse than scrapers because you can only scrape one page at a time. 

    Certainly when you utilize more than your own personal API key(s) and legally bypass the API call limit/cacheing per key.


    With the new change at the same scale- scrapers are stronger on a per bazaar basis (obviously). 10K people spam refreshing 10k different bazaars would be able to mug quicker than a bot using the API with a 30 second global cache scanning 10k bazaars.


    If you have a specific target with a bunch of quick selling items that you know their battle stats- with the 30 second change a scraper is stronger than the API.


    *EDIT: also note that this was in response to a guy saying to remove the bazaar API all together.




    That's probably the line in which the bazaar API is being over-abused, when it finds targets for you in mass and just says "mug this person without any prior knowledge or research into why".


    Which is not the approach I took with my personal bazaar mugging application- I use a single API key, and have to hand pick my targets individually.  dfielbo.png


    Last edited by Allenone on 18:11:14 - 18/07/24 (5 months ago)
    • Untouchable [1360035]
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      Are you sure you want to report this post to staff?
    Posted on 18:16:26 - 18/07/24 (5 months ago)
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    ita [2523178]

    Warwinds has very valid points not sure why most are alienating him or distorting what he says :p


    This is a good change but agreed we should go further


    An alert for a bazaar sales takes lots of skill out of mugging and benefits laziness, imo should be removed 


    Naturally people who are benefited by mug scripts or that are in favour of scripts in general will visit this thread more than the average torn player that plays on a huge disadvantage without such scripts, either by getting mugged or trying to mug without scripts, dont think the general torn population wants these kind of alert to exist at all


    Allenone [2033011]

    most are alienating him or distorting what he says


    This is a good change but agreed we should go further


    What is your solution to going a step further? Removing bazaar API calls isn't an option. You're killing functionality in Yata, Tornstats, tornPDA, torn.report, and many other bots, financial reporting scripts, spreadsheets etc.


    Y'all are whining about API this API that but aren't even discussing scrapers. Which are stronger than  the API, legally you can sit on a bazaar page with a script that adds up all of the value and spam F5.


    The use of scripts, extensions, applications or any other kind of software is allowed only if it uses data from our API or a page you have loaded manually and are currently viewing.

    Untouchable [1360035]

    That’s where you’re wrong, API bots are infinitely worse than scrapers because you can only scrape one page at a time. 

    if I collect a key from everyone in my faction, I can have a bot that pings for 10K+ bazaars and checks every 5 minutes, that is fundamentally broken and if you don’t agree, you’re being selfish. 

    there is absolutely no need for such tools to exist, and you can’t convince me otherwise. Speaking as someone who has profited massively from them, and could continue to do so, I think they’re broken and make the game less fun.


    scrapers require you to be at your device refreshing, I can be in the gym, taking a shit, or doing literally anything, get a long on my phone that takes me to an attack loader and mug someone in seconds with plunder, then go about my merry way. It’s dumb

    Allenone [2033011]

    API bots are infinitely worse than scrapers because you can only scrape one page at a time. 

    Certainly when you utilize more than your own personal API key(s) and legally bypass the API call limit/cacheing per key.


    With the new change at the same scale- scrapers are stronger on a per bazaar basis (obviously). 10K people spam refreshing 10k different bazaars would be able to mug quicker than a bot using the API with a 30 second global cache scanning 10k bazaars.


    If you have a specific target with a bunch of quick selling items that you know their battle stats- with the 30 second change a scraper is stronger than the API.


    *EDIT: also note that this was in response to a guy saying to remove the bazaar API all together.




    That's probably the line in which the bazaar API is being over-abused, when it finds targets for you in mass and just says "mug this person without any prior knowledge or research into why".


    Which is not the approach I took with my personal bazaar mugging application- I use a single API key, and have to hand pick my targets individually.  dfielbo.png


    On a per bazaar basis (theoretically) yes, but your example requires more people online than are active right now, and coordinating that is obviously impossible.


    i think if you manually find a target, and spam refresh their bazaar you deserve a mug more than me sitting on my ass and getting a ping. You’ll also get refresh rate limited very quickly so it’s not feasible to spam for very long 


























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