It works in google scripts:function getUsersDemo() {
var url = '';
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);
var jsonText = response.getContentText();
var data = JSON.parse(jsonText);
let users = => [,]);
return [['Name', 'Email'], ...users];
But when I try it to implement it with Torn's API it fails! Which is so frustrating because it's not complicated!
Here is my implementation:
I get an error that saying.../** START of getEmployees function */
function getEmployees() {
/** Pull the API Key from the "" */
var apiKey = apiKeyTWR2
/** Building the URL */
var urlBase = ",detailed,profile,employees,stock,timestamp";
var urlKey = "&key=";
var urlComment = "&comment=gSheetsBullshit";
var url = urlBase + urlComment + urlKey + apiKey;
/** Call URL and parse API data pulled. */
var json = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getContentText();
var data = JSON.parse(json);
let users = => [, user.position, user.days_in_company, user.wage, user.manual_labor, user.intelligence, user.endurance, user.effectiveness.working_stats, user.effectiveness.settled_in, user.effectiveness.merits, user.effectiveness.director_education, user.effectiveness.addiction,, user.last_action.timestamp]);
return [['Name', 'Position', 'days_in_company', 'Wage', 'Manual Labour', 'Intelligence', 'Endurance', 'Working Stats', 'Settled In', 'Merits', 'Director Education', 'Addiction', 'Total Effectiveness', 'Last Action'], ...users];
Well it's not defined any differently in the working script. What the f**k?!
Edit: Solved!
Figured out it was a data-type issue.
APIs can serve arrays or objects. To spot the difference note if the API call begins with a curly bracket or square bracket to spot the difference.
The example code expected arrays, the map function only works on arrays but the torn API serves objects.
Buddy helped me with it and did that little flourish to get the user id too. :D
Looks like Kwack was dead right too! Nice, thanks!