Script that auto updates arsen's prices?
Thread created on 19:56:54 - 24/01/24 (7 months ago)|Last replied 07:58:28 - 23/02/24 (6 months ago)I know it already does a flat amount, but for individual items to update them by a % would be great. I know literally zero about this and API stuff seems ridiculously high level programming stuff. Does anyone know how to learn about interacting with AWH's api? and or a tool that already does what I'm looking for?
Posted on 22:33:06 - 24/01/24 (7 months ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkBump
Posted on 04:16:15 - 25/01/24 (7 months ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkBump
Posted on 04:57:40 - 25/01/24 (7 months ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkThis is Arson Warehouse's API documentation: edited by tiksan on 04:57:51 - 25/01/24
Posted on 05:43:09 - 25/01/24 (7 months ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkman i wish i could just see a simple example of it setting prices by %. obviously I know nothing about coding but just that one example would be gold.
Posted on 07:52:54 - 23/02/24 (6 months ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkHi Miles, depending on code of choice.. could use php guzzle library to make a post request to that endpoint with price as integer ( as the docs describe ), to increase by percent just do a GET request first to get current price, do the math to add percent, then POST the new price. That's if you're wanting to raise a percentage of your current price. To set according to a percent relative to market value, I'm a bit new and not sure where but just need to find market value for item on some api endpoint somewhere that has market prices. I'm surprised actually, I had assumed traders price lists would all be set by percentage across the board. Like, set it in one place for all listed items. Is that really not a thing? I'd code up an example for you but it'd probably take the better part of a day to iron it out before sending. If you try some tutorials you'll get the hang of it. Also, postman is a tool you can use for playing with apis via GUI. But it looks like the endpoint accepts integer for price amount, which is pretty standard.Last edited by ultrapro5000 on 07:54:43 - 23/02/24
Posted on 07:58:28 - 23/02/24 (6 months ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkThen I read the title more closely,, auto update is a bit more advanced. Need to setup a CRON job ( server scheduled script to run every x amount of time )