Respect loss in 'attacks' selection
Thread created on 20:24:57 - 28/01/22 (2 years ago)|Last replied 16:44:47 - 03/02/22 (2 years ago)I'm investigating something in regards to respect that I can get from the Attacks selection in the User section of the Torn API. When I attack, the respect gain is what I expect, it is also what I see in the attack log.
However, in the case where I am defeated, I see this in the log:
Which indicates to me that wanvadder gained 3.70 respect. I think I may be confused as to what the attacks selection is showing me. I see this:
I expected to see in there the 3.70 figure, probably under 'respect_loss'. Is it true that I have no loss? Will I only see a loss if there is a chain active, i.e., the chain modifier is greater than one? I will only see my gain if I win? I can't get his gain when I lose unless I could look at his attack log?
TIA for any insight - -
Posted on 21:20:04 - 28/01/22 (2 years ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkI think I answered my own question, somewhat. I can get those figures from my faction attacks selection, just not user. Why they are different, I don't know, but there I get what I expected to see:
- CRLF [2095076]
- Role: Civilian
- Level: 94
- Posts: 11,752
- Karma: 37,473
- Last Action: 1 year
Posted on 05:42:04 - 29/01/22 (2 years ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkIs this actually a bug? I would expect you to see your respect gain or loss on any outcome there. The fields are in the return, but they don't have a value.
I thought maybe this was an older log entry, but it was from the same day that you posted, so a current entry.
I tested this on myself (I don't usually use attacks) and got mixed results, some with respect and some not.
I did notice that when I was attacked and lost, the "lost" respect did not show up.
And I also tested atttacksfull, with the same thing:
These are losses, but I did not lose respect:
"151069663": {
"code": "10fbabd21adcb15d5c757f87e2eb3f2b",
"timestamp_started": 1622014921,
"timestamp_ended": 1622014935,
"attacker_id": 1386133,
"attacker_faction": 8989,
"defender_id": 2095076,
"defender_faction": 3241,
"result": "Hospitalized",
"stealthed": 0,
"respect": 0
"151070072": {
"code": "c0596302b619d6cca03945058e97730d",
"timestamp_started": 1622015500,
"timestamp_ended": 1622015527,
"attacker_id": 1431512,
"attacker_faction": 7227,
"defender_id": 2095076,
"defender_faction": 3241,
"result": "Mugged",
"stealthed": 0,
"respect": 0
In the return for attacks, when I defend and lose, no respect results are shown:
"173416425": {
"code": "b6c3a14be173a2e9ea2e3630ce0c8992",
"timestamp_started": 1636721057,
"timestamp_ended": 1636721064,
"attacker_id": 1432829,
"attacker_name": "ANUBIS-",
"attacker_faction": 11796,
"attacker_factionname": "HT-",
"defender_id": 2095076,
"defender_name": "CRLF",
"defender_faction": 6924,
"defender_factionname": "JFR",
"result": "Attacked",
"stealthed": 0,
"respect": 0,
"chain": 475,
"raid": 0,
"ranked_war": 0,
"respect_gain": 0,
"respect_loss": 0,
"modifiers": {
"fair_fight": 3,
"war": 1,
"retaliation": 1,
"group_attack": 1,
"overseas": 1,
"chain_bonus": 1.42
But when I attack and win, both my respect won and his respect lost are shown:
"173030856": {
"code": "5deb3324d4dfacac4f974be293d53a50",
"timestamp_started": 1636377605,
"timestamp_ended": 1636377617,
"attacker_id": 2095076,
"attacker_name": "CRLF",
"attacker_faction": 6924,
"attacker_factionname": "JFR",
"defender_id": 486978,
"defender_name": "Releon_Retired_",
"defender_faction": 0,
"defender_factionname": "",
"result": "Mugged",
"stealthed": 0,
"respect": 3.11,
"chain": 0,
"raid": 0,
"ranked_war": 0,
"respect_gain": 3.11,
"respect_loss": 0.78,
"modifiers": {
"fair_fight": 3,
"war": 1,
"retaliation": 1,
"group_attack": 1,
"overseas": 1,
"chain_bonus": 1
But then on another attack where I also successfully mugged someone, I see 0 respect again:
"173716605": {
"code": "ca48fc8f4d8120bd32e17cc9eb2908c8",
"timestamp_started": 1636945034,
"timestamp_ended": 1636945042,
"attacker_id": 2095076,
"attacker_name": "CRLF",
"attacker_faction": 6924,
"attacker_factionname": "JFR",
"defender_id": 105083,
"defender_name": "Owyeah",
"defender_faction": 6924,
"defender_factionname": "JFR",
"result": "Mugged",
"stealthed": 0,
"respect": 0,
"chain": 0,
"raid": 0,
"ranked_war": 0,
"respect_gain": 0,
"respect_loss": 0,
"modifiers": {
"fair_fight": 1,
"war": 1,
"retaliation": 1,
"group_attack": 1,
"overseas": 1,
"chain_bonus": 1
}, -
Posted on 16:44:47 - 03/02/22 (2 years ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkThanks for looking at that CRLF. I am not sure if it is a bug or not, but I find it odd, and I do use the 'attack' selection for something, but I can work around not having accurate respect figures for my purposes.
I decided to open a bugs/issues request referencing this thread if you're interested, the link back to that is: -