I Believe Jesus is God. Ask Me Anything! - Page 4 | General No…

I Believe Jesus is God. Ask Me Anything!

    • Seba_Nile [1782274]
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    Posted on 22:34:27 - 17/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    Madgod [1733719]

    I'll be honest, my actual belief on Jesus is this, and I hope it doesn't offend, but I know that those who are more serious in their Christian beliefs may find it offensive. I believe basically his mother rather than admitting to adultery claimed that it was an act of God, and somehow they convinced a bunch of people that this was true. Jesus, born into a probably broken family, turned to religion and became a preacher since he had the prior credentials of being the son of God.

    I'm not an atheist, but my view on God is that he is essentially the universe (or maybe, the universe is just one component of something bigger), and that in the same way we don't care for the life and death cycle of the skin cells on our body, same too would such a thing, if it was even conscious, care about the happenings on Earth.

    I view religious texts as being a way to get a populous paranoid of extinction onto the same page, and as more a collection of fables. I think it was a necessary and beneficial thing historically, and that it could still provide some benefits today, but for me personally, I would need a modernized religion who shares similar beliefs as myself, which I've yet to find. I think someone can be religious without being a part of any named religion and practice their religion on their own.

    I think such a modernized religion could be beneficial for building closer knit communities, as I feel we've become very disconnected in that regard.

    Also, you should consider moving this thread to the Politics & Law subforum as it may yield more active discussion
    It’s crazy how a woman you don’t even know or met, you claim is an adulteress. Disgusting.


    • Chess_ [2948071]
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    Posted on 22:48:52 - 17/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    Latinobull14 [2881384]

    It's me again!

    Not gonna lie, I genuinely enjoyed the conversation that I had in my previous post and wanted to extend the topic to a singular topic which is Jesus. This is the foundation of the Christian beliefs, (at least it should be). With that, there are different arguments involving Jesus whether he was only a prophet, not a God, he didn't exist, etc.

    Let's talk about it. Let's have a conversation about it and feel free to question my belief.

    My Belief:
    Jesus is the Son of God who came down to heaven in human form to save us from our sins by dying on the cross for us. He then resurrected after 3 days and after addressing his disciples in his resurrected form, he ascended to heaven. Jesus himself is God but separate from God the father.

    Edit: Edited my belief portion as my wording made it seem like Jesus isn't God but only the son of God and not God himself.

    UPDATE Been MIA had life things happen lol but I will get around to answering everyone points when available
    So what happens if you kill a non Christian? Do they go to hell or heaven?
    • Nexus [105937]
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    Posted on 23:06:06 - 17/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    NeoRobinFox [2862125]

    How did dying on a cross save us?

    Latinobull14 [2881384]

    So the gospel is that we as humans are sinful creatures and deserve death. Sin is referring to things that go against the word of God. Lying, sex before marriage, getting drunk, pride, etc. We all fall short. Instead of us dying for our sins, Jesus came down in human form and took the punishment for our sins by dying for us on the cross as the ultimate sacrifice so we can have a second chance at redemption. This symbolizes the grace of God towards us and us being able to avoid that death if we turn to God.

    Now to get a bit historical on it, before Jesus to be atoned or cleaned from your sins, it required a blood sacrifice of an animal due to the law of Jewish tradition. Don't remember all the criteria but it had to be blameless and clean to be sacrificed. Jesus, being revealed as a man who never sinned and being 100% God while being 100% man was the ultimate sacrifice due to the clean and blameless life that he lived.

    Nexus [105937]

    Yeah the logic inconsistencies continue.

    Why did God "need" to do anything, he could've just waved his hand and removed the "sin" HE attached to our species in the first place.

    The sin itself being wildly irrational, as explained in my previous post.

    Latinobull14 [2881384]

    I never used the word need. God didn't need to save us from sin. God doesn't need humans, he is eternal and creator and does what he finds as just. I can't answer the question of why God created us because he is eternal, he doesn't need us. Bible speaks about he created us to reign over the animals on the earth, but then the question is why create animals? We will not always understand why. But I can say through creating us God has a love for us.

    I wouldn't call it a logic inconsistency because that would make it a contradiction. I think it requires a deeper answer. Again what is sin? It's actions that go against the desires of God. So if God removes "sin" or removes the ability for people to do the actions they want to do, what do we have? We have people who are forced to live a certain way. This isn't love, that's robots.

    God created free will and saw that free will is good. The analogy I heard to solidify your knowledge on this topic goes like this:
    "God created us to have free will, but we are responsible for what we do in that free will".

    If God removes our ability to sin, he removes free will. He wants people who truly want to serve him and who consciously make a choice to worship and serve him. Remove that free will and you are forced to worship him, which doesn't sound like love to me.

    We took free will for ourselves, and got original sin.

    Sin, is arbitrary. God sent himself to Earth, to die... for us to be forgiven... for breaking his own arbitrary rules.




    • Steppenwulf [2960257]
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    Posted on 23:07:48 - 17/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    EverleighRaven [2949890]

    So I'm not Christian, and I don't mean to offend anybody with this, but I feel it is wrong for someone completely innocent, such as Jesus in this case, to be punished, tortured, and killed for my wrongdoings, which are completely MY fault, while I get to escape punishment and get a free ticket to heaven. I feel that accepting such a deal is wrong and unjust, because in no other case, such as through the justice system, is it right or legal or acceptable to scapegoat somebody like this. How do Christians who have accepted the salvation of Jesus feel about this?

    Steppenwulf [2960257]

    Actually, when the law requires a fine, it's perfectly acceptable for someone else to pay the fine on one's behalf.

    EverleighRaven [2949890]

    But it is not okay for a person to go to jail or be executed on someone else's behalf.
    agree (just not in the religious sense)
    Last edited by Steppenwulf on 23:08:09 - 17/11/23 (1 year ago)


    • Madgod [1733719]
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    Posted on 23:09:56 - 17/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    Madgod [1733719]

    I'll be honest, my actual belief on Jesus is this, and I hope it doesn't offend, but I know that those who are more serious in their Christian beliefs may find it offensive. I believe basically his mother rather than admitting to adultery claimed that it was an act of God, and somehow they convinced a bunch of people that this was true. Jesus, born into a probably broken family, turned to religion and became a preacher since he had the prior credentials of being the son of God.

    I'm not an atheist, but my view on God is that he is essentially the universe (or maybe, the universe is just one component of something bigger), and that in the same way we don't care for the life and death cycle of the skin cells on our body, same too would such a thing, if it was even conscious, care about the happenings on Earth.

    I view religious texts as being a way to get a populous paranoid of extinction onto the same page, and as more a collection of fables. I think it was a necessary and beneficial thing historically, and that it could still provide some benefits today, but for me personally, I would need a modernized religion who shares similar beliefs as myself, which I've yet to find. I think someone can be religious without being a part of any named religion and practice their religion on their own.

    I think such a modernized religion could be beneficial for building closer knit communities, as I feel we've become very disconnected in that regard.

    Also, you should consider moving this thread to the Politics & Law subforum as it may yield more active discussion

    Seba_Nile [1782274]

    It’s crazy how a woman you don’t even know or met, you claim is an adulteress. Disgusting.
    I feel like it's a safe bet

    “The Worldly Hope men set their Hearts upon Turns Ashes--or it prospers; and anon,
    Like Snow upon the Desert's dusty Face Lighting a little Hour or two--is gone.”

    — Omar Khayyam, The Rubaiyat

    • EverleighRaven [2949890]
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    Posted on 23:15:32 - 17/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    Latinobull14 [2881384]

    It's me again!

    Not gonna lie, I genuinely enjoyed the conversation that I had in my previous post and wanted to extend the topic to a singular topic which is Jesus. This is the foundation of the Christian beliefs, (at least it should be). With that, there are different arguments involving Jesus whether he was only a prophet, not a God, he didn't exist, etc.

    Let's talk about it. Let's have a conversation about it and feel free to question my belief.

    My Belief:
    Jesus is the Son of God who came down to heaven in human form to save us from our sins by dying on the cross for us. He then resurrected after 3 days and after addressing his disciples in his resurrected form, he ascended to heaven. Jesus himself is God but separate from God the father.

    Edit: Edited my belief portion as my wording made it seem like Jesus isn't God but only the son of God and not God himself.

    UPDATE Been MIA had life things happen lol but I will get around to answering everyone points when available

    Ata [2507441]

    I am most interested in comparison and discussion with other religions.

    You say you believe in Jesus as God etc. Are you ready to kill for your beliefs? Possibly you aren't, but millions of people in the last 2000 years have been more than willing to do that. All in the name of that same Christian God!

    Then someone else comes in and says Allah is the only God. And they will also kill anyone that says different. How can they both be right? Why do people kill in the name of faith?

    Latinobull14 [2881384]

    Yeah, so people would do whatever in what they believe to be true. In America, there have been cults in the past and these cult leaders would convince their followers to kill themselves for the cult leaders because of whatever reason. The followers of the cult believe that the leader is the truth, mainly through manipulation and other means, and in doing so do what he said because in their mind it's true or right.

    Now with religion, there are very few times when God calls a nation to overthrow another nation in his name. There are a few examples of that in the Old Testament but there is a reason. For example in Deuteronomy, God calls Israel to destroy and in simple terms wipe out the Canaanites. Why would God order that? The Canaanites were doing very wicked things. To name a few, child sacrifice, homosexuality, bestiality, worshipping idols etc. They had been doing this for generations and God couldn't allow this wickedness to happen so he brought so called the Israelites to destroy them.

    Now after Jesus, I can't speak for every war because I don't know the background and historical context of every war. But what I can say is that people who use Christianity or God's name to justify power, money, or fame unjustly are wrong. There have been many wars in which people used Christianity as the reason but it was mainly for power or money. Those were wrong and those who claimed to be Christian who started the war were wrong.

    Christianity isn't just a title you add to your name and you are a Christian. Christianity is a way of life and true Christians aren't Christians by what they say but are Christians by what they do. Not that they are perfect because from the pastor to a child all sin and fall short. But they overall life and actions in their life should reflect God.
    Ok, I think that child sacrifice is wrong because murdering innocent people is wrong (unless, of course God demands a sacrifice, but not of a kid, and then it's okay and a good thing?) I don't really see anything wrong with homosexuality, as long as all the people consent to it and taking precautions to prevent harm (eg. std's) as applicable, bestiality is wrong because the humans have too much power over the lives of other animals for them to be able to consent without coercion, explicit or implied, and worshiping idols is fine because of religious freedom, and people should not be persecuted for their religion. I need to do more research on what actually happened, but some of the things that they did are definitely a lot worse than other things.
    Edit: I did some research and apparently God ordered a genocide of these people. This is not good, guys, and I don't think they deserved to be killed like this (I don't believe in killing criminals at all), especially if it's over stuff that;s not even crimes, like being gay or practicing their religion.
    Last edited by EverleighRaven on 23:34:03 - 17/11/23 (1 year ago)
    • EverleighRaven [2949890]
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    Posted on 23:29:48 - 17/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    Madgod [1733719]

    I'll be honest, my actual belief on Jesus is this, and I hope it doesn't offend, but I know that those who are more serious in their Christian beliefs may find it offensive. I believe basically his mother rather than admitting to adultery claimed that it was an act of God, and somehow they convinced a bunch of people that this was true. Jesus, born into a probably broken family, turned to religion and became a preacher since he had the prior credentials of being the son of God.

    I'm not an atheist, but my view on God is that he is essentially the universe (or maybe, the universe is just one component of something bigger), and that in the same way we don't care for the life and death cycle of the skin cells on our body, same too would such a thing, if it was even conscious, care about the happenings on Earth.

    I view religious texts as being a way to get a populous paranoid of extinction onto the same page, and as more a collection of fables. I think it was a necessary and beneficial thing historically, and that it could still provide some benefits today, but for me personally, I would need a modernized religion who shares similar beliefs as myself, which I've yet to find. I think someone can be religious without being a part of any named religion and practice their religion on their own.

    I think such a modernized religion could be beneficial for building closer knit communities, as I feel we've become very disconnected in that regard.

    Also, you should consider moving this thread to the Politics & Law subforum as it may yield more active discussion

    Seba_Nile [1782274]

    It’s crazy how a woman you don’t even know or met, you claim is an adulteress. Disgusting.
    Wait, do you think that Mary had the choice of becoming the mother of God?
    • QueenOfNothing [2746730]
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    Posted on 23:50:49 - 17/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    I was raised nondenominational christian. After being raised that way I believe there is a god who created the universe and all that jazz HOWEVER I do not believe that god is loving or plays a huge role in people's lives day to day.
    • Firecracker [2623632]
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    Posted on 00:24:57 - 18/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    do you think we can train an ai to become jesus/godlike? via knowodge, how it acts and such? is there room for AI in religion?
    Last edited by Firecracker on 00:26:18 - 18/11/23 (1 year ago)
    • SaintLuke [2220265]
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    Posted on 01:23:12 - 18/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    Madgod [1733719]

    I'll be honest, my actual belief on Jesus is this, and I hope it doesn't offend, but I know that those who are more serious in their Christian beliefs may find it offensive. I believe basically his mother rather than admitting to adultery claimed that it was an act of God, and somehow they convinced a bunch of people that this was true. Jesus, born into a probably broken family, turned to religion and became a preacher since he had the prior credentials of being the son of God.

    I'm not an atheist, but my view on God is that he is essentially the universe (or maybe, the universe is just one component of something bigger), and that in the same way we don't care for the life and death cycle of the skin cells on our body, same too would such a thing, if it was even conscious, care about the happenings on Earth.

    I view religious texts as being a way to get a populous paranoid of extinction onto the same page, and as more a collection of fables. I think it was a necessary and beneficial thing historically, and that it could still provide some benefits today, but for me personally, I would need a modernized religion who shares similar beliefs as myself, which I've yet to find. I think someone can be religious without being a part of any named religion and practice their religion on their own.

    I think such a modernized religion could be beneficial for building closer knit communities, as I feel we've become very disconnected in that regard.

    Also, you should consider moving this thread to the Politics & Law subforum as it may yield more active discussion
    I personally feel as long as you do your best to live the best life and treat people as well as you can. That is all that really matters in the end. I have read the 3 main books (the Bible, Torah, and the Quran), and that is the main quality they all preach in my opinion. I know they all have violence and whatnot, but I tend to try and ignore that and focus on the positives and live my life that way. I know I have failed many times; hell, folks in Torn have seen me be pretty nasty, unfortunately. I just hope I'm forgiven by them in the end.


    • SaintLuke [2220265]
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    Posted on 01:25:54 - 18/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    Firecracker [2623632]

    do you think we can train an ai to become jesus/godlike? via knowodge, how it acts and such? is there room for AI in religion?
    That is honestly terrifying and very likely to happen in the future.


    • Firecracker [2623632]
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    Posted on 01:55:11 - 18/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    Firecracker [2623632]

    do you think we can train an ai to become jesus/godlike? via knowodge, how it acts and such? is there room for AI in religion?

    SaintLuke [2220265]

    That is honestly terrifying and very likely to happen in the future.
    • SaintLuke [2220265]
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    Posted on 02:01:20 - 18/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    Firecracker [2623632]

    do you think we can train an ai to become jesus/godlike? via knowodge, how it acts and such? is there room for AI in religion?

    SaintLuke [2220265]

    That is honestly terrifying and very likely to happen in the future.

    Firecracker [2623632]

    Imagine a being knowing EVERYTHING ever done and who did it...


    • Yuko [2570196]
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    Posted on 02:20:33 - 18/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    Firecracker [2623632]

    do you think we can train an ai to become jesus/godlike? via knowodge, how it acts and such? is there room for AI in religion?

    SaintLuke [2220265]

    That is honestly terrifying and very likely to happen in the future.

    Firecracker [2623632]

    SaintLuke [2220265]

    Imagine a being knowing EVERYTHING ever done and who did it...
    Too bad such a being is only a figment of people's imagination.
    • Yuko [2570196]
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    Posted on 02:22:21 - 18/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    Google is probably the closest thing to God.

    I ask it questions and it answers me.
    • Strand [2821241]
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    Posted on 03:22:52 - 18/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    Sepulchrave [2092631]

    If you believe in Jesus, then stop being a hyprocrite - stop making a righteous-looking spectacle of yourself and go pray in the closet like he told you to in the Book of Matthew. There are few things more disgusting than a self-proclaimed "spiritual" person who needs other people to know how spiritual he is.
    5 And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
    6 But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.
    There are plenty of hypocritical Christians out there, but OP isn't one of them.
    Jesus sent his disciples out two by two to proclaim the Gospel. He told those to whom he imparted the faith, "do not hide your light under a bushel basket." What Jesus took issue with in the passages you're citing is the self-aggrandizement of pharisees who would compare themselves favorably over others and brag about their holiness. I'm sure we could both identify many Christians we know who would say they are better people than their non-believing neighbors. But it isn't being hypocritical to want to share the Gospel with others and to try to convert others, as long as it's coming from a place of humility. OP has stated in virtually every response on here that he isn't perfect and strives every day to grow in his faith.
    • broleaf [3140943]
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    Posted on 03:59:38 - 18/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    Christianity is many things to me personally, firstly it is apart of my identity, my father and his father before him so forth, to reject this identity is to reject a fundamental competent that connects me to my ancestors, and i reject that wholeheartedly as a staunch traditionalist and monarchist, as my family's noble ancient dynasty has been for well over 700 years, Secondly its a moral operating system for society in pragmatic function the contrast being the moral decline we see playing out all throughout the west. Lastly it is a spiritual vehicle.

    Degeneracy envy's what is moral for it is repugnant.
    Last edited by broleaf on 04:08:25 - 18/11/23 (1 year ago)

    NRx. Reject Modernity return to: Tradition, Monarchy, Spirit.


    • SaintLuke [2220265]
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    Posted on 05:07:40 - 18/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    Firecracker [2623632]

    do you think we can train an ai to become jesus/godlike? via knowodge, how it acts and such? is there room for AI in religion?

    SaintLuke [2220265]

    That is honestly terrifying and very likely to happen in the future.

    Firecracker [2623632]

    SaintLuke [2220265]

    Imagine a being knowing EVERYTHING ever done and who did it...

    Yuko [2570196]

    Too bad such a being is only a figment of people's imagination.
    AI could quickly learn everything that has ever been done or have the ability to search for it within itself.


    • Seba_Nile [1782274]
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    Posted on 07:01:01 - 18/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    Madgod [1733719]

    I'll be honest, my actual belief on Jesus is this, and I hope it doesn't offend, but I know that those who are more serious in their Christian beliefs may find it offensive. I believe basically his mother rather than admitting to adultery claimed that it was an act of God, and somehow they convinced a bunch of people that this was true. Jesus, born into a probably broken family, turned to religion and became a preacher since he had the prior credentials of being the son of God.

    I'm not an atheist, but my view on God is that he is essentially the universe (or maybe, the universe is just one component of something bigger), and that in the same way we don't care for the life and death cycle of the skin cells on our body, same too would such a thing, if it was even conscious, care about the happenings on Earth.

    I view religious texts as being a way to get a populous paranoid of extinction onto the same page, and as more a collection of fables. I think it was a necessary and beneficial thing historically, and that it could still provide some benefits today, but for me personally, I would need a modernized religion who shares similar beliefs as myself, which I've yet to find. I think someone can be religious without being a part of any named religion and practice their religion on their own.

    I think such a modernized religion could be beneficial for building closer knit communities, as I feel we've become very disconnected in that regard.

    Also, you should consider moving this thread to the Politics & Law subforum as it may yield more active discussion

    Seba_Nile [1782274]

    It’s crazy how a woman you don’t even know or met, you claim is an adulteress. Disgusting.

    EverleighRaven [2949890]

    Wait, do you think that Mary had the choice of becoming the mother of God?
    She is not the mother of God, God cannot have a mother. When Jesus pbuh was in the womb, who was your lord then?
    Jesus said ‘our father’ he never said ‘mine’. Jesus didn’t know the season of the fruit, he was a human, a mighty prophet, but never God.


    • Bohr [2645473]
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    Posted on 08:28:51 - 18/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    The difficulty in concluding a discussion such as this, arises from the fact that "believing" in anything requires a so-called "leap of faith", i.e. shutting down your capacity for structured reasoning.

    We start with believing and then, on this basis, we try to discuss these beliefs and to decide on moral questions. But the discussion goes nowhere. It's because our brain can't have it both ways: We cannot reason on things that are ill-defined.

    Humanity's intellect, our unique capacity to use language (language in our minds, to give things and concepts a name, a label, and to then reason and build on these labels), is our only real difference to other mammals and our true hope of escaping the current "human condition".

    In my view, the answer to the OP's original question might as well be "Yes and no and maybe" or anything equally nonsensical. Because the question itself makes no sense. It is just a reflection of our desire for something better in general.

    I "believe" that the "god" we should be looking for is a future humanity which employs innate morality along with science. To so further and "save" itself.
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