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    • Styledcurve [2493033]
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    Posted on 04:38:04 - 08/10/21 (3 years ago)
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    Saw something awesome wanna write it down so I dont forget, remember to splash of style on it later

    The saying when
    I Aaccidently spent so much time in my life making others feel comfortable it was only layer I realized I never felt comfortable myself.

    I purposefully spent so much time in my life trying to be helpful for others only later realized I have trouble asking for help myself
    • Styledcurve [2493033]
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    Posted on 21:17:23 - 20/10/21 (3 years ago)
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    Well then 12 days. Neat.

    Well then, that was quite the text book kerff**kle . The ain't chat bots but damn if them little obdeitnt ones dont follow their programming well.

    Progressing well but this jail bust compition is rough.. nearly last place. No 16th. Still my hustings improving.

    Things been chill with fam.

    Gonna hit the rife machine now. Chat with my boy after awhile maybe me and the ex will talk maybe nit..who knows. Hit up some torn gains and handle tomorrow paperwork, tommorow.
    • Styledcurve [2493033]
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    Posted on 19:03:46 - 26/10/21 (3 years ago)
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    Woke up to a nice text from the ex... on and on about her old f**k buddy friend and this new thing he told her to take and how much better shes enjoying it so much.

    I hate hearing about him. Hated it when we were married and still dislike it divorced.
    • Styledcurve [2493033]
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    Posted on 21:20:21 - 27/10/21 (3 years ago)
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    Proly cant embed this one

    But I can embed this one

    • Styledcurve [2493033]
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    Posted on 15:20:45 - 29/10/21 (3 years ago)
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    Man, I'm hating these jabs now more than ever. My buddy at group took the jab, the difference in his personality is profound. Another dude is having chest pains on the regular and I've not seen the dude with the clot problems again. Mind you this is a sampling of only around 20 individuals but still,chill bro stan was chill... now hes speaking slow and thinking slow and I'm just here on the outside watching.

    I really want to get to Canada. Ex has a church where they dont mask up and ask the jabbed that want to participate to stay home and use zoom. She is in a Nice pocket. Eventually Ill get there. Dont know if we will ever be able to reconcile but at least I can get back to my son if nothing else..
    • Styledcurve [2493033]
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    Posted on 07:09:03 - 08/11/21 (3 years ago)
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    1st year is almost done. Only 2.1 more years to go.

    I do not look forward to an emptier world.

    I look into the eyes of the jabbed and just think to myself "why? Why did you do this to yourself? Why did you put that much faith and trust in government"
    • Zailemaos [936636]
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    Posted on 02:31:11 - 10/11/21 (3 years ago)
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    Styledcurve [2493033]

    1st year is almost done. Only 2.1 more years to go.

    I do not look forward to an emptier world.

    I look into the eyes of the jabbed and just think to myself "why? Why did you do this to yourself? Why did you put that much faith and trust in government" - Find COVID-19 vaccine locations near you

    Different COVID-19 Vaccines | CDC

    Why It Actually Took 50 Years to Make COVID mRNA Vaccines - YouTube
    • Styledcurve [2493033]
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    Posted on 20:05:18 - 10/11/21 (3 years ago)
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    Ah, thanks for taking a shit in my blog. May your microdick be engorged and your jollys rocked off. Truly you've proven zurself to be the alpha of the douche pack. Congradulations.
    • Zailemaos [936636]
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    Posted on 02:09:30 - 11/11/21 (3 years ago)
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    Styledcurve [2493033]

    Ah, thanks for taking a shit in my blog. May your microdick be engorged and your jollys rocked off. Truly you've proven zurself to be the alpha of the douche pack. Congradulations.
    You're welcome! but I think these are forums. you mean my Macrodick, and yes I did get off on this! I use normal pronouns, not those other silly ones.
    • Styledcurve [2493033]
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    Posted on 21:58:13 - 20/11/21 (3 years ago)
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    Nervous as sin. Trying to stay grounded. I've a nice small wad of cash now,. Some put up and some on hand. And so many different plans.just breathing. Slow. It ain't that much but still..its enough, 1400. I'm poor so that's alot to a person like me.
    Last edited by Styledcurve on 21:59:30 - 20/11/21 (3 years ago)
    • Styledcurve [2493033]
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    Posted on 06:56:36 - 26/11/21 (3 years ago)
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    06:52:58 - 26/11/21 You used 15 nerve successfully kidnapping a kid gaining $37,739

    And the kid runs into his fathers arms.

    As a father, of an estranged child, I love this reunification crime.

    A father and son want to reunite. I'll be the bad guy all day and night.
    • Styledcurve [2493033]
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    Posted on 09:13:05 - 27/11/21 (3 years ago)
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    Post covid I wonder what happens next. Was gonna make a thread about it but the jabby trolls would just come down en mass to disrupt and shitpost and generally f**k things up to the best of their ability to compensate for microdick and ego so I thought better of it.

    But the thought is still there.

    What do we do afterwards?

    Covid has. Not killed one billion people. Outta the 7 billion of us. The numbers of world wide jabbing stretch between 3 to 6 billion jabbed but, who knows what the proper numbers really are? One billion would be bad enough. World altering. 6 billion would be a potential end of humanity event. 3 billion would be a a gut check that would probably drag another 1 or 2 billion with them for logistical reasons so not very different from 6....its alot of death

    I remain the optimist at heart. A romantic. So, let's go with the magic number in my head, but bump it up to 4 billion meaning at least everyone on the list has at least one jab. And every jab is certain death with in 3 of time from Injection.

    Like the previous longterm studies confirmed.

    Like the current die off from the first 10 percent is panning out.

    It's only a few adversely affected until it's the whole entire lot.

    It's difficult to imagine what a world after that looks like.

    They're all gonna die because they dont understand the difference between trusting the science and practicing the science. Like medicine. A doctor doesn't run a trust a doctor runs a practice. New information pops up and one alters their approach for the best outcome, ideally. But they're gonna die and we will be left behind to clean up and continue on.

    Its gonna suck
    • Zailemaos [936636]
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    Posted on 00:31:19 - 28/11/21 (3 years ago)
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    Nope, its gonna be okay. I'll squeeze out this fact dump for you

    How can we know the COVID-19 vaccine won’t have long-term side effects? (

    Will kids have long-term effects from the COVID-19 vaccine? | MIT Medical
    • Sweeney_Todd [27468]
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    Posted on 00:38:18 - 28/11/21 (3 years ago)
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    Styledcurve [2493033]

    Post covid I wonder what happens next. Was gonna make a thread about it but the jabby trolls would just come down en mass to disrupt and shitpost and generally f**k things up to the best of their ability to compensate for microdick and ego so I thought better of it.

    But the thought is still there.

    What do we do afterwards?

    Covid has. Not killed one billion people. Outta the 7 billion of us. The numbers of world wide jabbing stretch between 3 to 6 billion jabbed but, who knows what the proper numbers really are? One billion would be bad enough. World altering. 6 billion would be a potential end of humanity event. 3 billion would be a a gut check that would probably drag another 1 or 2 billion with them for logistical reasons so not very different from 6....its alot of death

    I remain the optimist at heart. A romantic. So, let's go with the magic number in my head, but bump it up to 4 billion meaning at least everyone on the list has at least one jab. And every jab is certain death with in 3 of time from Injection.

    Like the previous longterm studies confirmed.

    Like the current die off from the first 10 percent is panning out.

    It's only a few adversely affected until it's the whole entire lot.

    It's difficult to imagine what a world after that looks like.

    They're all gonna die because they dont understand the difference between trusting the science and practicing the science. Like medicine. A doctor doesn't run a trust a doctor runs a practice. New information pops up and one alters their approach for the best outcome, ideally. But they're gonna die and we will be left behind to clean up and continue on.

    Its gonna suck
    Oh sorry, didn't realise you were a f**k wit...

    For you, don't take the jab. Seriously, we could do with less f**king idiots...

    Go your way and prove us wrong as you die chocking on your own last breath...

    Go you...

    I will never lie to you. What I say is how I feel...

    • Styledcurve [2493033]
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    Posted on 00:58:02 - 28/11/21 (3 years ago)
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    Sweeney_Todd [27468]

    Oh sorry, didn't realise you were a f**k wit...

    For you, don't take the jab. Seriously, we could do with less f**king idiots...

    Go your way and prove us wrong as you die chocking on your own last breath...

    Go you...
    Man , domt give me that, you already made up your mind about me before the lock downs struck.

    I'm surprised your still reading my blog though.

    • DoctorCuraga [2615198]
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    Posted on 01:11:55 - 28/11/21 (3 years ago)
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    I can relate to the OP's, er, OP.

    All I do is help/try my best for ppl.

    I even declared world peace last wednesday, not many people listened...


    • Kajal [2542083]
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    Posted on 22:50:33 - 28/11/21 (3 years ago)
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    Styledcurve [2493033]

    Post covid I wonder what happens next. Was gonna make a thread about it but the jabby trolls would just come down en mass to disrupt and shitpost and generally f**k things up to the best of their ability to compensate for microdick and ego so I thought better of it.

    But the thought is still there.

    What do we do afterwards?

    Covid has. Not killed one billion people. Outta the 7 billion of us. The numbers of world wide jabbing stretch between 3 to 6 billion jabbed but, who knows what the proper numbers really are? One billion would be bad enough. World altering. 6 billion would be a potential end of humanity event. 3 billion would be a a gut check that would probably drag another 1 or 2 billion with them for logistical reasons so not very different from 6....its alot of death

    I remain the optimist at heart. A romantic. So, let's go with the magic number in my head, but bump it up to 4 billion meaning at least everyone on the list has at least one jab. And every jab is certain death with in 3 of time from Injection.

    Like the previous longterm studies confirmed.

    Like the current die off from the first 10 percent is panning out.

    It's only a few adversely affected until it's the whole entire lot.

    It's difficult to imagine what a world after that looks like.

    They're all gonna die because they dont understand the difference between trusting the science and practicing the science. Like medicine. A doctor doesn't run a trust a doctor runs a practice. New information pops up and one alters their approach for the best outcome, ideally. But they're gonna die and we will be left behind to clean up and continue on.

    Its gonna suck
    Not to interrupt your blog, but I can't help but ask for clarification:
    are you saying that those of us who have been vaccinated are GOING to die from it, or just that you HOPE it happens?
    • Sepulchrave [2092631]
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    Posted on 02:50:27 - 29/11/21 (3 years ago)
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    Styledcurve [2493033]

    Post covid I wonder what happens next. Was gonna make a thread about it but the jabby trolls would just come down en mass to disrupt and shitpost and generally f**k things up to the best of their ability to compensate for microdick and ego so I thought better of it.

    But the thought is still there.

    What do we do afterwards?

    Covid has. Not killed one billion people. Outta the 7 billion of us. The numbers of world wide jabbing stretch between 3 to 6 billion jabbed but, who knows what the proper numbers really are? One billion would be bad enough. World altering. 6 billion would be a potential end of humanity event. 3 billion would be a a gut check that would probably drag another 1 or 2 billion with them for logistical reasons so not very different from 6....its alot of death

    I remain the optimist at heart. A romantic. So, let's go with the magic number in my head, but bump it up to 4 billion meaning at least everyone on the list has at least one jab. And every jab is certain death with in 3 of time from Injection.

    Like the previous longterm studies confirmed.

    Like the current die off from the first 10 percent is panning out.

    It's only a few adversely affected until it's the whole entire lot.

    It's difficult to imagine what a world after that looks like.

    They're all gonna die because they dont understand the difference between trusting the science and practicing the science. Like medicine. A doctor doesn't run a trust a doctor runs a practice. New information pops up and one alters their approach for the best outcome, ideally. But they're gonna die and we will be left behind to clean up and continue on.

    Its gonna suck

    Kajal [2542083]

    Not to interrupt your blog, but I can't help but ask for clarification:
    are you saying that those of us who have been vaccinated are GOING to die from it, or just that you HOPE it happens?
    Excellent point.

    Wherever you find entrenched ignorance you find hostility as well.

    • angrysc0tsman12 [1099272]
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    Posted on 05:36:51 - 29/11/21 (3 years ago)
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    Styledcurve [2493033]

    Post covid I wonder what happens next. Was gonna make a thread about it but the jabby trolls would just come down en mass to disrupt and shitpost and generally f**k things up to the best of their ability to compensate for microdick and ego so I thought better of it.

    But the thought is still there.

    What do we do afterwards?

    Covid has. Not killed one billion people. Outta the 7 billion of us. The numbers of world wide jabbing stretch between 3 to 6 billion jabbed but, who knows what the proper numbers really are? One billion would be bad enough. World altering. 6 billion would be a potential end of humanity event. 3 billion would be a a gut check that would probably drag another 1 or 2 billion with them for logistical reasons so not very different from 6....its alot of death

    I remain the optimist at heart. A romantic. So, let's go with the magic number in my head, but bump it up to 4 billion meaning at least everyone on the list has at least one jab. And every jab is certain death with in 3 of time from Injection.

    Like the previous longterm studies confirmed.

    Like the current die off from the first 10 percent is panning out.

    It's only a few adversely affected until it's the whole entire lot.

    It's difficult to imagine what a world after that looks like.

    They're all gonna die because they dont understand the difference between trusting the science and practicing the science. Like medicine. A doctor doesn't run a trust a doctor runs a practice. New information pops up and one alters their approach for the best outcome, ideally. But they're gonna die and we will be left behind to clean up and continue on.

    Its gonna suck

    Kajal [2542083]

    Not to interrupt your blog, but I can't help but ask for clarification:
    are you saying that those of us who have been vaccinated are GOING to die from it, or just that you HOPE it happens?
    Yeah man. Dude really thinks he's gonna be Will Smith in I Am Legend in a couple years.

    • Styledcurve [2493033]
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    Posted on 06:18:35 - 29/11/21 (3 years ago)
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    Kajal [2542083]

    Not to interrupt your blog, but I can't help but ask for clarification:
    are you saying that those of us who have been vaccinated are GOING to die from it, or just that you HOPE it happens?
    I am saying the current die off rate of the first 10 percent is matching the animal studies of 2012.

    You would have trouble finding the result through Google, but I use duckduckgo


    Click the link and read their stories. Because they deserve to be heard.


    Also to the rest of them ,,,, nice job to the rest of the douchebag gang shitting on the thread to the best of their abilities.

    Bale would be proud

    Cowardly insecure bullies fail to feel self worth when they ain't f**king with others
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