Image of a black hole
Posted on 15:28:45 - 16/05/19 (5 years ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkWhile I love the meme's let keep it on topic people.
Posted on 15:43:31 - 16/05/19 (5 years ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkWhats that make? Something like 4 warnings now within these 8 pages of spam with no punishment?
- PopadaPill [900338]
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Posted on 09:21:29 - 17/05/19 (5 years ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkI made it from this guys..i mean ginger kids Youtube page..hes called Mr Scientific so you know hes all about science and the troofs n dat
Gee Whizz Mister,aint that purdy -
Posted on 11:31:18 - 18/05/19 (5 years ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkEinstein once said what really interests me is whether god had any choice in the creation of the world; as in, is this the only way you can make a universe? and what is the original structure of reality. Likewise Edgar D. Mitchell was one of the twelve astronauts to walk on the moon, and he said the most amazing part was the return journey, when he was looking out the window of the capsule he could the earth, the moon and the sun; suddenly he realized that every molecule in the spacecraft, in his body, and the other astronauts' bodies had all originated from some ancient star, at this moment he was overwhelmed with a sense of unity. It was all the same LEGO bricks, all part of the same game. The same cosmic terms of service. And it's no different for you and I, just having thoughts in the first place is made possible by electromagnetism conveying signals between neurons in our brains, plus holding our molecules together. As well as the strong interaction kindly keeping the nuclei of atoms specifically the protons and neutrons in place. Meanwhile, the curvature of space-time: gravity, has been keeping us from casually leaving the ground like balloon boy going for a quick wander through a passing jet engine. Meanwhile, the weak force has been quietly keeping quarks transmuting, regulating the nuclear fusion that powers the stars, some of which billion of years ago; prototyped all the carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen in our bodies allowing us to exist, in the first place. And all of this has been facilitated by the fundamental constants of nature, obeying speed of light, gravitational constants, and all the rest. The buttons the universe had done her coat up with. You know i don't have the charisma, looks, or predilections for orgies required to start a cult, but if i did, we'd need something to dislike, and that would be this weird recreational cynicism one comes across sometimes, that the world is boring and everything's been discovered. Has it? Has it f**king really? Alright, I must've been on the toilet when that particular ontological memo came through. Isn't it nicer and more honest in a way to admit we don't have a handle on anything yet. That there is nothing normal about reality, it's just an insane Jigsaw puzzle devised by a madman that's persisted long enough for us to accept as routine, and in a predictably ungrateful fashion, we still somehow invented a word for boredom. I don't know if you are having a shit time right now, maybe work sucks, or you are in a pinch or whatever and I am really sorry to hear that, but may I recommend that it is possible to put stuff into perspective just for a moment by remembering that every atom in your body is the direct result of universal laws we have no idea to the origin of, that there is in plain sight a mystery called everything. Nothing is self-evident and really, if we are honest, we don't even have a clue what the f**k reality is doing here in a first place.