Does your bullshit no no bounds?

Image of a black hole
Yeah its pretty good.
Englishman,Irishman and Scotsman fall into a Black HoleAnd they still make more sense than you...
Does your bullshit no no bounds?Hello Witless Man,how are youDid you know that there is a space after a comma, and other punctuation marks? I know you don't believe in space, but it does help others read your nonsense... unless you simply write your nonsense for yourself and the other inhabitants of the space between your ears... I know, I know I mentioned space again, and I know how that causes you great agitation, man guy..guy man. Sorry.Yee Gods,save me from this boring interaction.
Check out the new article in the Mars thread O Great ImbecileIamimpressedyouknowhowtospellImbeciledidyouseeitonFacebook,manguy..guyman?
And they still make more sense than you...
Does your bullshit no no bounds?Hello Witless Man,how are youDid you know that there is a space after a comma, and other punctuation marks? I know you don't believe in space, but it does help others read your nonsense... unless you simply write your nonsense for yourself and the other inhabitants of the space between your ears... I know, I know I mentioned space again, and I know how that causes you great agitation, man guy..guy man. Sorry.Yee Gods,save me from this boring interaction.
Check out the new article in the Mars thread O Great ImbecileIamimpressedyouknowhowtospellImbeciledidyouseeitonFacebook,manguy..guyman?
Earth Mother, Ganesha, Ra, Zeus, Jupiter, Mithra, Jesus, Allah,... GOD... and the Internet God of conspiracies... I beg you:
Please protect me from your followers.
I said HE(then your name on next line),steven..steven knows and i know what i was saying,i just left you out the loop cuz your a pissant.I posted images of that link you posted,its hilarious.
You are another who just chucks false accusations at me,drug fueled frenzy and my idols Charles Manson heeehee,untrue.
You know a lot about f**k all and zero about me or why i piss about in the forums Cadet Pathogen.
Sidenote-The dog was smuggled in with a guitar and a corn beef sandwich (corn beef sandwich,more hilarity)
Alas the dog was turned into a cat whilst out being walked by a black hole...If a dog pisses into a black hole it...ill save that one for later.
I will never lie to you. What I say is how I feel...
I said HE(then your name on next line),steven..steven knows and i know what i was saying,i just left you out the loop cuz your a pissant.I posted images of that link you posted,its hilarious.
You are another who just chucks false accusations at me,drug fueled frenzy and my idols Charles Manson heeehee,untrue.
You know a lot about f**k all and zero about me or why i piss about in the forums Cadet Pathogen.
Sidenote-The dog was smuggled in with a guitar and a corn beef sandwich (corn beef sandwich,more hilarity)
Alas the dog was turned into a cat whilst out being walked by a black hole...If a dog pisses into a black hole it...ill save that one for later.Same bullshit with no evidence, another day...
You are getting stale with your crap...
I said HE(then your name on next line),steven..steven knows and i know what i was saying,i just left you out the loop cuz your a pissant.I posted images of that link you posted,its hilarious.
You are another who just chucks false accusations at me,drug fueled frenzy and my idols Charles Manson heeehee,untrue.
You know a lot about f**k all and zero about me or why i piss about in the forums Cadet Pathogen.
Sidenote-The dog was smuggled in with a guitar and a corn beef sandwich (corn beef sandwich,more hilarity)
Alas the dog was turned into a cat whilst out being walked by a black hole...If a dog pisses into a black hole it...ill save that one for later.
Earth Mother, Ganesha, Ra, Zeus, Jupiter, Mithra, Jesus, Allah,... GOD... and the Internet God of conspiracies... I beg you:
Please protect me from your followers.
I said HE(then your name on next line),steven..steven knows and i know what i was saying,i just left you out the loop cuz your a pissant.I posted images of that link you posted,its hilarious.
You are another who just chucks false accusations at me,drug fueled frenzy and my idols Charles Manson heeehee,untrue.
You know a lot about f**k all and zero about me or why i piss about in the forums Cadet Pathogen.
Sidenote-The dog was smuggled in with a guitar and a corn beef sandwich (corn beef sandwich,more hilarity)
Alas the dog was turned into a cat whilst out being walked by a black hole...If a dog pisses into a black hole it...ill save that one for later.InevermadeathreadwithyournameImadeathreadwiththewordPopainitbutyougotallbutthurtandcriedlikethebitchyourare
turns out black holes are not as black after all
Earth Mother, Ganesha, Ra, Zeus, Jupiter, Mithra, Jesus, Allah,... GOD... and the Internet God of conspiracies... I beg you:
Please protect me from your followers.
^ ^ ^You gonna be sucked off by a big black hole steven,REPENT NOW
Earth Mother, Ganesha, Ra, Zeus, Jupiter, Mithra, Jesus, Allah,... GOD... and the Internet God of conspiracies... I beg you:
Please protect me from your followers.
^ ^ ^You gonna be sucked off by a big black hole steven,REPENT NOWBetter than being sucked off by a $5 dollar hooker. Less risk of nasty disease.
Repent for what? Understanding a little bit more science than the average kindergartner?
Please seek help. A nice adult education facility in your area maybe? Check the local library for details.
A brain is terrible thing to waste.
^ ^ ^You gonna be sucked off by a big black hole steven,REPENT NOWBetter than being sucked off by a $5 dollar hooker. Less risk of nasty disease.
Repent for what? Understanding a little bit more science than the average kindergartner?
Please seek help. A nice adult education facility in your area maybe? Check the local library for details.
A brain is terrible thing to waste.You just like saying the word 'Science',this is just a hunch but i reckon it makes you feel clever just saying it..its like magik.
Which is more real to you Steven,the pic i posted of the colourful black hole or the badly made flat earth simulator
Earth Mother, Ganesha, Ra, Zeus, Jupiter, Mithra, Jesus, Allah,... GOD... and the Internet God of conspiracies... I beg you:
Please protect me from your followers.
^ ^ ^You gonna be sucked off by a big black hole steven,REPENT NOWBetter than being sucked off by a $5 dollar hooker. Less risk of nasty disease.
Repent for what? Understanding a little bit more science than the average kindergartner?
Please seek help. A nice adult education facility in your area maybe? Check the local library for details.
A brain is terrible thing to waste.You just like saying the word 'Science',this is just a hunch but i reckon it makes you feel clever just saying it..its like magik.
Which is more real to you Steven,the pic i posted of the colourful black hole or the badly made flat earth simulatorYou had a hunch? Between your ears, or just your shoulders?
Science. Not just a word. An intellectual and practical activity for some.
^ ^ ^You gonna be sucked off by a big black hole steven,REPENT NOWBetter than being sucked off by a $5 dollar hooker. Less risk of nasty disease.
Repent for what? Understanding a little bit more science than the average kindergartner?
Please seek help. A nice adult education facility in your area maybe? Check the local library for details.
A brain is terrible thing to waste.You just like saying the word 'Science',this is just a hunch but i reckon it makes you feel clever just saying it..its like magik.
Which is more real to you Steven,the pic i posted of the colourful black hole or the badly made flat earth simulatorYou had a hunch? Between your ears, or just your shoulders?
Science. Not just a word. An intellectual and practical activity for some.Answer the question you nock.
Earth Mother, Ganesha, Ra, Zeus, Jupiter, Mithra, Jesus, Allah,... GOD... and the Internet God of conspiracies... I beg you:
Please protect me from your followers.
You gonna be sucked off by a big black hole steven,REPENT NOWBetter than being sucked off by a $5 dollar hooker. Less risk of nasty disease.
Repent for what? Understanding a little bit more science than the average kindergartner?
Please seek help. A nice adult education facility in your area maybe? Check the local library for details.
A brain is terrible thing to waste.You just like saying the word 'Science',this is just a hunch but i reckon it makes you feel clever just saying it..its like magik.
Which is more real to you Steven,the pic i posted of the colourful black hole or the badly made flat earth simulatorYou had a hunch? Between your ears, or just your shoulders?
Science. Not just a word. An intellectual and practical activity for some.Answer the question you nock.Make me.
What you gonna do? Beat me up with those Popeye arms you think are so attractive? Don't forget the Storm Trooper mask. I am sure it makes you feel super strong, huh?