Science is Dogma
- PopadaPill [900338]
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Posted on 16:17:56 - 16/10/18 (6 years ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post link -
- Heigw [1962062]
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Posted on 16:18:38 - 16/10/18 (6 years ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkNo I read and understood them (I actually liked "Little Woman" but pride and prejudice was a load of crap.) It just seems the only people who read them are kids who have to for school or people who think they are fancy. -
Posted on 16:27:42 - 16/10/18 (6 years ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkYou know... you sure get hung up on things don't you, Popa? I mean wouldn't that unnecessary post for this thread have gone better in the thread that pertained to the topic of the image?
What is your point, Popa? Relative to the subject of this thread... you know the one dealing with science as dogma, or are you simply trying your level best to derail another thread?Last edited by MachineGunSteve on 16:28:09 - 16/10/18 (6 years ago)Earth Mother, Ganesha, Ra, Zeus, Jupiter, Mithra, Jesus, Allah,... GOD... and the Internet God of conspiracies... I beg you:
Please protect me from your followers.
- PopadaPill [900338]
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Posted on 16:30:00 - 16/10/18 (6 years ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkGenuinely not sure if you're trolling.Whats it to you -
Posted on 16:30:05 - 16/10/18 (6 years ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkReading anything shouldn't be looked down on. By calling other people "fancy" for reading a book it makes you look kind of petty, imho. I think if you think about it a little you might agree.
Earth Mother, Ganesha, Ra, Zeus, Jupiter, Mithra, Jesus, Allah,... GOD... and the Internet God of conspiracies... I beg you:
Please protect me from your followers.
- Heigw [1962062]
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Posted on 16:35:44 - 16/10/18 (6 years ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkYeah, it is a little petty, guess I was just unloading some stagnant anger from having to read Pride and Prejudice and Little Woman in the same semester. So have you read either of them? -
Posted on 17:05:06 - 16/10/18 (6 years ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkWhatever next, TRT = literature?Honestly I have not. I am more of a Steinbeck, Heinlein, Asimov, Mccarthy, and biography and history man myself... romance is not my cup of tea, at all, lol.
Earth Mother, Ganesha, Ra, Zeus, Jupiter, Mithra, Jesus, Allah,... GOD... and the Internet God of conspiracies... I beg you:
Please protect me from your followers.
Posted on 17:16:12 - 16/10/18 (6 years ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkOh that's a load of baloney. The flat earthers have got it all wrong, the flat earth narrative is a red herring to disguise the real problem.
You see, the Earth is round. We know this from massively distributed measurements and activities that only work if it is round.
We also know all planets and comparable bodies are round, because we can see them via telescopes.
We, therefore, are all led to assume one thing.
That the moon, too, is round. This is not the case.
You see, the moon is actually not round. It is a prop. Either a super-large flat disc in orbit around earth, or a hologram projected onto the Earth's atmosphere, or an animated sprite that makes up the fiction of our matrix-verse. Whatever the case, it can only be that the moon is flat.
Why, you ask. It is all to hide why there are no alien signals from space, to hide from us a critical component about the Fermi Paradox. Scientists have long been drawn to the conclusion that the tidal forces from the moon may have been instrumental in the formation of Earth and life upon it, and when we see Earth-like planets with no such influence we, naturally, have an explanation as to why there is no life out there.
Aliens do not come from above, they are either part of Earth already, or have been inserted by the matrix.
All this flat-earth nonsense is just an intellectual distraction, a layer of camouflage upon the whole industry of science. The truth is out there, looking back at us.
- There is no opposite side of the moon, it cannot be seen from earth, and is never reliably photographed
- NASA only ever "landed" on the visible part of the moon
- NASA proved they landed there by attaching mirrors to the surface to reflect back lasers (easily faked on a flat moon)
- There is nothing stopping a hologram or matrix making an animated sprite that goes through the phases of the moon
- No normal person will ever set foot on the moon
- Space programmes are intentionally delayed so we don't find this out, we could have worked on this since the late 60s, but we didn'tLast edited by Hamr on 17:19:51 - 16/10/18 (6 years ago) -
Posted on 17:19:16 - 16/10/18 (6 years ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkBig pharma conspiracy theory :D
Don't know if you are trolling but,
I don't really believe in these conspiracy theories, might have some truth in them but with time you will find that the people behind these theories (not talking about the people who believe them) usually are the one who have bad intentions (making money from publicity, misinformation to deteriorate the image of a person or community, staying in power e.g. the church that gave the image that the Bavarian Illuminati are satanist when in real they were against the kings and the church power which was justified).
I went a little out of subject but i wanted to say finally that the image you gave is really interesting and have lot of truth in it. -
- Heigw [1962062]
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Posted on 17:19:38 - 16/10/18 (6 years ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkDo you think anyone read those old stories like "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austin and "Little Woman" by Luisa May Alcott when they were first wrote? No! The people of that time knew they were just shit and they made jokes just like this about them being considered literature. Here we are hundreds of years later and only people who want to look fancy read them. TRT = literature.
My God... I just defended shit. Well it's less of defending TRT and more bashing classic literature.I envy your not having read them! I think "Of Mice and Men" was Steinbeck right? That was a pretty good one. -
Posted on 17:39:22 - 16/10/18 (6 years ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkYes... people with an interest and the money to obtain them read them.
Just because one can't understand something, doesn't make that something wrong.Yes, Of Mice and Men... Steinbeck.
Being forced to read stuff sucks in my opinion. All it does is leave a bad taste in ones mouth usually. It is like trying to force someone to like a certain type of music, or a certain type of art. Sorry you were forced to read stuff that did not interest you. Bad teachers usually do that, or teachers that are forced to force students to do things... either way it is counter productive in my opinion.
Good luck finding good things to read... for pure fun, I love Stephen King books.Earth Mother, Ganesha, Ra, Zeus, Jupiter, Mithra, Jesus, Allah,... GOD... and the Internet God of conspiracies... I beg you:
Please protect me from your followers.
Posted on 17:40:23 - 16/10/18 (6 years ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkThumbs up for creative writing, lol.Last edited by MachineGunSteve on 17:42:32 - 16/10/18 (6 years ago)
Earth Mother, Ganesha, Ra, Zeus, Jupiter, Mithra, Jesus, Allah,... GOD... and the Internet God of conspiracies... I beg you:
Please protect me from your followers.
Posted on 17:46:48 - 16/10/18 (6 years ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkTy, but those images are so easy to fake, it's laughable.
To those in the know, this is like showing a blurry picture of bigfoot to a skeptic. -
- PopadaPill [900338]
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Posted on 11:14:45 - 17/10/18 (6 years ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkOoo whats he gonna say,I normally get the dad talk from steve after writing something similar -
Posted on 13:12:41 - 17/10/18 (6 years ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkIt's true, my PhD is being funded by the illuminatiIf you're trying to say that this is a photo of the moon, I've already answered this:
"...hologram projected onto the Earth's atmosphere, or an animated sprite that makes up the fiction of our matrix-verse." -
Posted on 17:44:06 - 17/10/18 (6 years ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkFirst before looking at the "science" we have to look at English definitions. Science is simply Observation. Observation can be done incorrectly, a paper written and everyone agrees even though it is wrong. How many famous scientists have been mocked for supporting the truth over the centuries? We all know those stories
Secondly, Dogma is the idea that information from an authority is of absolute truth. We have been programmed to think that scientists are never wrong and are of the utmost moral standards. This is a fallacy.
Who pays for the majority of studies? Government and Corporations. Thats certainly a conflict of interest and entities with serious creditability issues and enough influence
Sadly there are many people that only want to know who paid for a study and will reject it if the corporation has a poor reputation, IE Big Tobacco, Pharmaceuticals or Monsanto for example.
I guess my question to you, is the IPCC highy controversial? The first red flag in bunk science is controversy. No one questions spending time in nature and drinking water, this is because it is in fact good for you.
People who think free are free, that point here. -
Posted on 17:46:28 - 17/10/18 (6 years ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkTotally agree, if someone has made up there mind all you can do is plant seeds. If someone always believes authority versus using their brain you can never change their mind, this is called cognitive dissonance.
Posted on 17:58:03 - 17/10/18 (6 years ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkIn my estimate there is no real information supporting flat anything. Every time you discuss flat earth with anyone all you get is absurd complexities but still lacking any logic and displayed in a circular nature.
That said NASA is military industrial complex. I think we have been to the moon but not when we have been told we did. I think that shit was all faked. I would be more willing to accept that the earth is hallow than the earth is flat, it's absurd. OR for that matter that there are countless Alien civilizations out there.
I guess my real question is why is NASA constantly accused of doctoring photos and cutting the live feed?
Any person that can work a calculator and still believes we are alone in the Universe has some issues. -
Posted on 18:04:12 - 17/10/18 (6 years ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkIt's true, my PhD is being funded by the illuminatiI already said it... nice creative writing.
Believe whatever you want, but don't cry when all the other kids make fun of you for being a complete meathead.
Dad talk done.Earth Mother, Ganesha, Ra, Zeus, Jupiter, Mithra, Jesus, Allah,... GOD... and the Internet God of conspiracies... I beg you:
Please protect me from your followers.
Posted on 18:04:28 - 17/10/18 (6 years ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkIf we aren't alone in the universe, why is there absolutely no evidence for intelligent life anywhere?
In all the time and space the universe has had to produce other intelligent species, and given that even moving at only small fractions of the speed of light would see a galaxy conquered in around 10,000 -1,000,000 years, how is it that we are unable to detect any sort of signal, radiation burst, stellar fluctuation or shadow, or artificial phenomena of any kind that did not come from earth?
Hell, we don't even have any evidence from examining the atmospheres of exoplanets that any significant biological process has ever occurred?
The answer is that there is nothing out there, within our reach.
And that is likely because life is way less likely than previous estimations. Either due to astrological phenomena, terrestrial-style extinction events, rarity of the necessity of intelligence, or the proclivity of intelligent species to either wipe themselves out or transfer themselves into a low-emission machine race could all be more likely than we've previously estimated.
(I can both shitpost about my pet theory of the flat moon and still be aware of attempts to answer the Fermi Paradox) -