Science is Dogma - Page 5 | Science | TORN

Science is Dogma

    • Sepulchrave [2092631]
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    Posted on 20:46:56 - 17/10/18 (6 years ago)
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    It's your penny. If you think it's funny, go ahead. I have a lifetime of achievement behind me, so one offhand quote on an obscure point of comparative religion (for which very little formal discussion exists on the internet) does nothing to detract from my record or self-confidence. I have over 500 published articles popa - not all in science, but over 500, in a wide variety of print and online journals. Only once have I made a retraction, and that was on the subject of trade protection, and even then, it was a voluntary retraction. You like to dangle mr. dangler? Go ahead - he does have an amusing name. He is not, however, nearly as damning to me as the habitual content of your posts is to you. You are your own worst enemy, and a perpetual source of amusement to me.

    • PopadaPill [900338]
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    Posted on 20:54:33 - 17/10/18 (6 years ago)
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    I hope they post a little warning above everything you have published,'caution,may bore the pants off you and leave you bitterly disappointed after researching his material' 

    I already saw you blow your trumpet once and i already know how painful you are to read.Look around,any ****ing arsehole could get something published if they wrote the right dogshit to fit in with said dogshit publisher.Just becuase your Clown viewpoint gets into the clown publications that means something?Not to me Bucko 
    • Kleb [2016895]
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    Posted on 21:33:49 - 17/10/18 (6 years ago)
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    Kleb [2016895]

    No, you're right, we should listen to retards like you when making decisions that may effect all of humanity. That makes perfect sense.

    LawOfOne [266775]

    If you reread, instead of being ultra mature and hurling insults...we need to use our critical thinking skills, research for our selfs, educate our selfs, use intuition and most importantly stop being a sheeple and take everything an authority figure is true. 
    You sure this isn't your way of saying, "everyone is dumb because they don't think like me" because your critical thinking skills seemed to point towards you browsing the web for whatever conspiracy fits your narrative of how the world works. 

    Critical thinking means that you should be skeptical, but not to the point of idiocy. You are advocating that people be skeptical of something just because they don't understand it... That is ****ing dumb. And, by extension, you are dumb.
    • Kleb [2016895]
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    Posted on 21:41:20 - 17/10/18 (6 years ago)
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    LawOfOne [266775]

    I would not rule out giant race of humanoids have been on earth, most people don't blame Jews they blame the zionists and there is no way humans(Us) built the pyramids. First rule of finding the truth is never fully buying in to controversy.

    Sepulchrave [2092631]

    lol - ok, we've got another poppa-style tinfoil hatter on our hands. As soon as someone says "there is no way humans built the pyramids" you know you're dealing with a disabled person. As I learned long ago, creationists, flat earthers and other whack jobs are not in it for the debate or the exchange. They are in it to spread their low-IQ memes to other low-IQ people. Arguing with them directly achieves negative results, because to people lacking in critical thinking ability the discussion seems to legitimize the notion that their arguments are worth debating. This is a lesson I learned the hard way in uni - by setting up a debate between zoologists and creationists. There was no debate - how could there be when creationists know nothing about science? And the same goes for the flat earthers, etc. - there is no debate, just hostile argument and the further spread of bad memes.

    LawOfOne [266775]

    I learned long ago discussing anything with closed minded people who, insult people and  always side with the status quo is a waste of time.

    Evolution, the idea that cobbled up bones mean that no creation ever happened is from the same people that for many decades rolled out that Cro magnon was separate from Modern Humans because it shoots holes in the evolution theory. Which the inventor of the theory not only shot holes in his own theory but doubted its validity. 

    It is my opinion that there is no way that humans built them simply because of distances from raw materials and time it takes and the size of stones, specifically on the inside which are far heavier than ones easily seen from the outside. 

    That said I think the truth is some where in the middle. 

    I love how when someone thinks differently than you that your first response is anger loaded insults, Did they debate like that in Uni? Is that something you learned there?
    Because there is no evidence at all for your claim ... there are no giant egyptians in the fossil record. 

    People get angry when other people spew bullshit in a public forum. This is what debate is. The evidence says that those people where not aliens, they didn't have help from god, and they weren't giant. Your argument is a non argument, because your claim is based off nothing but what you believe.

    So, we are saying the evidence says x, and you say your world view says y ... well, simply put, there is no room for debate under that parameter. You are the closed minded one. If you presented evidence, we could be persuaded, but no evidence will ever persuade you

    Understand that. You say there is no way ... that is nothing but an unsubstantiated claim! Not evidence. Distance of materials? A claim, not evidence! Clearly they did it, and clearly they got the materials. So already, it would seem that your claim is disproven, and yet ... here you are? Believe in claims that don't make any sense.

    That's why I think you are retarded, and I rest my case.
    Last edited by Kleb on 21:42:09 - 17/10/18 (6 years ago)
    • MachineGunSteve [184119]
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    Posted on 22:45:55 - 17/10/18 (6 years ago)
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    MachineGunSteve [184119]

    I already said it... nice creative writing. 

    Believe whatever you want, but don't cry when all the other kids make fun of you for being a complete meathead.

    Dad talk done.

    PopadaPill [900338]

    You seem to cry all the time because people dont go with the crap you do.

    Why not make someone a thread in here because they dont believe same shite you do...get pissy again 

    MachineGunSteve [184119]

    I already made you a thread, Popa. You cry all the time about it, and then you accuse me of crying. The irony.

    PopadaPill [900338]

    Hey now,Why are you listening to them voices in your gut?You loony


    'Have at it Popa. This is your spot now, so you can post all the Twitter, and Facebook, and other pretty pictures you like to try and force down our throats. You post here, so some of us who choose to can ignore you.'

    You couldnt even do that could you steve,You couldnt ignore me if your fat life depended on it.

    MachineGunSteve [184119]

    Going with ones gut is decidedly different than having drug induced flashbacks and displaying signs of schizophrenia, Popa.

    Which drugs were you doing again... back in the day?

    That is your thread, Popa. I may have posted in it once or twice, but I really do stay out of it. Are you having fun there? I hope so... I really do.

    PopadaPill [900338]

    I counted 17 posts,Can you even count steve?

    I dont think you are all there.Come in number 9 your time is up
    Wow, you went back and counted my posts. How pathetic of you, but hey... you got me. My bad. I forgot I even posted there after I made the thing. Point for Popa. A sad point, but I'll give you one.

    I do see you found a way to spew your pedo and Jewish tripe in this here thread. Well done. You should be proud of yourself for providing all of us Tornites the proof that giant Jewish pedo's from Irish Phoenician stock built the pyramids, and foisted fake science on us all in an effort to... what exactly, Popa? Where does your conspiracy end exactly? Satan's Saturn Cube? What is the end game all knowing Internet Prophet? What does the buzzing tell you is going to happen? Please enlighten us... please?

    Last edited by MachineGunSteve on 22:48:52 - 17/10/18 (6 years ago)

    Earth Mother, Ganesha, Ra, Zeus, Jupiter, Mithra, Jesus, Allah,... GOD...  and the Internet God of conspiracies... I beg you:


    Please protect me from your followers.



    • Quickdraw [915500]
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    Posted on 23:52:02 - 17/10/18 (6 years ago)
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    Lewri [1762864]

    Genuinely not sure if you're trolling.

    LawOfOne [266775]

    Why would I troll something that is 100% true. People use science as the ultimate authority figure and worship it as if was a God. They program us with bunk cherry picked studies that only fit their narrative of the truth. Like the IPCC, half the people in the world actually believe a study that many brave and  honest scientists call "highly flawed and lacking any scientific method at all. 

    Lewri [1762864]

    Ok, this is a slightly more reasonable post than the original. It covers an extremely complex topic that involves a report analysing over 6000 other scientific works, as such, what with the extreme workload I currently have, this will be a brief reply.

    There may be people who take science as the ultimate authority and "worship" it, but why is that? Well the reason is quite clearly that its because science is purely a method of analysis of reality. What better is there to believe in? Admittedly this leads to problems when the media gets involved and people start assuming that if something has the word science in it then it's true. Take this for example: a study that purposely "p-hacked" to get the results they want. But a study doesn't necessarily need to p-hacked for results as a lot of accepted statistically significant uncertainty ranges are actually quite weak resulting in studies like this: which also shows the problem with lack of publication of replications resulting in a large percent of published work being wrong (expertly covered by Veritasium here: 

    Now all this leads to the problem of some people (who don't understand science) taking random studies and assuming them to be correct ("I fear the man of a single [study]") and this is why we talk about scientific consensus. For example, the scientific consensus on antrhopogenic climate change: 

    So in short of the above, some people misinterpret science. Now what about the whole fitting my narrative thing? Well if anyone tells you that all or most scientists fake or purposely misinterpret data just so that they get money, throw them in a mental institution. A more common problem on the other hand is bias effecting the methods they use to analyse results (please see:, but having lots of people analysing something drastically reduces bias.

    If you want to argue that the IPCC report had methodological flaws, fair enough but please do point out those flaws and breakdown what is actually wrong. Saying there's some "scientists" (how many, what are their qualifications, do they work in relative fields, what's their experience with data and statistical analysis?) who disagree is a bit lacking and for anyone to say that a statistical analysis of over 6000 scientific works isn't scientific is just downright absurd. 

    If the media runs amock with something are you truly going to blame the scientists for it?

    As for your comparison of old days science to contemporary science, I call bull. Im a physics student so I look at a phenomenon, I figure out how it works, I then figure out what predictions I can make with that model and I go and see if those predictions are right. Another thing that must happen though is looking at a set of data and saying what does this actually mean? 

    To me, the most important things about science are the repeatability and the quantification. I think anyone who disagrees is not being scientific and so any dogma around them is just an unfortunate product of them calling themselves scientists.

    MachineGunSteve [184119]

    You are wasting your time, Mr. Lewri... and your typing. 

    No matter how you try to explain it, if the audience lacks the necessary ability to think critically... the battle is lost from the beginning. You would have a better chance of explaining the Higgs boson to a dead cockroach.

    LawOfOne [266775]

    Totally agree, if someone has made up there mind all you can do is plant seeds. If someone always believes authority versus using their brain you can never change their mind, this is called cognitive dissonance.
    This might have been addressed already, but I am not going to read all of this thread to find out. Science is inherently anti-authoritarian. Anybody can go and make observations, and if they have done so correctly they can publish them and participate in the scientific discussion. It might seem like you have to trust scientists authority because it is hard to understand science and most people are not willing to put in the effort to do so. But anybody can do it if they are not lazy. So for example, if you do not trust the findings of the scientists who contribute to the IPCC report, you can perform your own experiments and observations and prove them wrong! It does not require fancy technology, we have understood the basic idea that CO2 heats the atmosphere and that humans contribute to this for since at least 1900. Doubting anything that does not conform to your pre-concieved ideas does NOT make you a free thinker. Using the tools you have available to perform detailed observations and discover something (i.e. doing science) is what makes you a free thinker.
    • Quickdraw [915500]
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    Posted on 00:20:20 - 18/10/18 (6 years ago)
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    LawOfOne [266775]

    I would not rule out giant race of humanoids have been on earth, most people don't blame Jews they blame the zionists and there is no way humans(Us) built the pyramids. First rule of finding the truth is never fully buying in to controversy.

    Sepulchrave [2092631]

    lol - ok, we've got another poppa-style tinfoil hatter on our hands. As soon as someone says "there is no way humans built the pyramids" you know you're dealing with a disabled person. As I learned long ago, creationists, flat earthers and other whack jobs are not in it for the debate or the exchange. They are in it to spread their low-IQ memes to other low-IQ people. Arguing with them directly achieves negative results, because to people lacking in critical thinking ability the discussion seems to legitimize the notion that their arguments are worth debating. This is a lesson I learned the hard way in uni - by setting up a debate between zoologists and creationists. There was no debate - how could there be when creationists know nothing about science? And the same goes for the flat earthers, etc. - there is no debate, just hostile argument and the further spread of bad memes.
    "Arguing with them directly achieves negative results, because to people lacking in critical thinking ability the discussion seems to legitimize the notion that their arguments are worth debating."

    I think this is a good point, and I generally follow it and try not to engage with trolls, but I also want to know why these kinds of people think the things they do so I post on torn forums sometimes. I was wondering if you have any ideas about how to engage with these type of people? For example, the OP is wrong, but he believes what he says and votes based on that belief. So it is really important that scientists can somehow engage with these people to demystify science so that to the layperson it is not simply trusting an authority. 
    • Sepulchrave [2092631]
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    Posted on 00:36:25 - 18/10/18 (6 years ago)
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    LawOfOne [266775]

    I would not rule out giant race of humanoids have been on earth, most people don't blame Jews they blame the zionists and there is no way humans(Us) built the pyramids. First rule of finding the truth is never fully buying in to controversy.

    Sepulchrave [2092631]

    lol - ok, we've got another poppa-style tinfoil hatter on our hands. As soon as someone says "there is no way humans built the pyramids" you know you're dealing with a disabled person. As I learned long ago, creationists, flat earthers and other whack jobs are not in it for the debate or the exchange. They are in it to spread their low-IQ memes to other low-IQ people. Arguing with them directly achieves negative results, because to people lacking in critical thinking ability the discussion seems to legitimize the notion that their arguments are worth debating. This is a lesson I learned the hard way in uni - by setting up a debate between zoologists and creationists. There was no debate - how could there be when creationists know nothing about science? And the same goes for the flat earthers, etc. - there is no debate, just hostile argument and the further spread of bad memes.

    Quickdraw [915500]

    "Arguing with them directly achieves negative results, because to people lacking in critical thinking ability the discussion seems to legitimize the notion that their arguments are worth debating."

    I think this is a good point, and I generally follow it and try not to engage with trolls, but I also want to know why these kinds of people think the things they do so I post on torn forums sometimes. I was wondering if you have any ideas about how to engage with these type of people? For example, the OP is wrong, but he believes what he says and votes based on that belief. So it is really important that scientists can somehow engage with these people to demystify science so that to the layperson it is not simply trusting an authority. 
    Agreed. The problem is that arguing with individuals who are entrenched in their fallacies is always a losing battle. These are not children with open and curious minds who can gently be taught logic and methodology. These are adults, proselytizing for their individual delusions. They are hostile to science, logic and critical thinking, and looking for people of similar emotional temperaments to join their crusade. The reason I occasionally address their bullshit is to offer an alternative. Nothing I say will ever get through their skulls, and I know that. But if you can be any help to a mind on the formative fence, you have done a good deed. It is key, however, not to respond in kind to hostility. As soon as you engage at Popa's level the battle is lost.

    • PopadaPill [900338]
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    Posted on 00:37:33 - 18/10/18 (6 years ago)
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    PopadaPill [900338]

    You seem to cry all the time because people dont go with the crap you do.

    Why not make someone a thread in here because they dont believe same shite you do...get pissy again 

    MachineGunSteve [184119]

    I already made you a thread, Popa. You cry all the time about it, and then you accuse me of crying. The irony.

    PopadaPill [900338]

    Hey now,Why are you listening to them voices in your gut?You loony


    'Have at it Popa. This is your spot now, so you can post all the Twitter, and Facebook, and other pretty pictures you like to try and force down our throats. You post here, so some of us who choose to can ignore you.'

    You couldnt even do that could you steve,You couldnt ignore me if your fat life depended on it.

    MachineGunSteve [184119]

    Going with ones gut is decidedly different than having drug induced flashbacks and displaying signs of schizophrenia, Popa.

    Which drugs were you doing again... back in the day?

    That is your thread, Popa. I may have posted in it once or twice, but I really do stay out of it. Are you having fun there? I hope so... I really do.

    PopadaPill [900338]

    I counted 17 posts,Can you even count steve?

    I dont think you are all there.Come in number 9 your time is up

    MachineGunSteve [184119]

    Wow, you went back and counted my posts. How pathetic of you, but hey... you got me. My bad. I forgot I even posted there after I made the thing. Point for Popa. A sad point, but I'll give you one.

    I do see you found a way to spew your pedo and Jewish tripe in this here thread. Well done. You should be proud of yourself for providing all of us Tornites the proof that giant Jewish pedo's from Irish Phoenician stock built the pyramids, and foisted fake science on us all in an effort to... what exactly, Popa? Where does your conspiracy end exactly? Satan's Saturn Cube? What is the end game all knowing Internet Prophet? What does the buzzing tell you is going to happen? Please enlighten us... please?

    Oh dear.You have a go at me because i could recall something,i knew you had posted in that thread more than one or two times just because you cant remember what day it is.Which brings me onto you saying I(?) found a way to 'spew pedo and jewish tribe in this thread' when if you look its you who started banging on about that to someone else..You mention Jews  1st i believe.Behold '---

    MachineGunSteve [184119] ''Wow, someone dumb enough to believe that what he or she calls evidence is anything but...

    You believe in a race of giants who once lived on earth too, and that the Jews are responsible for everything bad that ever happened, and that Irish people built the Pyramids?

    If so, you and Popa should get along nicely. You guys could team up with Candymonster, and tell stories.''

    Then the other guy started banging on about synagogues.

    End game?May be madness steve,its hard to diagnose you over the internet 8¬D
    • Sepulchrave [2092631]
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    Posted on 00:43:32 - 18/10/18 (6 years ago)
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    MachineGunSteve [184119]

    I already made you a thread, Popa. You cry all the time about it, and then you accuse me of crying. The irony.

    PopadaPill [900338]

    Hey now,Why are you listening to them voices in your gut?You loony


    'Have at it Popa. This is your spot now, so you can post all the Twitter, and Facebook, and other pretty pictures you like to try and force down our throats. You post here, so some of us who choose to can ignore you.'

    You couldnt even do that could you steve,You couldnt ignore me if your fat life depended on it.

    MachineGunSteve [184119]

    Going with ones gut is decidedly different than having drug induced flashbacks and displaying signs of schizophrenia, Popa.

    Which drugs were you doing again... back in the day?

    That is your thread, Popa. I may have posted in it once or twice, but I really do stay out of it. Are you having fun there? I hope so... I really do.

    PopadaPill [900338]

    I counted 17 posts,Can you even count steve?

    I dont think you are all there.Come in number 9 your time is up

    MachineGunSteve [184119]

    Wow, you went back and counted my posts. How pathetic of you, but hey... you got me. My bad. I forgot I even posted there after I made the thing. Point for Popa. A sad point, but I'll give you one.

    I do see you found a way to spew your pedo and Jewish tripe in this here thread. Well done. You should be proud of yourself for providing all of us Tornites the proof that giant Jewish pedo's from Irish Phoenician stock built the pyramids, and foisted fake science on us all in an effort to... what exactly, Popa? Where does your conspiracy end exactly? Satan's Saturn Cube? What is the end game all knowing Internet Prophet? What does the buzzing tell you is going to happen? Please enlighten us... please?


    PopadaPill [900338]

    Oh dear.You have a go at me because i could recall something,i knew you had posted in that thread more than one or two times just because you cant remember what day it is.Which brings me onto you saying I(?) found a way to 'spew pedo and jewish tribe in this thread' when if you look its you who started banging on about that to someone else..You mention Jews  1st i believe.Behold '---

    MachineGunSteve [184119] ''Wow, someone dumb enough to believe that what he or she calls evidence is anything but...

    You believe in a race of giants who once lived on earth too, and that the Jews are responsible for everything bad that ever happened, and that Irish people built the Pyramids?

    If so, you and Popa should get along nicely. You guys could team up with Candymonster, and tell stories.''

    Then the other guy started banging on about synagogues.

    End game?May be madness steve,its hard to diagnose you over the internet 8¬D
    Why would you link to a shitty cover of a great song? Losing faith in you Popa. Get your act together.

    • MachineGunSteve [184119]
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    Posted on 00:49:57 - 18/10/18 (6 years ago)
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    You could recall exactly 17 posts... hmmm? I am going to call bullshit.

    Yes, I mentioned your typical bullshit post, and you did exactly what I figured you would do. Congrats, genius. You are like an old scratched up vinyl disk... you keep spinning and repeating the same old verse over and over.

    What drugs, Popa? I know you mentioned them years ago in these threads, but I can't remember what you wrote. Why not get if off your chest again? It could count as an AA visit.

    Last edited by MachineGunSteve on 00:51:01 - 18/10/18 (6 years ago)

    Earth Mother, Ganesha, Ra, Zeus, Jupiter, Mithra, Jesus, Allah,... GOD...  and the Internet God of conspiracies... I beg you:


    Please protect me from your followers.



    • DammitArcher [2036722]
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    Posted on 01:31:50 - 18/10/18 (6 years ago)
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    OP be like
    • PopadaPill [900338]
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    Posted on 07:57:55 - 18/10/18 (6 years ago)
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    PopadaPill [900338]

    Hey now,Why are you listening to them voices in your gut?You loony


    'Have at it Popa. This is your spot now, so you can post all the Twitter, and Facebook, and other pretty pictures you like to try and force down our throats. You post here, so some of us who choose to can ignore you.'

    You couldnt even do that could you steve,You couldnt ignore me if your fat life depended on it.

    MachineGunSteve [184119]

    Going with ones gut is decidedly different than having drug induced flashbacks and displaying signs of schizophrenia, Popa.

    Which drugs were you doing again... back in the day?

    That is your thread, Popa. I may have posted in it once or twice, but I really do stay out of it. Are you having fun there? I hope so... I really do.

    PopadaPill [900338]

    I counted 17 posts,Can you even count steve?

    I dont think you are all there.Come in number 9 your time is up

    MachineGunSteve [184119]

    Wow, you went back and counted my posts. How pathetic of you, but hey... you got me. My bad. I forgot I even posted there after I made the thing. Point for Popa. A sad point, but I'll give you one.

    I do see you found a way to spew your pedo and Jewish tripe in this here thread. Well done. You should be proud of yourself for providing all of us Tornites the proof that giant Jewish pedo's from Irish Phoenician stock built the pyramids, and foisted fake science on us all in an effort to... what exactly, Popa? Where does your conspiracy end exactly? Satan's Saturn Cube? What is the end game all knowing Internet Prophet? What does the buzzing tell you is going to happen? Please enlighten us... please?


    PopadaPill [900338]

    Oh dear.You have a go at me because i could recall something,i knew you had posted in that thread more than one or two times just because you cant remember what day it is.Which brings me onto you saying I(?) found a way to 'spew pedo and jewish tribe in this thread' when if you look its you who started banging on about that to someone else..You mention Jews  1st i believe.Behold '---

    MachineGunSteve [184119] ''Wow, someone dumb enough to believe that what he or she calls evidence is anything but...

    You believe in a race of giants who once lived on earth too, and that the Jews are responsible for everything bad that ever happened, and that Irish people built the Pyramids?

    If so, you and Popa should get along nicely. You guys could team up with Candymonster, and tell stories.''

    Then the other guy started banging on about synagogues.

    End game?May be madness steve,its hard to diagnose you over the internet 8¬D

    Sepulchrave [2092631]

    Why would you link to a shitty cover of a great song? Losing faith in you Popa. Get your act together.
    Thats great hunni
    • PopadaPill [900338]
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    Posted on 08:01:22 - 18/10/18 (6 years ago)
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    MachineGunSteve [184119]


    You could recall exactly 17 posts... hmmm? I am going to call bullshit.

    Yes, I mentioned your typical bullshit post, and you did exactly what I figured you would do. Congrats, genius. You are like an old scratched up vinyl disk... you keep spinning and repeating the same old verse over and over.

    What drugs, Popa? I know you mentioned them years ago in these threads, but I can't remember what you wrote. Why not get if off your chest again? It could count as an AA visit.

    No..I recalled you had posted in it more than the one or two times you said,then i went and checked.

    Checking things out isnt yours and Sepulchrave's bag,you dont do it.


    I used inject LSD into my eyeballs.
    • Heigw [1962062]
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    Posted on 18:18:53 - 18/10/18 (6 years ago)
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    MachineGunSteve [184119]


    You could recall exactly 17 posts... hmmm? I am going to call bullshit.

    Yes, I mentioned your typical bullshit post, and you did exactly what I figured you would do. Congrats, genius. You are like an old scratched up vinyl disk... you keep spinning and repeating the same old verse over and over.

    What drugs, Popa? I know you mentioned them years ago in these threads, but I can't remember what you wrote. Why not get if off your chest again? It could count as an AA visit.

    I once bought a used album of Blueberry Hill by Fats Domino at a resale shop that was scratched right on "oo" of blue.  It was entertaining for a while... then it got so annoying that it is only used as a frisbee now.



    • Appalachian [2173480]
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    Posted on 16:04:58 - 25/01/19 (5 years ago)
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    There isn't a lot of difference between science and religion when it comes to their methods and objectives. Both claim to seek the truth, both claim to want to liberate men, both stand on principles and both depend on influence and money to further their objectives. Religion stands on both faith (there is a god) and fact (certain behaviors, like murder and stealing are wrong); science likewise stands on faith (scientific theory) and fact (scientific laws). In both cases, they feel they are right and in both cases, they try to control the minds of men.

    The one area where science and religion differs is compromise. While scientists tend to be pretty stubborn when it comes to admitting certain scientific ideas are nothing more than theory, they do eventually come around when enough evidence proves it wrong. Religion on the other hand is incapable of such honesty because adherents believe their ideas come straight from the mouth of god.
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