Hospital amnesty - Page 3 | Suggestions | TORN

Hospital amnesty

    • Scruffy [1835702]
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    Posted on 02:27:53 - 30/10/15 (9 years ago)
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    Unknown_Element [450910]

    First of all this should be in suggestion part of forum
    Second you don't get to pick and choose if people support your idea or think its dumb
    Third have some hosp time on me

    tsunami511 [1960722]

    First, this is a general discussion forum, so I can talk about what I wish.
    Second, it is my post so I am at free will whether to show my like or dislike in others poor ability to follow conversation.
    Third, using your high rank and money to put bounties on a level 8 for telling you not to be a dick is cowardly.

    Doesn't matter what you do to punish me, enjoy knowing you are a shmuck.

    Unknown_Element [450910]

    Lol. That just added about 100 more and newbs wonder why they get hosped and bountied. All I said It was stupid and you got All sensitive bout it. Enjoy the white screen for a while.

    Had you asked why I thought it was dumb I would of discussed it but getting snippy was the wrong choice

    tsunami511 [1960722]

    If you were a level 8 and I was a level 90 you wouldn't have said it was stupid. You got sensitive about me being sensitive so you did something that I cannot defend myself from. That makes you a low life hypocrite and you know it. Noobs get bountied because the senior players can behave this way and get away with it. If I cannot stand my ground in a game against dicks when I was being perfectly nice, then this isn't the community for me.

    Scruffy [1835702]

    He's not going to leave you alone if you keep going back at him lol 14 days old I wouldnt expect you to know who and who not to go head to head against in the forums. For future reference, to avoid being bountied check the players bountying stats, its very clear UE will bounty you in a heart beat for a good laugh lol, and the way you treated....I dont blame him.

    To stay on topic, the hospital probably wont change anytime soon, endure the bounties, endure the hospitalizations, get to level 15 and fly to manage your medical cooldown and make some cash.

    Consequences [1948505]

    UE loves to bounty weak people because like a lot of people on TORN he is a coward or has something bad in life he has to make up for.

    Just like certain people who talk **** behind their monitor but when you suggest meeting IRL and getting in the ring for charity and having your fisticuffs there you suddenly don't hear from them anymore.
    I'd have to disagree! I am almost 100% positive its because of people like you, cant take your bounty without bitching about it on the forums. That just adds a comedic value to the whole game, but I get it being bountied sucks. I've been bountied for months straight, never bitched about it on the forums though. Did I deserve those bounties? I deserved all 600+ of them, but I had a lot of fun bountying them back or watching them piss money away!

    Also, why would anyone want to meet up with you in RL? You're clearly unstable as it is, getting all worked up about being bountied, if it bothers you that much, fly to mexico, log out and dont return for atleast 7 days. The bounties will have timed out and been removed by then.
    • Candymonster [1632600]
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    Posted on 04:10:29 - 30/10/15 (9 years ago)
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    Thats a good post Scruffy120 R+
    • Pistachio [1595823]
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    Posted on 04:17:05 - 30/10/15 (9 years ago)
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    tsunami511 [1960722]

    First, this is a general discussion forum, so I can talk about what I wish.
    Second, it is my post so I am at free will whether to show my like or dislike in others poor ability to follow conversation.
    Third, using your high rank and money to put bounties on a level 8 for telling you not to be a dick is cowardly.

    Doesn't matter what you do to punish me, enjoy knowing you are a shmuck.

    Unknown_Element [450910]

    Lol. That just added about 100 more and newbs wonder why they get hosped and bountied. All I said It was stupid and you got All sensitive bout it. Enjoy the white screen for a while.

    Had you asked why I thought it was dumb I would of discussed it but getting snippy was the wrong choice

    tsunami511 [1960722]

    If you were a level 8 and I was a level 90 you wouldn't have said it was stupid. You got sensitive about me being sensitive so you did something that I cannot defend myself from. That makes you a low life hypocrite and you know it. Noobs get bountied because the senior players can behave this way and get away with it. If I cannot stand my ground in a game against dicks when I was being perfectly nice, then this isn't the community for me.

    Scruffy [1835702]

    He's not going to leave you alone if you keep going back at him lol 14 days old I wouldnt expect you to know who and who not to go head to head against in the forums. For future reference, to avoid being bountied check the players bountying stats, its very clear UE will bounty you in a heart beat for a good laugh lol, and the way you treated....I dont blame him.

    To stay on topic, the hospital probably wont change anytime soon, endure the bounties, endure the hospitalizations, get to level 15 and fly to manage your medical cooldown and make some cash.

    Consequences [1948505]

    UE loves to bounty weak people because like a lot of people on TORN he is a coward or has something bad in life he has to make up for.

    Just like certain people who talk **** behind their monitor but when you suggest meeting IRL and getting in the ring for charity and having your fisticuffs there you suddenly don't hear from them anymore.

    Scruffy [1835702]

    I'd have to disagree! I am almost 100% positive its because of people like you, cant take your bounty without bitching about it on the forums. That just adds a comedic value to the whole game, but I get it being bountied sucks. I've been bountied for months straight, never bitched about it on the forums though. Did I deserve those bounties? I deserved all 600+ of them, but I had a lot of fun bountying them back or watching them piss money away!

    Also, why would anyone want to meet up with you in RL? You're clearly unstable as it is, getting all worked up about being bountied, if it bothers you that much, fly to mexico, log out and dont return for atleast 7 days. The bounties will have timed out and been removed by then.
    isn't all that about him being a whiney bitch and only being level eight? he can't fly to mexico XD
    • Pistachio [1595823]
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    Posted on 04:17:16 - 30/10/15 (9 years ago)
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    ps R-
    • Unknown_Element [450910]
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    Posted on 04:31:31 - 30/10/15 (9 years ago)
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    I have to laugh when people say I only bounty weak people when I've loaded up pages with bounties on staff and high level players Yeah it's mostly lower levels now cause the higher levels don't act silly like these noobs. He'll just my average bounty amount proves consequence wrong. Kinda funny how he says bounties don't affect him but he talks about them a lot.

    Also got to laugh about the fighting for charity thing. He knows darn well that nobody will show up cause who is gonna waste the time and money to fly cross country to meet someone who has to keep restarting the game. If someone was silly enough to agree he would just disappear and make another account. Sounds to me he's still butthurt bout last haloween
    Last edited by Unknown_Element on 04:32:40 - 30/10/15 (9 years ago)

    • Candymonster [1632600]
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    Posted on 10:26:27 - 30/10/15 (9 years ago)
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    Unknown_Element [450910]

    I have to laugh when people say I only bounty weak people when I've loaded up pages with bounties on staff and high level players Yeah it's mostly lower levels now cause the higher levels don't act silly like these noobs. He'll just my average bounty amount proves consequence wrong. Kinda funny how he says bounties don't affect him but he talks about them a lot.

    Also got to laugh about the fighting for charity thing. He knows darn well that nobody will show up cause who is gonna waste the time and money to fly cross country to meet someone who has to keep restarting the game. If someone was silly enough to agree he would just disappear and make another account. Sounds to me he's still butthurt bout last haloween
    He means to say just high levels and sometimes they happen to be staff.
    • PMV [1577993]
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    Posted on 10:30:31 - 30/10/15 (9 years ago)
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    Do not like
    • Consequences [1948505]
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    Posted on 10:48:06 - 30/10/15 (9 years ago)
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    Unknown_Element [450910]

    I have to laugh when people say I only bounty weak people when I've loaded up pages with bounties on staff and high level players Yeah it's mostly lower levels now cause the higher levels don't act silly like these noobs. He'll just my average bounty amount proves consequence wrong. Kinda funny how he says bounties don't affect him but he talks about them a lot.

    Also got to laugh about the fighting for charity thing. He knows darn well that nobody will show up cause who is gonna waste the time and money to fly cross country to meet someone who has to keep restarting the game. If someone was silly enough to agree he would just disappear and make another account. Sounds to me he's still butthurt bout last haloween
    That is the universal excuse of all keyboard warriors. Like yourself.

    Personally I love bounties just not anonymous ones given by people who live about them :D
    • Unknown_Element [450910]
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    Posted on 10:57:15 - 30/10/15 (9 years ago)
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    Unknown_Element [450910]

    I have to laugh when people say I only bounty weak people when I've loaded up pages with bounties on staff and high level players Yeah it's mostly lower levels now cause the higher levels don't act silly like these noobs. He'll just my average bounty amount proves consequence wrong. Kinda funny how he says bounties don't affect him but he talks about them a lot.

    Also got to laugh about the fighting for charity thing. He knows darn well that nobody will show up cause who is gonna waste the time and money to fly cross country to meet someone who has to keep restarting the game. If someone was silly enough to agree he would just disappear and make another account. Sounds to me he's still butthurt bout last haloween

    Consequences [1948505]

    That is the universal excuse of all keyboard warriors. Like yourself.

    Personally I love bounties just not anonymous ones given by people who live about them :D
    Whatever dude. I'm hardly a keyboard warrior. I just don't tolerate insolence from plebes so no excuses here proof is in the pudding. Ask the level 75 I bountied for 6 month's to the tune of about 3 quarters of a billion dollars or the entire staff I bountied one day
    So the crap that I only pick on weak players is false.

    As for the reality charity fighting. Seriously get a grip. Who the hell is gonna fly cross the country or from other countries to spank an internet troll who keeps making New accounts. Not like you would waste the money and time to travel so all the false bravado about meeting people from the internet to fight is just that...false. That's something 14 year olds say and do. Might want to grow up a bit there buddy
    Last edited by Unknown_Element on 10:58:01 - 30/10/15 (9 years ago)

    • Consequences [1948505]
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    Posted on 12:45:00 - 30/10/15 (9 years ago)
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    I have done it before.

    On the flip side someone from Scotland once turned up on my doorstep and actually chinned me :D I think he lost some teeth that day.

    But people like you just stay safe behind your computer and that is the only reason you feel good about bountying anyone!
    • Unknown_Element [450910]
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    Posted on 13:17:39 - 30/10/15 (9 years ago)
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    Consequences [1948505]

    I have done it before.

    On the flip side someone from Scotland once turned up on my doorstep and actually chinned me :D I think he lost some teeth that day.

    But people like you just stay safe behind your computer and that is the only reason you feel good about bountying anyone!
    It's a game. Get over it
    If your getting in real fights which I seriously doubt over internet stuff your issues might be a bit bigger then the game. I've played torn for 9 years and your about the only one that is silly enough to fight in real life about shit that happens in a game.
    With that being said. I'm a bit too grown for that kiddy. crap but has nothing to do about hidin I'd sit right next to anyone and bounty them. Might want to rethink things if you get that upset you want fight over internet crap. After all it's just a game.

    I'm not even trying to be dickish just trying to give you some advice cause time to get over the kiddy shit. Junior high school ended along time ago

    • Consequences [1948505]
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    Posted on 20:17:11 - 30/10/15 (9 years ago)
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    Well if you have to bounty small people who struggle and then blame your bullying on "its a game" because you are too pansy to do it to people who can bite back then what does that say about you?
    • Unknown_Element [450910]
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    Posted on 22:23:58 - 30/10/15 (9 years ago)
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    Consequences [1948505]

    Well if you have to bounty small people who struggle and then blame your bullying on "its a game" because you are too pansy to do it to people who can bite back then what does that say about you?
    Point is If you haven't read is that I have bounties many a person way stronger then me for long periods of time. It doesn't matter level age strength I'll bounty anyone. Its just at this current time no high levels have given me any reason to, just newbs and restarts atm. Its not about picking on the weak. Its about punishing loudmouths who right a check with there mouth that their ass can't cash. Now run along lil man

    • Candymonster [1632600]
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    Posted on 00:17:00 - 31/10/15 (9 years ago)
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    Consequences [1948505]

    Well if you have to bounty small people who struggle and then blame your bullying on "its a game" because you are too pansy to do it to people who can bite back then what does that say about you?
    Just give it up. Give your opinion when you have money and good status so bounties wont effective you. this is how the game works, be nice and cool make high level friends, get strong get money and a good fraction then when you been on long enough you have the power to give your opinion on anything with out some guy getting mad and killing you for weeks just because you said he is a bully but if he does you have lots of med no one your level can attack you so the bounties help you on getting free defenses.

    No higher level wants a low level telling them what they can and can not do or criticizing them that's how the game works.
    • Consequences [1948505]
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    Posted on 01:17:01 - 31/10/15 (9 years ago)
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    Telling people they can only have an opinion when they "have money and good status" is a bullies modus operandi which is exactly the point I am getting at here. This is like telling a spider "you can't have a life until you are as big as me" and then standing on them to kill them...come across a dish sized spider though and suddenly he is running away.

    I have the power right now because of three things

    1. Bounties don't phase me. Why do you think I call out bullies knowing they see me as weak because I am <100 days old in a game? Do you think I don't know this will cause bounties?
    2. I have enough REAL LIFE money to donate enough that I would have 10x the networth of Rawr let alone UE if I didn't prioritise better hobbies.
    3. I stand up to bullies and I go to bed snickering to myself that if he was next to me IRL he would piss his pants and certainly wouldn't be dishing out "bounties" or whatever the real life equivalant is. And I 100% doubt he would do it to ANYONE.
    • Candymonster [1632600]
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    Posted on 01:29:33 - 31/10/15 (9 years ago)
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    You can just don't get made or make a post about bullies

    Its like this.
    You know the saying respect your elders??
    Its like that, get older then you will get respect.
    same like real life
    Last edited by Candymonster on 01:46:21 - 31/10/15 (9 years ago)
    • Candymonster [1632600]
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    Posted on 01:37:37 - 31/10/15 (9 years ago)
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    But sure man do what you want.
    • Unknown_Element [450910]
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    Posted on 01:47:49 - 31/10/15 (9 years ago)
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    This guy might wanto stop copying evil ducks storyline. The rich guy fighter routine is already being used by ED he really should get his own routine
    Last edited by Unknown_Element on 01:56:53 - 31/10/15 (9 years ago)

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