Rittenhouse Anniversary - Page 17 | Politics & Law | TORN

Rittenhouse Anniversary

    • Bhappychap [2270497]
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    Posted on 15:38:54 - 03/12/23 (1 year ago)
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    Bhappychap [2270497]

    broleaf [3140943]

    The left cant meme.

    Bhappychap [2270497]

    The right can't think. so guess we're even?

    Collete [1389080]

    Im sure you will still be 4 or 5 billion in debt regardless

    Bhappychap [2270497]

    funny you bring up economics. do you think that republicans are somehow "good" with money? You do realize they are the biggest players in increasing our debt, each time they are in office? Not that I'd expect you to know anything true about USA, since it seems you just get the murdoch fed bullshit.

    Nearly all of the greatest economic pushes in the last 60 years in the US, the ones that has been proven effective, came from democrats.

    Republicans gave us trickle down economics, didnt work. DARE...didnt work. Lie about terrorists...didnt work. "Mission accomplished": it wasn't. allow congressional financial freedom: f**king disaster. all economic decisions under Bush: f**king disaster.

    But hey...maybe that guy that lies about his worth, and his properties, and his taxes.....maybe he is worthy of president-ship?

    PipeHitter [2687718]

    The two biggest contributors to our national debt, something like almost two thirds of it, is Medicare and Social Security. Implemented by a Democrat and expanded by a Republican. The Treasury ranks LBJ number 1 and Nixon number 2 as the presidents, who have added the most to the national debt.

    The biggest contributor to Trump’s debt addition was the pandemic more than anything else.

    We were all at war for two decades, so naturally, Obama‘s and Bush’s are going to be a lot higher because of that.

    All I know now is that we are now helping fund two different wars that we are not even involved in, so, if the government can do that, maybe they could tax us a lot less.
    Social Security and Medicare is not true "Debt"...

    Obama and His economic team is constantly rewarded for their work after the 2008 financial crash. The only presidents that have net positive flow of money in the past 30 years is Biden, Obama, and Clinton.

    You do know that "funding" wars is just putting cash into our own economy, right?

    When you read headlines that "USA sent 1 billion in aide to ukraine" that means we either sent them equipment, which we made here, and powers our employees and economy, or we are loaning things, where ukraine will have to sell us some of their natural resources.

    We aren't sending them cash. It does effectively 0 things against our debt, and in fact enhances our economy.

    I personally think every service, every military action, needs a complete audit, because the government could be doing more with our taxes. Some of the republican pushes have helped us in some area's (albeit, slightly unnecessarily) like oil/NG production. For the past 30 years there has been more movement on the left to use our taxes more wisely, than the republicans who are resistant to audits, and reworkings of DoD and military budgets.

    The ACA has worked fairly well, would have worked better both for patients and the economy, if we hadn't given in to republicans stupid rules supporting insurance companies. In fact, thats a great summation of republican drive for the economy in the past 50 years, that has failed miserably , "Give companies all the regulation and tax breaks they need, the working class will get it eventually"
    • PipeHitter [2687718]
    • Role: Civilian
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    Posted on 16:34:47 - 03/12/23 (1 year ago)
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    broleaf [3140943]

    The left cant meme.

    Bhappychap [2270497]

    The right can't think. so guess we're even?

    Collete [1389080]

    Im sure you will still be 4 or 5 billion in debt regardless

    Bhappychap [2270497]

    funny you bring up economics. do you think that republicans are somehow "good" with money? You do realize they are the biggest players in increasing our debt, each time they are in office? Not that I'd expect you to know anything true about USA, since it seems you just get the murdoch fed bullshit.

    Nearly all of the greatest economic pushes in the last 60 years in the US, the ones that has been proven effective, came from democrats.

    Republicans gave us trickle down economics, didnt work. DARE...didnt work. Lie about terrorists...didnt work. "Mission accomplished": it wasn't. allow congressional financial freedom: f**king disaster. all economic decisions under Bush: f**king disaster.

    But hey...maybe that guy that lies about his worth, and his properties, and his taxes.....maybe he is worthy of president-ship?

    PipeHitter [2687718]

    The two biggest contributors to our national debt, something like almost two thirds of it, is Medicare and Social Security. Implemented by a Democrat and expanded by a Republican. The Treasury ranks LBJ number 1 and Nixon number 2 as the presidents, who have added the most to the national debt.

    The biggest contributor to Trump’s debt addition was the pandemic more than anything else.

    We were all at war for two decades, so naturally, Obama‘s and Bush’s are going to be a lot higher because of that.

    All I know now is that we are now helping fund two different wars that we are not even involved in, so, if the government can do that, maybe they could tax us a lot less.

    Bhappychap [2270497]

    Social Security and Medicare is not true "Debt"...

    Obama and His economic team is constantly rewarded for their work after the 2008 financial crash. The only presidents that have net positive flow of money in the past 30 years is Biden, Obama, and Clinton.

    You do know that "funding" wars is just putting cash into our own economy, right?

    When you read headlines that "USA sent 1 billion in aide to ukraine" that means we either sent them equipment, which we made here, and powers our employees and economy, or we are loaning things, where ukraine will have to sell us some of their natural resources.

    We aren't sending them cash. It does effectively 0 things against our debt, and in fact enhances our economy.

    I personally think every service, every military action, needs a complete audit, because the government could be doing more with our taxes. Some of the republican pushes have helped us in some area's (albeit, slightly unnecessarily) like oil/NG production. For the past 30 years there has been more movement on the left to use our taxes more wisely, than the republicans who are resistant to audits, and reworkings of DoD and military budgets.

    The ACA has worked fairly well, would have worked better both for patients and the economy, if we hadn't given in to republicans stupid rules supporting insurance companies. In fact, thats a great summation of republican drive for the economy in the past 50 years, that has failed miserably , "Give companies all the regulation and tax breaks they need, the working class will get it eventually"
    The government loves people reliant on their existence, because without us politicians couldn't survive.

    The only presidents that have net positive flow of money in the past 30 years is Biden, Obama, and Clinton.

    Where are you getting this information from? According to the US Treasury, only two Presidents since 1900 have had a positive increase on the debt. Obama increased our national debt by 64.4%. Clinton, 28.6%.

    Biden is the only President in the 21st century to be below 10% and that's more circumstances than his budgeting (no longer two wars to fund and he didn't have to pay for a recession like Obama did or pandemic relief like Trump did). Although now with us throwing money overseas to two other countries, it will go up a few points more.
    Last edited by PipeHitter on 16:35:09 - 03/12/23 (1 year ago)
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