Rittenhouse Anniversary - Page 15 | Politics & Law | TORN

Rittenhouse Anniversary

    • broleaf [3140943]
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    Posted on 22:06:50 - 25/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    Bhappychap [2270497]

    Can we know what area you clean rooms in? I want to make sure I know, since hospital borne infections are so ubiquitous, might as well avoid the ones that openly hire special Ed kids to clean their rooms.

    ZickyJackz [497258]

    Imagine my surprise when I see Bhappy being an ableist f**k wit.

    Do you mock the mentally disabled in person, or only online where you feel like a big man?

    Bhappychap [2270497]

    Shocker, I'm ragging on far right idiots and their trash heroes, and Mr.Independent shows up.

    It's always interesting....

    ZickyJackz [497258]

    Oh f**k off, I haven't posted in ages, and you're the one being an ableist prick. Nice deflection.

    Bhappychap [2270497]

    not a deflection, just noticing whats happening.

    yea exactly, haven't posted a whole, claim to be independent, but me ragging on far-right idiots inspired you to post again....the irony is just...amazing at this point.

    ZickyJackz [497258]

    I don't give a shit who you rag on, bitch boy. You're an ableist piece of shit.
    Yeah autism makes me superior to you, f**k you retard normie.

    The rise of technocracy is influenced by autism.

    "such as computer science and other analytic fields where autistic experience is an asset rather than a liability."

    "It has been the deployment of behaviorism as an ideology—driven through its applied technologies of aba—that has enabled the development of a large-scale and complex technocratic infrastructure for generating profit from autism over the course of the last seventy-five years."

    Last edited by broleaf on 22:24:53 - 25/11/23 (1 year ago)

    NRx. Reject Modernity return to: Tradition, Monarchy, Spirit.


    • VeganBlazes [2052726]
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    Posted on 22:31:19 - 25/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    ZickyJackz [497258]

    Imagine my surprise when I see Bhappy being an ableist f**k wit.

    Do you mock the mentally disabled in person, or only online where you feel like a big man?

    Bhappychap [2270497]

    Shocker, I'm ragging on far right idiots and their trash heroes, and Mr.Independent shows up.

    It's always interesting....

    ZickyJackz [497258]

    Oh f**k off, I haven't posted in ages, and you're the one being an ableist prick. Nice deflection.

    Bhappychap [2270497]

    not a deflection, just noticing whats happening.

    yea exactly, haven't posted a whole, claim to be independent, but me ragging on far-right idiots inspired you to post again....the irony is just...amazing at this point.

    ZickyJackz [497258]

    I don't give a shit who you rag on, bitch boy. You're an ableist piece of shit.

    broleaf [3140943]

    Yeah autism makes me superior to you, f**k you retard normie.

    The rise of technocracy is influenced by autism.

    "such as computer science and other analytic fields where autistic experience is an asset rather than a liability."

    "It has been the deployment of behaviorism as an ideology—driven through its applied technologies of aba—that has enabled the development of a large-scale and complex technocratic infrastructure for generating profit from autism over the course of the last seventy-five years."

    Proud to be a behaviorist. Rising up the army against the normies
    • Collete [1389080]
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    Posted on 05:55:36 - 27/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    Asbestos [2605613]

    Oh. Is being a slave trader not something to glorify here in 2023?

    Maybe these guys didn’t get the memo.

    Capgros [2088627]

    You tried....

    Asbestos [2605613]

    I do not create the cockroaches. I just point the flashlight

    Capgros [2088627]

    Seems they live rent free though.

    Asbestos [2605613]

    It’s not an issue. I always have plenty of room for my hobbies.

    Larten_Crepsley [1569797]

    Don’t be fooled. He has no hobbies. His a sad old man who sits at home playing torn all day and spreading hate on the forums. Bad at life. Bad at torn. Must suck to be him.
    Perhaps go read yo own posts ya backward mong

    Kaizaki defeated the dried  up witch and got her prince in the end.

    • JastinDeep [2414376]
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    Posted on 06:10:11 - 27/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    broleaf [3140943]

    Yeah autism makes me superior to you, f**k you retard normie.

    The rise of technocracy is influenced by autism.

    "such as computer science and other analytic fields where autistic experience is an asset rather than a liability."

    "It has been the deployment of behaviorism as an ideology—driven through its applied technologies of aba—that has enabled the development of a large-scale and complex technocratic infrastructure for generating profit from autism over the course of the last seventy-five years."

    Didn't expect a full fledged /b/ type copypasta ahout autism lmao. Godspeed you 'tismo soldier.
    • broleaf [3140943]
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    Posted on 06:13:49 - 27/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    broleaf [3140943]

    Yeah autism makes me superior to you, f**k you retard normie.

    The rise of technocracy is influenced by autism.

    "such as computer science and other analytic fields where autistic experience is an asset rather than a liability."

    "It has been the deployment of behaviorism as an ideology—driven through its applied technologies of aba—that has enabled the development of a large-scale and complex technocratic infrastructure for generating profit from autism over the course of the last seventy-five years."

    JastinDeep [2414376]

    Didn't expect a full fledged /b/ type copypasta ahout autism lmao. Godspeed you 'tismo soldier.

    I just think it's funny if anyone would take a jab at neurodivergents; we legitimately run big tech, the driving force behind putting white-collar liberals out of a job.
    Last edited by broleaf on 08:47:07 - 27/11/23 (1 year ago)

    NRx. Reject Modernity return to: Tradition, Monarchy, Spirit.


    • Collete [1389080]
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    Posted on 07:59:34 - 27/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    SporkMonkey [2065017]

    It's been one year since the justice system did the right thing and said Kyle was NOT GUILTY when he rid the world of a pedo and crippled another.

    He announced a book and the ShitLibs are losing their mind.

    f**k em.

    He's making money from the pain of the most useless people wasting good oxygen.

    Staff Edit: Extreme Flaming

    Collete [1389080]

    EddieLee706 [1591144]

    Did they do time for past pedo crime?

    Did they suck baby penises too? This is a custom for your hasidic and ultra orthodox jews which they believe is their religious right and guess what it's not pedophilia.

    Which is just disgusting being performed by adults on minors and new born babies.




    Collete [1389080]

    A bit off topic perhaps put that in the 6 or 7 hate Israel and Jewish people threads .

    EddieLee706 [1591144]

    Nope we talking about pedos which the victims were and people celebrated their death because of it.

    So it's right on topic.
    allegedly ?

    Link at the b0ttom lists each of the 11 accounts he wasa degenerate serial offender he should never been let out of prison

    Newly released Joseph Rosenbaum sex offender documents obtained by Wisconsin Right Now from the Pima County (Arizona) Clerk of Courts confirm Joseph Rosenbaum was charged by a grand jury with 11 counts of child molestation and inappropriate sexual activity around children, including xxxxl ****. The victims were five boys ranging in age from nine to 11 years old.

    Wisconsin Right Now has obtained Rosenbaum’s entire file regarding the case, however due to victim privacy and legal issues, we are choosing to only show the criminal complaint at this time. We redacted the names of the victims.
    “No contact with minors under the age of 18 without permission from the Court,” the Arizona court records say.
    (Wisconsin’s largest newspaper, The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, argued that readers shouldn’t get to know Rosenbaum’s criminal record. Read our column explaining why they’re wrong here.)
    These are the offenses that landed Rosenbaum, 36, on the Wisconsin sex offender registry. Rosenbaum is the man who, video shows, chased Kyle Rittenhouse, 17, before Rittenhouse shot him to death in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Rittenhouse is charged with homicide in the deaths of Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber. He’s also criminally charged in the shooting injury to Gaige Grosskreutz. Rittenhouse’s lawyers maintain that the Illinois teenager’s actions were self defense; they say he was attacked by a vicious mob that included Rosenbaum.
    Because of the self defense accusations, Wisconsin Right Now has made the decision to tell readers about the criminal histories of the men who were shot. All three have criminal histories (read our previous story on that here). Rosenbaum’s is arguably the most relevant because, video and eyewitnesses show, he was the instigator that night. He was seen acting aggressively and using a racial slur in a gas station parking lot and pushing a burning dumpster (a witness and video show Rittenhouse used a fire extinguisher to help put it out). The criminal complaint against Rittenhouse says Rosenbaum threw a plastic bag and tried to grab the teenager’s gun.
    What was Rosenbaum’s criminal history? He had an open Wisconsin case for misdemeanor bail jumping that was filed on July 30, 2020. Rosenbaum also had open misdemeanor cases for battery (domestic abuse) and disorderly conduct (domestic abuse).

    Joseph Rosenbaum Sex Offender

    He was on the Wisconsin sex offender registry for an Arizona offense (he no longer appears on it because he’s deceased). That’s the child molestation case.
    The 11 charges were amended in a plea deal, and Rosenbaum was convicted of amended counts. According to online court records, Rosenbaum was sentenced to 10 years on Dec. 12, 2002 for sexual contact of a minor, and then sentenced to 2 years, 6 months for sexual contact of a minor related to the same 2002 incident.
    Rosenbaum was convicted on Aug 8, 2016 for interfering with a monitoring device.
    He was put on lifetime probation on Dec. 16, 2002.
    However, The court was asked to revoke his program after he was accused of consuming synthetic cannabinoid and alcohol, failing to participate in sex offender treatment, and having accessed sexually oriented materials deemed inappropriate by the probation officer.

    A screenshot shows Rosenbaum was on the registry for the Arizona sex offense.

    Last edited by Collete on 08:10:53 - 27/11/23 (1 year ago)

    Kaizaki defeated the dried  up witch and got her prince in the end.

    • PipeHitter [2687718]
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    Posted on 08:41:40 - 27/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    VeganBlazes [2052726]

    windyrockbell [2805009]

    But....it wasn't his community. He crossed state lines and went to a city he didn't live.
    He testified he went there often, had family that lived there, and it was less than a 30 minute drive from where he is at so it's not like he road tripped for hours to get there.

    Not everyone lives near a major metropolitan area where everything is available. In Cheyenne, most folks end up going to Fort Collins, CO (maybe a 40 minute drive) for the shopping and nightlife and to open businesses rather than locally as Fort Collins has triple the population.
    • EddieLee706 [1591144]
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    Posted on 12:19:38 - 27/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    SporkMonkey [2065017]

    It's been one year since the justice system did the right thing and said Kyle was NOT GUILTY when he rid the world of a pedo and crippled another.

    He announced a book and the ShitLibs are losing their mind.

    f**k em.

    He's making money from the pain of the most useless people wasting good oxygen.

    Staff Edit: Extreme Flaming

    Collete [1389080]

    EddieLee706 [1591144]

    Did they do time for past pedo crime?

    Did they suck baby penises too? This is a custom for your hasidic and ultra orthodox jews which they believe is their religious right and guess what it's not pedophilia.

    Which is just disgusting being performed by adults on minors and new born babies.




    Collete [1389080]

    A bit off topic perhaps put that in the 6 or 7 hate Israel and Jewish people threads .

    EddieLee706 [1591144]

    Nope we talking about pedos which the victims were and people celebrated their death because of it.

    So it's right on topic.

    Collete [1389080]

    allegedly ?

    Link at the b0ttom lists each of the 11 accounts he wasa degenerate serial offender he should never been let out of prison

    Newly released Joseph Rosenbaum sex offender documents obtained by Wisconsin Right Now from the Pima County (Arizona) Clerk of Courts confirm Joseph Rosenbaum was charged by a grand jury with 11 counts of child molestation and inappropriate sexual activity around children, including xxxxl ****. The victims were five boys ranging in age from nine to 11 years old.

    Wisconsin Right Now has obtained Rosenbaum’s entire file regarding the case, however due to victim privacy and legal issues, we are choosing to only show the criminal complaint at this time. We redacted the names of the victims.
    “No contact with minors under the age of 18 without permission from the Court,” the Arizona court records say.
    (Wisconsin’s largest newspaper, The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, argued that readers shouldn’t get to know Rosenbaum’s criminal record. Read our column explaining why they’re wrong here.)
    These are the offenses that landed Rosenbaum, 36, on the Wisconsin sex offender registry. Rosenbaum is the man who, video shows, chased Kyle Rittenhouse, 17, before Rittenhouse shot him to death in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Rittenhouse is charged with homicide in the deaths of Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber. He’s also criminally charged in the shooting injury to Gaige Grosskreutz. Rittenhouse’s lawyers maintain that the Illinois teenager’s actions were self defense; they say he was attacked by a vicious mob that included Rosenbaum.
    Because of the self defense accusations, Wisconsin Right Now has made the decision to tell readers about the criminal histories of the men who were shot. All three have criminal histories (read our previous story on that here). Rosenbaum’s is arguably the most relevant because, video and eyewitnesses show, he was the instigator that night. He was seen acting aggressively and using a racial slur in a gas station parking lot and pushing a burning dumpster (a witness and video show Rittenhouse used a fire extinguisher to help put it out). The criminal complaint against Rittenhouse says Rosenbaum threw a plastic bag and tried to grab the teenager’s gun.
    What was Rosenbaum’s criminal history? He had an open Wisconsin case for misdemeanor bail jumping that was filed on July 30, 2020. Rosenbaum also had open misdemeanor cases for battery (domestic abuse) and disorderly conduct (domestic abuse).

    Joseph Rosenbaum Sex Offender

    He was on the Wisconsin sex offender registry for an Arizona offense (he no longer appears on it because he’s deceased). That’s the child molestation case.
    The 11 charges were amended in a plea deal, and Rosenbaum was convicted of amended counts. According to online court records, Rosenbaum was sentenced to 10 years on Dec. 12, 2002 for sexual contact of a minor, and then sentenced to 2 years, 6 months for sexual contact of a minor related to the same 2002 incident.
    Rosenbaum was convicted on Aug 8, 2016 for interfering with a monitoring device.
    He was put on lifetime probation on Dec. 16, 2002.
    However, The court was asked to revoke his program after he was accused of consuming synthetic cannabinoid and alcohol, failing to participate in sex offender treatment, and having accessed sexually oriented materials deemed inappropriate by the probation officer.

    A screenshot shows Rosenbaum was on the registry for the Arizona sex offense.

    I dont even know where allegedly come from (I will go back and take that out).. If he did it great but we know the injustice system is corrupt AF. I already stated pedos should never be released.

    That includes does who believe it's in their religious right to do so, which you avoided.
    • Collete [1389080]
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    Posted on 12:32:47 - 27/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    Collete [1389080]

    EddieLee706 [1591144]

    Did they do time for past pedo crime?

    Did they suck baby penises too? This is a custom for your hasidic and ultra orthodox jews which they believe is their religious right and guess what it's not pedophilia.

    Which is just disgusting being performed by adults on minors and new born babies.




    Collete [1389080]

    A bit off topic perhaps put that in the 6 or 7 hate Israel and Jewish people threads .

    EddieLee706 [1591144]

    Nope we talking about pedos which the victims were and people celebrated their death because of it.

    So it's right on topic.

    Collete [1389080]

    allegedly ?

    Link at the b0ttom lists each of the 11 accounts he wasa degenerate serial offender he should never been let out of prison

    Newly released Joseph Rosenbaum sex offender documents obtained by Wisconsin Right Now from the Pima County (Arizona) Clerk of Courts confirm Joseph Rosenbaum was charged by a grand jury with 11 counts of child molestation and inappropriate sexual activity around children, including xxxxl ****. The victims were five boys ranging in age from nine to 11 years old.

    Wisconsin Right Now has obtained Rosenbaum’s entire file regarding the case, however due to victim privacy and legal issues, we are choosing to only show the criminal complaint at this time. We redacted the names of the victims.
    “No contact with minors under the age of 18 without permission from the Court,” the Arizona court records say.
    (Wisconsin’s largest newspaper, The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, argued that readers shouldn’t get to know Rosenbaum’s criminal record. Read our column explaining why they’re wrong here.)
    These are the offenses that landed Rosenbaum, 36, on the Wisconsin sex offender registry. Rosenbaum is the man who, video shows, chased Kyle Rittenhouse, 17, before Rittenhouse shot him to death in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Rittenhouse is charged with homicide in the deaths of Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber. He’s also criminally charged in the shooting injury to Gaige Grosskreutz. Rittenhouse’s lawyers maintain that the Illinois teenager’s actions were self defense; they say he was attacked by a vicious mob that included Rosenbaum.
    Because of the self defense accusations, Wisconsin Right Now has made the decision to tell readers about the criminal histories of the men who were shot. All three have criminal histories (read our previous story on that here). Rosenbaum’s is arguably the most relevant because, video and eyewitnesses show, he was the instigator that night. He was seen acting aggressively and using a racial slur in a gas station parking lot and pushing a burning dumpster (a witness and video show Rittenhouse used a fire extinguisher to help put it out). The criminal complaint against Rittenhouse says Rosenbaum threw a plastic bag and tried to grab the teenager’s gun.
    What was Rosenbaum’s criminal history? He had an open Wisconsin case for misdemeanor bail jumping that was filed on July 30, 2020. Rosenbaum also had open misdemeanor cases for battery (domestic abuse) and disorderly conduct (domestic abuse).

    Joseph Rosenbaum Sex Offender

    He was on the Wisconsin sex offender registry for an Arizona offense (he no longer appears on it because he’s deceased). That’s the child molestation case.
    The 11 charges were amended in a plea deal, and Rosenbaum was convicted of amended counts. According to online court records, Rosenbaum was sentenced to 10 years on Dec. 12, 2002 for sexual contact of a minor, and then sentenced to 2 years, 6 months for sexual contact of a minor related to the same 2002 incident.
    Rosenbaum was convicted on Aug 8, 2016 for interfering with a monitoring device.
    He was put on lifetime probation on Dec. 16, 2002.
    However, The court was asked to revoke his program after he was accused of consuming synthetic cannabinoid and alcohol, failing to participate in sex offender treatment, and having accessed sexually oriented materials deemed inappropriate by the probation officer.

    A screenshot shows Rosenbaum was on the registry for the Arizona sex offense.


    EddieLee706 [1591144]

    I dont even know where allegedly come from (I will go back and take that out).. If he did it great but we know the injustice system is corrupt AF. I already stated pedos should never be released.

    That includes does who believe it's in their religious right to do so, which you avoided.
    Again go bitch about the Jewish people in the other 7 threads this one is about Kyle

    Kaizaki defeated the dried  up witch and got her prince in the end.

    • EddieLee706 [1591144]
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    Posted on 12:50:57 - 27/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    EddieLee706 [1591144]

    Did they do time for past pedo crime?

    Did they suck baby penises too? This is a custom for your hasidic and ultra orthodox jews which they believe is their religious right and guess what it's not pedophilia.

    Which is just disgusting being performed by adults on minors and new born babies.




    Collete [1389080]

    A bit off topic perhaps put that in the 6 or 7 hate Israel and Jewish people threads .

    EddieLee706 [1591144]

    Nope we talking about pedos which the victims were and people celebrated their death because of it.

    So it's right on topic.

    Collete [1389080]

    allegedly ?

    Link at the b0ttom lists each of the 11 accounts he wasa degenerate serial offender he should never been let out of prison

    Newly released Joseph Rosenbaum sex offender documents obtained by Wisconsin Right Now from the Pima County (Arizona) Clerk of Courts confirm Joseph Rosenbaum was charged by a grand jury with 11 counts of child molestation and inappropriate sexual activity around children, including xxxxl ****. The victims were five boys ranging in age from nine to 11 years old.

    Wisconsin Right Now has obtained Rosenbaum’s entire file regarding the case, however due to victim privacy and legal issues, we are choosing to only show the criminal complaint at this time. We redacted the names of the victims.
    “No contact with minors under the age of 18 without permission from the Court,” the Arizona court records say.
    (Wisconsin’s largest newspaper, The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, argued that readers shouldn’t get to know Rosenbaum’s criminal record. Read our column explaining why they’re wrong here.)
    These are the offenses that landed Rosenbaum, 36, on the Wisconsin sex offender registry. Rosenbaum is the man who, video shows, chased Kyle Rittenhouse, 17, before Rittenhouse shot him to death in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Rittenhouse is charged with homicide in the deaths of Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber. He’s also criminally charged in the shooting injury to Gaige Grosskreutz. Rittenhouse’s lawyers maintain that the Illinois teenager’s actions were self defense; they say he was attacked by a vicious mob that included Rosenbaum.
    Because of the self defense accusations, Wisconsin Right Now has made the decision to tell readers about the criminal histories of the men who were shot. All three have criminal histories (read our previous story on that here). Rosenbaum’s is arguably the most relevant because, video and eyewitnesses show, he was the instigator that night. He was seen acting aggressively and using a racial slur in a gas station parking lot and pushing a burning dumpster (a witness and video show Rittenhouse used a fire extinguisher to help put it out). The criminal complaint against Rittenhouse says Rosenbaum threw a plastic bag and tried to grab the teenager’s gun.
    What was Rosenbaum’s criminal history? He had an open Wisconsin case for misdemeanor bail jumping that was filed on July 30, 2020. Rosenbaum also had open misdemeanor cases for battery (domestic abuse) and disorderly conduct (domestic abuse).

    Joseph Rosenbaum Sex Offender

    He was on the Wisconsin sex offender registry for an Arizona offense (he no longer appears on it because he’s deceased). That’s the child molestation case.
    The 11 charges were amended in a plea deal, and Rosenbaum was convicted of amended counts. According to online court records, Rosenbaum was sentenced to 10 years on Dec. 12, 2002 for sexual contact of a minor, and then sentenced to 2 years, 6 months for sexual contact of a minor related to the same 2002 incident.
    Rosenbaum was convicted on Aug 8, 2016 for interfering with a monitoring device.
    He was put on lifetime probation on Dec. 16, 2002.
    However, The court was asked to revoke his program after he was accused of consuming synthetic cannabinoid and alcohol, failing to participate in sex offender treatment, and having accessed sexually oriented materials deemed inappropriate by the probation officer.

    A screenshot shows Rosenbaum was on the registry for the Arizona sex offense.


    EddieLee706 [1591144]

    I dont even know where allegedly come from (I will go back and take that out).. If he did it great but we know the injustice system is corrupt AF. I already stated pedos should never be released.

    That includes does who believe it's in their religious right to do so, which you avoided.

    Collete [1389080]

    Again go bitch about the Jewish people in the other 7 threads this one is about Kyle
    You the one that was bitching and getting your granny panties wet over pedos.

    You obviously have selective outrage. IDGAF if they a family member or someone in my community. Certain crimes you should never get out unless you've been exonerated.
    Last edited by EddieLee706 on 12:52:27 - 27/11/23 (1 year ago)
    • _T_ [1009930]
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    Posted on 05:34:45 - 28/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    Bhappychap [2270497]

    Can we know what area you clean rooms in? I want to make sure I know, since hospital borne infections are so ubiquitous, might as well avoid the ones that openly hire special Ed kids to clean their rooms.

    ZickyJackz [497258]

    Imagine my surprise when I see Bhappy being an ableist f**k wit.

    Do you mock the mentally disabled in person, or only online where you feel like a big man?

    Collete [1389080]

    I don't know why anyone would defend these violent animals , he probably visits there to puts flowers on the spot where Kyle put down the scum .

    Bhappychap [2270497]

    no one is defending them...How stupid do you have to be to now know this by now?

    Capgros [2088627]

    Honestly, Rosebaum was pretty much an asshole from what I read, the others though, have a very different story, Huber was borderline, and one of my best friends when I was young also had it, he also threatened his family, but it wasn't really him, just moments. Considering Hubers family still love him and are trying to get some justice tells me enough.

    Grosskreutz was there as a medic, trying to help people.

    The last two certainly didn't deserve to die, and are victims of an unfortunate situation. It's sad to see some people are actually celebrating their deaths, must be really hard for their families

    Bhappychap [2270497]

    Usually the most vocal about being disrespectful are the first to run away or make a mistake in an actual gun fight. i'll guess 90% of the people commenting here have never shot and killed someone else, military or otherwise. 60%-70% (maybe more) probably have never been the victim of a shooting of a close family member. Let alone talk to the family members devastated by a random shooting. and 100% of the people on the right are incapable of putting themselves into someone else's shoes.

    Its obvious here, I call them idiots based on their shitty opinions here, they just attack stupid shit they know nothing about. Epitome of stupid behavior.


    • Collete [1389080]
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    Posted on 05:43:49 - 28/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    Collete [1389080]

    A bit off topic perhaps put that in the 6 or 7 hate Israel and Jewish people threads .

    EddieLee706 [1591144]

    Nope we talking about pedos which the victims were and people celebrated their death because of it.

    So it's right on topic.

    Collete [1389080]

    allegedly ?

    Link at the b0ttom lists each of the 11 accounts he wasa degenerate serial offender he should never been let out of prison

    Newly released Joseph Rosenbaum sex offender documents obtained by Wisconsin Right Now from the Pima County (Arizona) Clerk of Courts confirm Joseph Rosenbaum was charged by a grand jury with 11 counts of child molestation and inappropriate sexual activity around children, including xxxxl ****. The victims were five boys ranging in age from nine to 11 years old.

    Wisconsin Right Now has obtained Rosenbaum’s entire file regarding the case, however due to victim privacy and legal issues, we are choosing to only show the criminal complaint at this time. We redacted the names of the victims.
    “No contact with minors under the age of 18 without permission from the Court,” the Arizona court records say.
    (Wisconsin’s largest newspaper, The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, argued that readers shouldn’t get to know Rosenbaum’s criminal record. Read our column explaining why they’re wrong here.)
    These are the offenses that landed Rosenbaum, 36, on the Wisconsin sex offender registry. Rosenbaum is the man who, video shows, chased Kyle Rittenhouse, 17, before Rittenhouse shot him to death in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Rittenhouse is charged with homicide in the deaths of Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber. He’s also criminally charged in the shooting injury to Gaige Grosskreutz. Rittenhouse’s lawyers maintain that the Illinois teenager’s actions were self defense; they say he was attacked by a vicious mob that included Rosenbaum.
    Because of the self defense accusations, Wisconsin Right Now has made the decision to tell readers about the criminal histories of the men who were shot. All three have criminal histories (read our previous story on that here). Rosenbaum’s is arguably the most relevant because, video and eyewitnesses show, he was the instigator that night. He was seen acting aggressively and using a racial slur in a gas station parking lot and pushing a burning dumpster (a witness and video show Rittenhouse used a fire extinguisher to help put it out). The criminal complaint against Rittenhouse says Rosenbaum threw a plastic bag and tried to grab the teenager’s gun.
    What was Rosenbaum’s criminal history? He had an open Wisconsin case for misdemeanor bail jumping that was filed on July 30, 2020. Rosenbaum also had open misdemeanor cases for battery (domestic abuse) and disorderly conduct (domestic abuse).

    Joseph Rosenbaum Sex Offender

    He was on the Wisconsin sex offender registry for an Arizona offense (he no longer appears on it because he’s deceased). That’s the child molestation case.
    The 11 charges were amended in a plea deal, and Rosenbaum was convicted of amended counts. According to online court records, Rosenbaum was sentenced to 10 years on Dec. 12, 2002 for sexual contact of a minor, and then sentenced to 2 years, 6 months for sexual contact of a minor related to the same 2002 incident.
    Rosenbaum was convicted on Aug 8, 2016 for interfering with a monitoring device.
    He was put on lifetime probation on Dec. 16, 2002.
    However, The court was asked to revoke his program after he was accused of consuming synthetic cannabinoid and alcohol, failing to participate in sex offender treatment, and having accessed sexually oriented materials deemed inappropriate by the probation officer.

    A screenshot shows Rosenbaum was on the registry for the Arizona sex offense.


    EddieLee706 [1591144]

    I dont even know where allegedly come from (I will go back and take that out).. If he did it great but we know the injustice system is corrupt AF. I already stated pedos should never be released.

    That includes does who believe it's in their religious right to do so, which you avoided.

    Collete [1389080]

    Again go bitch about the Jewish people in the other 7 threads this one is about Kyle

    EddieLee706 [1591144]

    You the one that was bitching and getting your granny panties wet over pedos.

    You obviously have selective outrage. IDGAF if they a family member or someone in my community. Certain crimes you should never get out unless you've been exonerated.
    First it was allegedly ? then you mention corrupt injustice system geez

    Not selective at all I think the death penalty should apply to pedos

    Kaizaki defeated the dried  up witch and got her prince in the end.

    • Steppenwulf [2960257]
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    Posted on 06:21:48 - 28/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    American heros? Draw your own conclusions.


    • Intricate [1957884]
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    Posted on 06:24:26 - 28/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    EddieLee706 [1591144]

    Nope we talking about pedos which the victims were and people celebrated their death because of it.

    So it's right on topic.

    Collete [1389080]

    allegedly ?

    Link at the b0ttom lists each of the 11 accounts he wasa degenerate serial offender he should never been let out of prison

    Newly released Joseph Rosenbaum sex offender documents obtained by Wisconsin Right Now from the Pima County (Arizona) Clerk of Courts confirm Joseph Rosenbaum was charged by a grand jury with 11 counts of child molestation and inappropriate sexual activity around children, including xxxxl ****. The victims were five boys ranging in age from nine to 11 years old.

    Wisconsin Right Now has obtained Rosenbaum’s entire file regarding the case, however due to victim privacy and legal issues, we are choosing to only show the criminal complaint at this time. We redacted the names of the victims.
    “No contact with minors under the age of 18 without permission from the Court,” the Arizona court records say.
    (Wisconsin’s largest newspaper, The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, argued that readers shouldn’t get to know Rosenbaum’s criminal record. Read our column explaining why they’re wrong here.)
    These are the offenses that landed Rosenbaum, 36, on the Wisconsin sex offender registry. Rosenbaum is the man who, video shows, chased Kyle Rittenhouse, 17, before Rittenhouse shot him to death in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Rittenhouse is charged with homicide in the deaths of Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber. He’s also criminally charged in the shooting injury to Gaige Grosskreutz. Rittenhouse’s lawyers maintain that the Illinois teenager’s actions were self defense; they say he was attacked by a vicious mob that included Rosenbaum.
    Because of the self defense accusations, Wisconsin Right Now has made the decision to tell readers about the criminal histories of the men who were shot. All three have criminal histories (read our previous story on that here). Rosenbaum’s is arguably the most relevant because, video and eyewitnesses show, he was the instigator that night. He was seen acting aggressively and using a racial slur in a gas station parking lot and pushing a burning dumpster (a witness and video show Rittenhouse used a fire extinguisher to help put it out). The criminal complaint against Rittenhouse says Rosenbaum threw a plastic bag and tried to grab the teenager’s gun.
    What was Rosenbaum’s criminal history? He had an open Wisconsin case for misdemeanor bail jumping that was filed on July 30, 2020. Rosenbaum also had open misdemeanor cases for battery (domestic abuse) and disorderly conduct (domestic abuse).

    Joseph Rosenbaum Sex Offender

    He was on the Wisconsin sex offender registry for an Arizona offense (he no longer appears on it because he’s deceased). That’s the child molestation case.
    The 11 charges were amended in a plea deal, and Rosenbaum was convicted of amended counts. According to online court records, Rosenbaum was sentenced to 10 years on Dec. 12, 2002 for sexual contact of a minor, and then sentenced to 2 years, 6 months for sexual contact of a minor related to the same 2002 incident.
    Rosenbaum was convicted on Aug 8, 2016 for interfering with a monitoring device.
    He was put on lifetime probation on Dec. 16, 2002.
    However, The court was asked to revoke his program after he was accused of consuming synthetic cannabinoid and alcohol, failing to participate in sex offender treatment, and having accessed sexually oriented materials deemed inappropriate by the probation officer.

    A screenshot shows Rosenbaum was on the registry for the Arizona sex offense.


    EddieLee706 [1591144]

    I dont even know where allegedly come from (I will go back and take that out).. If he did it great but we know the injustice system is corrupt AF. I already stated pedos should never be released.

    That includes does who believe it's in their religious right to do so, which you avoided.

    Collete [1389080]

    Again go bitch about the Jewish people in the other 7 threads this one is about Kyle

    EddieLee706 [1591144]

    You the one that was bitching and getting your granny panties wet over pedos.

    You obviously have selective outrage. IDGAF if they a family member or someone in my community. Certain crimes you should never get out unless you've been exonerated.

    Collete [1389080]

    First it was allegedly ? then you mention corrupt injustice system geez

    Not selective at all I think the death penalty should apply to pedos
    Partial to bringing back Gibbeting
    • Bhappychap [2270497]
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    Posted on 16:15:30 - 28/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    Steppenwulf [2960257]

    American heros? Draw your own conclusions.
    Neither are "heroes".

    but great job pointing out that stupid people will spend their money on stupid shit.
    • Bhappychap [2270497]
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    Posted on 16:20:57 - 28/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    ZickyJackz [497258]

    Imagine my surprise when I see Bhappy being an ableist f**k wit.

    Do you mock the mentally disabled in person, or only online where you feel like a big man?

    Collete [1389080]

    I don't know why anyone would defend these violent animals , he probably visits there to puts flowers on the spot where Kyle put down the scum .

    Bhappychap [2270497]

    no one is defending them...How stupid do you have to be to now know this by now?

    Capgros [2088627]

    Honestly, Rosebaum was pretty much an asshole from what I read, the others though, have a very different story, Huber was borderline, and one of my best friends when I was young also had it, he also threatened his family, but it wasn't really him, just moments. Considering Hubers family still love him and are trying to get some justice tells me enough.

    Grosskreutz was there as a medic, trying to help people.

    The last two certainly didn't deserve to die, and are victims of an unfortunate situation. It's sad to see some people are actually celebrating their deaths, must be really hard for their families

    Bhappychap [2270497]

    Usually the most vocal about being disrespectful are the first to run away or make a mistake in an actual gun fight. i'll guess 90% of the people commenting here have never shot and killed someone else, military or otherwise. 60%-70% (maybe more) probably have never been the victim of a shooting of a close family member. Let alone talk to the family members devastated by a random shooting. and 100% of the people on the right are incapable of putting themselves into someone else's shoes.

    Its obvious here, I call them idiots based on their shitty opinions here, they just attack stupid shit they know nothing about. Epitome of stupid behavior.

    _T_ [1009930]

    • _T_ [1009930]
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    Posted on 17:53:25 - 28/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    Collete [1389080]

    I don't know why anyone would defend these violent animals , he probably visits there to puts flowers on the spot where Kyle put down the scum .

    Bhappychap [2270497]

    no one is defending them...How stupid do you have to be to now know this by now?

    Capgros [2088627]

    Honestly, Rosebaum was pretty much an asshole from what I read, the others though, have a very different story, Huber was borderline, and one of my best friends when I was young also had it, he also threatened his family, but it wasn't really him, just moments. Considering Hubers family still love him and are trying to get some justice tells me enough.

    Grosskreutz was there as a medic, trying to help people.

    The last two certainly didn't deserve to die, and are victims of an unfortunate situation. It's sad to see some people are actually celebrating their deaths, must be really hard for their families

    Bhappychap [2270497]

    Usually the most vocal about being disrespectful are the first to run away or make a mistake in an actual gun fight. i'll guess 90% of the people commenting here have never shot and killed someone else, military or otherwise. 60%-70% (maybe more) probably have never been the victim of a shooting of a close family member. Let alone talk to the family members devastated by a random shooting. and 100% of the people on the right are incapable of putting themselves into someone else's shoes.

    Its obvious here, I call them idiots based on their shitty opinions here, they just attack stupid shit they know nothing about. Epitome of stupid behavior.

    _T_ [1009930]

    Bhappychap [2270497]


    • Bhappychap [2270497]
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    Posted on 19:09:11 - 28/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    Bhappychap [2270497]

    no one is defending them...How stupid do you have to be to now know this by now?

    Capgros [2088627]

    Honestly, Rosebaum was pretty much an asshole from what I read, the others though, have a very different story, Huber was borderline, and one of my best friends when I was young also had it, he also threatened his family, but it wasn't really him, just moments. Considering Hubers family still love him and are trying to get some justice tells me enough.

    Grosskreutz was there as a medic, trying to help people.

    The last two certainly didn't deserve to die, and are victims of an unfortunate situation. It's sad to see some people are actually celebrating their deaths, must be really hard for their families

    Bhappychap [2270497]

    Usually the most vocal about being disrespectful are the first to run away or make a mistake in an actual gun fight. i'll guess 90% of the people commenting here have never shot and killed someone else, military or otherwise. 60%-70% (maybe more) probably have never been the victim of a shooting of a close family member. Let alone talk to the family members devastated by a random shooting. and 100% of the people on the right are incapable of putting themselves into someone else's shoes.

    Its obvious here, I call them idiots based on their shitty opinions here, they just attack stupid shit they know nothing about. Epitome of stupid behavior.

    _T_ [1009930]

    Bhappychap [2270497]

    _T_ [1009930]

    • Collete [1389080]
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    Posted on 20:14:46 - 28/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    Kaizaki defeated the dried  up witch and got her prince in the end.

    • broleaf [3140943]
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    Posted on 20:15:12 - 28/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    Capgros [2088627]

    Honestly, Rosebaum was pretty much an asshole from what I read, the others though, have a very different story, Huber was borderline, and one of my best friends when I was young also had it, he also threatened his family, but it wasn't really him, just moments. Considering Hubers family still love him and are trying to get some justice tells me enough.

    Grosskreutz was there as a medic, trying to help people.

    The last two certainly didn't deserve to die, and are victims of an unfortunate situation. It's sad to see some people are actually celebrating their deaths, must be really hard for their families

    Bhappychap [2270497]

    Usually the most vocal about being disrespectful are the first to run away or make a mistake in an actual gun fight. i'll guess 90% of the people commenting here have never shot and killed someone else, military or otherwise. 60%-70% (maybe more) probably have never been the victim of a shooting of a close family member. Let alone talk to the family members devastated by a random shooting. and 100% of the people on the right are incapable of putting themselves into someone else's shoes.

    Its obvious here, I call them idiots based on their shitty opinions here, they just attack stupid shit they know nothing about. Epitome of stupid behavior.

    _T_ [1009930]

    Bhappychap [2270497]

    _T_ [1009930]

    Bhappychap [2270497]

    The left cant meme.

    NRx. Reject Modernity return to: Tradition, Monarchy, Spirit.


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