Rittenhouse Anniversary - Page 14 | Politics & Law | TORN

Rittenhouse Anniversary

    • EddieLee706 [1591144]
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    Posted on 02:04:02 - 25/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    EddieLee706 [1591144]

    Did they do time for past pedo crime?

    Did they suck baby penises too? This is a custom for your hasidic and ultra orthodox jews which they believe is their religious right and guess what it's not pedophilia.

    Which is just disgusting being performed by adults on minors and new born babies.




    Collete [1389080]

    A bit off topic perhaps put that in the 6 or 7 hate Israel and Jewish people threads .

    EddieLee706 [1591144]

    Nope we talking about pedos which the victims were and people celebrated their death because of it.

    So it's right on topic.

    ZickyJackz [497258]

    Only one of them was a pedophile. The first guy attacked Rittenhouse, Rosenbaum, had molested 5 young boys.

    In my opinion, he seemed like he was wanting to die. He pursued Rittenhouse shouting that he would kill him and so on. He then reached for the barrel of the rifle, and was shot. Other shots seemed to have rang out, and that was when Huber(domestic violence) acted. People say that he believed Rittenhouse to be an "active shooter", and thus attacked Rittenhouse by striking him in the head with the edge of his skateboard. Rittenhouse, under attack again, shot at Huber and hit him directly in the heart, killing him pretty much instantly.

    Huber's case could have been a case of mutual self defense. Where both parties are unaware of the others intend, and by law, no one would be at fault.

    And that is when Grosskreutz came in. He went up to Rittenhouse on the ground, and seen that he had shot Huber. As he approached Rittenhouse, Rittenhouse aimed the barrel of his rifle up at Grosskreutz, and Grosskreutz responded by putting his hands up, in a "don't shoot" manner. When Rittenhouse lowered his rifle, Grosskreutz then raised his hand which had a Glock pistol in it, and aimed it toward Rittenhouse, who then fired one round, blowing Grosskreutz bicep off, and disabling his arm with the gun in it, The video then shows Rittenhouse running to the police.

    So, of the 3 men who were shot, the only one who could have had good intentions, was Huber. He could have, but I cannot be sure on that. This is all based on all the research I did during this case.

    I don't think Rittenhouse is a hero, just a kid who put himself in a dumb situation and ultimately had to take two lives to get out of it.

    Why the media went on to label him a white supremist is still not known to me. But the lefts hatred and demonization of Rittenhouse, I feel, led to the Right's lionization of him.

    EddieLee706 [1591144]

    I'm assuming he did time for being a pedo than?

    Unless he identified as a Catholic Priest or some other religious authority.

    Pedos shouldn't be allowed out of prison imo. It is what it is though unfortunately.

    ZickyJackz [497258]

    Yes. he did time for it, and was on the registry. In fact, the night he was killed, I believe he had just got freed from some kind of confinement. A hospital stay for failed suicide, I think... The media constantly labels him a BLM protestor, but he was most def not one. In fact, he was screaming the N word that night.
    Well at least did some time for it.

    Leave it to the American media such trash on both sides. That's why people (mainly younger) are flocking to TikTok. You can find whatever you want there.
    • Larten_Crepsley [1569797]
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    Posted on 06:34:08 - 25/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    Capgros [2088627]

    Seems basically he was a slave trader, anyway, he seems very different from you, a pesky internet warrior trying to revive old glory

    Asbestos [2605613]

    Oh. Is being a slave trader not something to glorify here in 2023?

    Maybe these guys didn’t get the memo.

    Capgros [2088627]

    You tried....

    Asbestos [2605613]

    I do not create the cockroaches. I just point the flashlight

    Capgros [2088627]

    Seems they live rent free though.

    Asbestos [2605613]

    It’s not an issue. I always have plenty of room for my hobbies.
    Don’t be fooled. He has no hobbies. His a sad old man who sits at home playing torn all day and spreading hate on the forums. Bad at life. Bad at torn. Must suck to be him.

    • Asbestos [2605613]
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    Posted on 08:59:06 - 25/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    Asbestos [2605613]

    Oh. Is being a slave trader not something to glorify here in 2023?

    Maybe these guys didn’t get the memo.

    Capgros [2088627]

    You tried....

    Asbestos [2605613]

    I do not create the cockroaches. I just point the flashlight

    Capgros [2088627]

    Seems they live rent free though.

    Asbestos [2605613]

    It’s not an issue. I always have plenty of room for my hobbies.

    Larten_Crepsley [1569797]

    Don’t be fooled. He has no hobbies. His a sad old man who sits at home playing torn all day and spreading hate on the forums. Bad at life. Bad at torn. Must suck to be him.
    lol. “Slave Trader” Crapsley predictably rolling in with the lamest comebacks, talking about spreading hate while he is on blast for his ignorant hate speech on the forums. Should we ask Seba what you suck? ;)

    Staff Edit - Advertising
    Last edited by Jynnx on 02:59:41 - 27/11/23 (1 year ago)
    • ZickyJackz [497258]
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    Posted on 09:02:51 - 25/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    Collete [1389080]

    A bit off topic perhaps put that in the 6 or 7 hate Israel and Jewish people threads .

    EddieLee706 [1591144]

    Nope we talking about pedos which the victims were and people celebrated their death because of it.

    So it's right on topic.

    ZickyJackz [497258]

    Only one of them was a pedophile. The first guy attacked Rittenhouse, Rosenbaum, had molested 5 young boys.

    In my opinion, he seemed like he was wanting to die. He pursued Rittenhouse shouting that he would kill him and so on. He then reached for the barrel of the rifle, and was shot. Other shots seemed to have rang out, and that was when Huber(domestic violence) acted. People say that he believed Rittenhouse to be an "active shooter", and thus attacked Rittenhouse by striking him in the head with the edge of his skateboard. Rittenhouse, under attack again, shot at Huber and hit him directly in the heart, killing him pretty much instantly.

    Huber's case could have been a case of mutual self defense. Where both parties are unaware of the others intend, and by law, no one would be at fault.

    And that is when Grosskreutz came in. He went up to Rittenhouse on the ground, and seen that he had shot Huber. As he approached Rittenhouse, Rittenhouse aimed the barrel of his rifle up at Grosskreutz, and Grosskreutz responded by putting his hands up, in a "don't shoot" manner. When Rittenhouse lowered his rifle, Grosskreutz then raised his hand which had a Glock pistol in it, and aimed it toward Rittenhouse, who then fired one round, blowing Grosskreutz bicep off, and disabling his arm with the gun in it, The video then shows Rittenhouse running to the police.

    So, of the 3 men who were shot, the only one who could have had good intentions, was Huber. He could have, but I cannot be sure on that. This is all based on all the research I did during this case.

    I don't think Rittenhouse is a hero, just a kid who put himself in a dumb situation and ultimately had to take two lives to get out of it.

    Why the media went on to label him a white supremist is still not known to me. But the lefts hatred and demonization of Rittenhouse, I feel, led to the Right's lionization of him.

    EddieLee706 [1591144]

    I'm assuming he did time for being a pedo than?

    Unless he identified as a Catholic Priest or some other religious authority.

    Pedos shouldn't be allowed out of prison imo. It is what it is though unfortunately.

    ZickyJackz [497258]

    Yes. he did time for it, and was on the registry. In fact, the night he was killed, I believe he had just got freed from some kind of confinement. A hospital stay for failed suicide, I think... The media constantly labels him a BLM protestor, but he was most def not one. In fact, he was screaming the N word that night.

    EddieLee706 [1591144]

    Well at least did some time for it.

    Leave it to the American media such trash on both sides. That's why people (mainly younger) are flocking to TikTok. You can find whatever you want there.
    Tiktok is a bit like the wild west atm. There's not as much censorship there. Though, they did censor Bin Laden's "letter to America".

    • Bhappychap [2270497]
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    Posted on 16:32:33 - 25/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    Bhappychap [2270497]

    ow, someone who doesn't know what I am said something stupid and patriacrchal, ow, it hurts my bone so much!

    No wonder you republicans stick together no matter where you are are in the world. Its like the idiot-force. you guys tap into it to cheer each other on when you guys say something extra stupid.

    SporkMonkey [2065017]

    The hypocrisy. No matter how many buzz words you use, you're not going to win the Oppression Special Olympics.

    f**k you're useless.

    Produces nothing. Accomplishes nothing. I hope Ramaswamy gets a cabinet position and Trump lets him dismantle whatever bureaucracy you are a small cog in, fires you from your worthless govt "job," and you have to do favors for bread money.

    Bhappychap [2270497]

    You're the one calling anyone who doesn't like trash a pedo or pedo defender.

    Can't be more useless than that.

    You understand nothing of me, but keep going...I love learning about other people's insecurities in their lives. Extra juicy when it's pathetic as f**k.

    SporkMonkey [2065017]

    I calls em likes I sees em. People seem to be feeling guilty about their life choices. Not a me problem.

    You seem very defensive about your worthless career choices as a useless ShitLib bureaucrat.

    Bhappychap [2270497]

    oh so defensive being an Air Force Officer, Inventor, and early retiree. So worthleeeesssss....

    I am not being defensive, and you can't "call 'em how you see 'em" if A) you can't see me and know nothing about me, and B) have an IQ less than the shit I took this AM.

    SporkMonkey [2065017]

    You, as an example of an officer, explains why our NCO Corps is becoming shit soft.

    You are a disgrace to the oath you took, "sir."

    Signed, 1SG "Spork"

    f**k off.
    Lol, love it when a nobody opens their mouth like someone cares what they have to say. 1sg....NCO rank...boy you'd still be saluting me if you saw me in the halls with my dress. But like most of the people that failed to rise the ranks in the army, too hotheaded to make logical decisions.
    • Bhappychap [2270497]
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    Posted on 16:33:53 - 25/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    FidelCashflow [1993550]

    What's your point? Thousands of other people got away with killing someone because of self defense. How come they don't get a book deal and conservative worship?

    Collete [1389080]

    Were they also smeared on the national media of the USA with lies about them ?

    Bhappychap [2270497]

    Interesting. You think he became a far right hero because people told lies about him? Lol.

    He is a far right hero because republicans use trash for their heroes.

    Collete [1389080]

    How is a he trash ?

    Bhappychap [2270497]

    how is he not?

    Collete [1389080]

    He did no wrong and you cant prove he did and that burns you lol
    He did much wrong, and it doesn't affect me at all. But more importantly, an australian's opinion that has no idea how life in america is means even less.
    • Bhappychap [2270497]
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    Posted on 16:36:33 - 25/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    SporkMonkey [2065017]

    Doctors and nurses were worshipped for the last two years. Firefighters and EMTs since 2001 in the US.

    That's a weak argument, and that's coming for me as a healthcare professional.

    Also, aside from you and Lenin, communists aren't people, soooo....

    Bhappychap [2270497]

    Can we know what area you clean rooms in? I want to make sure I know, since hospital borne infections are so ubiquitous, might as well avoid the ones that openly hire special Ed kids to clean their rooms.

    SporkMonkey [2065017]

    If I wanted any lip off you, I’d pick it out of my zipper.

    You’re a govt bureaucrat shit stain that’s never known what a hard days work is, so your opinion means shit.

    Collete [1389080]

    lmfao that one must cut him to the bone

    Bhappychap [2270497]

    ow, someone who doesn't know what I am said something stupid and patriacrchal, ow, it hurts my bone so much!

    No wonder you republicans stick together no matter where you are are in the world. Its like the idiot-force. you guys tap into it to cheer each other on when you guys say something extra stupid.

    Collete [1389080]

    Dude you have claimed to be so many things its hilarious when people mock you lol
    almost like 50+ years is a long life that allows people to do many things. Imagine being whiny about leading a boring life.

    unless you're one of those people perfectly happy doing the same thing over and over again. Let me know when my story changes, or the pictures don't go through, or the repeated proof of my escapades don't make sense.
    • Bhappychap [2270497]
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    Posted on 16:37:28 - 25/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    FidelCashflow [1993550]

    Seems weird to me to celebrate someone who's only known for killing people. There's millions of doctors and nurses who devote their lives to helping the world, but some punk kid who got away with murder is the conservative hero. And anyone who buys his book is a massive tool.

    Idolizing him says a lot more about modern Republicans than it does about da libs.

    SporkMonkey [2065017]

    Doctors and nurses were worshipped for the last two years. Firefighters and EMTs since 2001 in the US.

    That's a weak argument, and that's coming for me as a healthcare professional.

    Also, aside from you and Lenin, communists aren't people, soooo....

    Bhappychap [2270497]

    Can we know what area you clean rooms in? I want to make sure I know, since hospital borne infections are so ubiquitous, might as well avoid the ones that openly hire special Ed kids to clean their rooms.

    ZickyJackz [497258]

    Imagine my surprise when I see Bhappy being an ableist f**k wit.

    Do you mock the mentally disabled in person, or only online where you feel like a big man?

    Collete [1389080]

    I don't know why anyone would defend these violent animals , he probably visits there to puts flowers on the spot where Kyle put down the scum .

    no one is defending them...How stupid do you have to be to now know this by now?
    • Bhappychap [2270497]
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    Posted on 16:39:41 - 25/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    Bhappychap [2270497]

    ow, someone who doesn't know what I am said something stupid and patriacrchal, ow, it hurts my bone so much!

    No wonder you republicans stick together no matter where you are are in the world. Its like the idiot-force. you guys tap into it to cheer each other on when you guys say something extra stupid.

    SporkMonkey [2065017]

    The hypocrisy. No matter how many buzz words you use, you're not going to win the Oppression Special Olympics.

    f**k you're useless.

    Produces nothing. Accomplishes nothing. I hope Ramaswamy gets a cabinet position and Trump lets him dismantle whatever bureaucracy you are a small cog in, fires you from your worthless govt "job," and you have to do favors for bread money.

    Bhappychap [2270497]

    You're the one calling anyone who doesn't like trash a pedo or pedo defender.

    Can't be more useless than that.

    You understand nothing of me, but keep going...I love learning about other people's insecurities in their lives. Extra juicy when it's pathetic as f**k.

    SporkMonkey [2065017]

    I calls em likes I sees em. People seem to be feeling guilty about their life choices. Not a me problem.

    You seem very defensive about your worthless career choices as a useless ShitLib bureaucrat.

    Bhappychap [2270497]

    oh so defensive being an Air Force Officer, Inventor, and early retiree. So worthleeeesssss....

    I am not being defensive, and you can't "call 'em how you see 'em" if A) you can't see me and know nothing about me, and B) have an IQ less than the shit I took this AM.

    Odin-All-Father [2010524]


    officer explains SO MUCH.

    please go on, explain then...
    • Bhappychap [2270497]
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    Posted on 16:41:21 - 25/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    FidelCashflow [1993550]

    Seems weird to me to celebrate someone who's only known for killing people. There's millions of doctors and nurses who devote their lives to helping the world, but some punk kid who got away with murder is the conservative hero. And anyone who buys his book is a massive tool.

    Idolizing him says a lot more about modern Republicans than it does about da libs.

    SporkMonkey [2065017]

    Doctors and nurses were worshipped for the last two years. Firefighters and EMTs since 2001 in the US.

    That's a weak argument, and that's coming for me as a healthcare professional.

    Also, aside from you and Lenin, communists aren't people, soooo....

    Bhappychap [2270497]

    Can we know what area you clean rooms in? I want to make sure I know, since hospital borne infections are so ubiquitous, might as well avoid the ones that openly hire special Ed kids to clean their rooms.

    ZickyJackz [497258]

    Imagine my surprise when I see Bhappy being an ableist f**k wit.

    Do you mock the mentally disabled in person, or only online where you feel like a big man?

    Bhappychap [2270497]

    Shocker, I'm ragging on far right idiots and their trash heroes, and Mr.Independent shows up.

    It's always interesting....

    ZickyJackz [497258]

    Oh f**k off, I haven't posted in ages, and you're the one being an ableist prick. Nice deflection.
    not a deflection, just noticing whats happening.

    yea exactly, haven't posted a whole, claim to be independent, but me ragging on far-right idiots inspired you to post again....the irony is just...amazing at this point.
    • Capgros [2088627]
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    Posted on 16:45:52 - 25/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    FidelCashflow [1993550]

    Seems weird to me to celebrate someone who's only known for killing people. There's millions of doctors and nurses who devote their lives to helping the world, but some punk kid who got away with murder is the conservative hero. And anyone who buys his book is a massive tool.

    Idolizing him says a lot more about modern Republicans than it does about da libs.

    SporkMonkey [2065017]

    Doctors and nurses were worshipped for the last two years. Firefighters and EMTs since 2001 in the US.

    That's a weak argument, and that's coming for me as a healthcare professional.

    Also, aside from you and Lenin, communists aren't people, soooo....

    Bhappychap [2270497]

    Can we know what area you clean rooms in? I want to make sure I know, since hospital borne infections are so ubiquitous, might as well avoid the ones that openly hire special Ed kids to clean their rooms.

    ZickyJackz [497258]

    Imagine my surprise when I see Bhappy being an ableist f**k wit.

    Do you mock the mentally disabled in person, or only online where you feel like a big man?

    Collete [1389080]

    I don't know why anyone would defend these violent animals , he probably visits there to puts flowers on the spot where Kyle put down the scum .

    Bhappychap [2270497]

    no one is defending them...How stupid do you have to be to now know this by now?
    Honestly, Rosebaum was pretty much an asshole from what I read, the others though, have a very different story, Huber was borderline, and one of my best friends when I was young also had it, he also threatened his family, but it wasn't really him, just moments. Considering Hubers family still love him and are trying to get some justice tells me enough.

    Grosskreutz was there as a medic, trying to help people.

    The last two certainly didn't deserve to die, and are victims of an unfortunate situation. It's sad to see some people are actually celebrating their deaths, must be really hard for their families
    • SporkMonkey [2065017]
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    Posted on 16:50:47 - 25/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    SporkMonkey [2065017]

    The hypocrisy. No matter how many buzz words you use, you're not going to win the Oppression Special Olympics.

    f**k you're useless.

    Produces nothing. Accomplishes nothing. I hope Ramaswamy gets a cabinet position and Trump lets him dismantle whatever bureaucracy you are a small cog in, fires you from your worthless govt "job," and you have to do favors for bread money.

    Bhappychap [2270497]

    You're the one calling anyone who doesn't like trash a pedo or pedo defender.

    Can't be more useless than that.

    You understand nothing of me, but keep going...I love learning about other people's insecurities in their lives. Extra juicy when it's pathetic as f**k.

    SporkMonkey [2065017]

    I calls em likes I sees em. People seem to be feeling guilty about their life choices. Not a me problem.

    You seem very defensive about your worthless career choices as a useless ShitLib bureaucrat.

    Bhappychap [2270497]

    oh so defensive being an Air Force Officer, Inventor, and early retiree. So worthleeeesssss....

    I am not being defensive, and you can't "call 'em how you see 'em" if A) you can't see me and know nothing about me, and B) have an IQ less than the shit I took this AM.

    SporkMonkey [2065017]

    You, as an example of an officer, explains why our NCO Corps is becoming shit soft.

    You are a disgrace to the oath you took, "sir."

    Signed, 1SG "Spork"

    f**k off.

    Bhappychap [2270497]

    Lol, love it when a nobody opens their mouth like someone cares what they have to say. 1sg....NCO rank...boy you'd still be saluting me if you saw me in the halls with my dress. But like most of the people that failed to rise the ranks in the army, too hotheaded to make logical decisions.
    Look in the mirror, ass clown. There are wars you'd gotten fragged in. I get why you're mad... your service members hate you because you're a pile of shit so you want to take it out on us when we also think you're a pile of shit.

    I'm done interacting with you... talking to you is like using cheap toilet paper - it's useless and you end up with shit on your hands.

    and gotdamn you are useless.
    Last edited by SporkMonkey on 16:51:23 - 25/11/23 (1 year ago)
    • PipeHitter [2687718]
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    Posted on 17:50:51 - 25/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    Bhappychap [2270497]

    ow, someone who doesn't know what I am said something stupid and patriacrchal, ow, it hurts my bone so much!

    No wonder you republicans stick together no matter where you are are in the world. Its like the idiot-force. you guys tap into it to cheer each other on when you guys say something extra stupid.

    SporkMonkey [2065017]

    The hypocrisy. No matter how many buzz words you use, you're not going to win the Oppression Special Olympics.

    f**k you're useless.

    Produces nothing. Accomplishes nothing. I hope Ramaswamy gets a cabinet position and Trump lets him dismantle whatever bureaucracy you are a small cog in, fires you from your worthless govt "job," and you have to do favors for bread money.

    Bhappychap [2270497]

    You're the one calling anyone who doesn't like trash a pedo or pedo defender.

    Can't be more useless than that.

    You understand nothing of me, but keep going...I love learning about other people's insecurities in their lives. Extra juicy when it's pathetic as f**k.

    SporkMonkey [2065017]

    I calls em likes I sees em. People seem to be feeling guilty about their life choices. Not a me problem.

    You seem very defensive about your worthless career choices as a useless ShitLib bureaucrat.

    Bhappychap [2270497]

    oh so defensive being an Air Force Officer, Inventor, and early retiree. So worthleeeesssss....

    I am not being defensive, and you can't "call 'em how you see 'em" if A) you can't see me and know nothing about me, and B) have an IQ less than the shit I took this AM.

    Odin-All-Father [2010524]


    officer explains SO MUCH.

    It really does. Softest job in the softest branch. No wonder why he’s so moist now.
    • Odin-All-Father [2010524]
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    Posted on 18:00:13 - 25/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    PipeHitter [2687718]

    It really does. Softest job in the softest branch. No wonder why he’s so moist now.
    Absolute screamer.
    Explains his attitude to everything.


    • broleaf [3140943]
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    Posted on 18:04:37 - 25/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    Engage in conflict, monkeys, and further atomize.

    NRx. Reject Modernity return to: Tradition, Monarchy, Spirit.


    • Bhappychap [2270497]
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    Posted on 19:55:20 - 25/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    SporkMonkey [2065017]

    The hypocrisy. No matter how many buzz words you use, you're not going to win the Oppression Special Olympics.

    f**k you're useless.

    Produces nothing. Accomplishes nothing. I hope Ramaswamy gets a cabinet position and Trump lets him dismantle whatever bureaucracy you are a small cog in, fires you from your worthless govt "job," and you have to do favors for bread money.

    Bhappychap [2270497]

    You're the one calling anyone who doesn't like trash a pedo or pedo defender.

    Can't be more useless than that.

    You understand nothing of me, but keep going...I love learning about other people's insecurities in their lives. Extra juicy when it's pathetic as f**k.

    SporkMonkey [2065017]

    I calls em likes I sees em. People seem to be feeling guilty about their life choices. Not a me problem.

    You seem very defensive about your worthless career choices as a useless ShitLib bureaucrat.

    Bhappychap [2270497]

    oh so defensive being an Air Force Officer, Inventor, and early retiree. So worthleeeesssss....

    I am not being defensive, and you can't "call 'em how you see 'em" if A) you can't see me and know nothing about me, and B) have an IQ less than the shit I took this AM.

    Odin-All-Father [2010524]


    officer explains SO MUCH.


    PipeHitter [2687718]

    It really does. Softest job in the softest branch. No wonder why he’s so moist now.
    lol, always interesting how people judge others for an online game forum, from their arm chair. Some by the words they see, others because they're threatened peacocks. I'd rather be judged soft and moist, than whatever you've done in life to come out that low on the totem pole.
    • Bhappychap [2270497]
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    Posted on 19:55:41 - 25/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    PipeHitter [2687718]

    It really does. Softest job in the softest branch. No wonder why he’s so moist now.

    Odin-All-Father [2010524]

    Absolute screamer.
    Explains his attitude to everything.
    Like that last time I was with your mom.
    • Bhappychap [2270497]
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    Posted on 20:04:12 - 25/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    SporkMonkey [2065017]

    Doctors and nurses were worshipped for the last two years. Firefighters and EMTs since 2001 in the US.

    That's a weak argument, and that's coming for me as a healthcare professional.

    Also, aside from you and Lenin, communists aren't people, soooo....

    Bhappychap [2270497]

    Can we know what area you clean rooms in? I want to make sure I know, since hospital borne infections are so ubiquitous, might as well avoid the ones that openly hire special Ed kids to clean their rooms.

    ZickyJackz [497258]

    Imagine my surprise when I see Bhappy being an ableist f**k wit.

    Do you mock the mentally disabled in person, or only online where you feel like a big man?

    Collete [1389080]

    I don't know why anyone would defend these violent animals , he probably visits there to puts flowers on the spot where Kyle put down the scum .

    Bhappychap [2270497]

    no one is defending them...How stupid do you have to be to now know this by now?

    Capgros [2088627]

    Honestly, Rosebaum was pretty much an asshole from what I read, the others though, have a very different story, Huber was borderline, and one of my best friends when I was young also had it, he also threatened his family, but it wasn't really him, just moments. Considering Hubers family still love him and are trying to get some justice tells me enough.

    Grosskreutz was there as a medic, trying to help people.

    The last two certainly didn't deserve to die, and are victims of an unfortunate situation. It's sad to see some people are actually celebrating their deaths, must be really hard for their families
    Usually the most vocal about being disrespectful are the first to run away or make a mistake in an actual gun fight. i'll guess 90% of the people commenting here have never shot and killed someone else, military or otherwise. 60%-70% (maybe more) probably have never been the victim of a shooting of a close family member. Let alone talk to the family members devastated by a random shooting. and 100% of the people on the right are incapable of putting themselves into someone else's shoes.

    Its obvious here, I call them idiots based on their shitty opinions here, they just attack stupid shit they know nothing about. Epitome of stupid behavior.
    • PipeHitter [2687718]
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    Posted on 21:30:56 - 25/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    Bhappychap [2270497]

    You're the one calling anyone who doesn't like trash a pedo or pedo defender.

    Can't be more useless than that.

    You understand nothing of me, but keep going...I love learning about other people's insecurities in their lives. Extra juicy when it's pathetic as f**k.

    SporkMonkey [2065017]

    I calls em likes I sees em. People seem to be feeling guilty about their life choices. Not a me problem.

    You seem very defensive about your worthless career choices as a useless ShitLib bureaucrat.

    Bhappychap [2270497]

    oh so defensive being an Air Force Officer, Inventor, and early retiree. So worthleeeesssss....

    I am not being defensive, and you can't "call 'em how you see 'em" if A) you can't see me and know nothing about me, and B) have an IQ less than the shit I took this AM.

    Odin-All-Father [2010524]


    officer explains SO MUCH.


    PipeHitter [2687718]

    It really does. Softest job in the softest branch. No wonder why he’s so moist now.

    Bhappychap [2270497]

    lol, always interesting how people judge others for an online game forum, from their arm chair. Some by the words they see, others because they're threatened peacocks. I'd rather be judged soft and moist, than whatever you've done in life to come out that low on the totem pole.
    I’m doing exceptionally well for myself after changing companies and moving to my current state. You’re a government employee with a military pension, you’re not coming close my friend. That’s basically mid level manager salary after a few years in most companies, hardly affluent.
    Last edited by PipeHitter on 21:32:18 - 25/11/23 (1 year ago)
    • ZickyJackz [497258]
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    Posted on 21:35:32 - 25/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    SporkMonkey [2065017]

    Doctors and nurses were worshipped for the last two years. Firefighters and EMTs since 2001 in the US.

    That's a weak argument, and that's coming for me as a healthcare professional.

    Also, aside from you and Lenin, communists aren't people, soooo....

    Bhappychap [2270497]

    Can we know what area you clean rooms in? I want to make sure I know, since hospital borne infections are so ubiquitous, might as well avoid the ones that openly hire special Ed kids to clean their rooms.

    ZickyJackz [497258]

    Imagine my surprise when I see Bhappy being an ableist f**k wit.

    Do you mock the mentally disabled in person, or only online where you feel like a big man?

    Bhappychap [2270497]

    Shocker, I'm ragging on far right idiots and their trash heroes, and Mr.Independent shows up.

    It's always interesting....

    ZickyJackz [497258]

    Oh f**k off, I haven't posted in ages, and you're the one being an ableist prick. Nice deflection.

    Bhappychap [2270497]

    not a deflection, just noticing whats happening.

    yea exactly, haven't posted a whole, claim to be independent, but me ragging on far-right idiots inspired you to post again....the irony is just...amazing at this point.
    I don't give a shit who you rag on, bitch boy. You're an ableist piece of shit.

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