Message to the Israeli People - Page 9 | Politics & Law | TORN

Message to the Israeli People

    • ForesterISR [2529142]
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    Posted on 18:34:49 - 14/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    What's the matter? hamas terrorists figured out fighting an army isn't as easy as butchering woman and children, so they started crying to the world about it? didn't hear them asking for a ceasefire when they burned Be'eri, Kefar-aza, Nahal-Oz and Sufa.

    I've seen their shouts of joy when you slaughtered innocent.
    I've seen them giving our sweets in the streets with your crappy toyota trucks full with bodies.
    I've seen their kids being raised to hate the jews.
    I've seen the mob dance when the hamas fires rockets on cities full of civilians.

    Chance after chance, ceasefire after ceasefire you use only to re-arm yourself.

    on October 7th you have been in my home, MY. HOME. invaded. destroyed. butchered. burned. kidnapped.

    Now i'm in your "home". enjoy.

    Oh and keep you propaganda and lies to yourselves, you and i both know the truth. and we ain't stopping this time.
    • Darkhelgi [2893568]
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    Posted on 19:57:14 - 14/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    On the wall: "We start to speak "Arabic" Welcome to hell". Gaza chose Hamas, and Hamas chose war. Hamas called for total genocide of Israel. We know who says that want to kill us we believe that they want to kill us. 2 million Arab Muslims are happy to live in Israel.
    • daprinceomar [2125322]
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    Posted on 21:35:48 - 14/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    Anyway gotta love the nonstop BULLSHIT IDF and Israeli propaganda, everywhere in govt and media and online. And the constant sucking each other off when presented with logic and facts and exposed for the lies.

    • Darkhelgi [2893568]
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    Posted on 21:50:55 - 14/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    Try to play victim card....
    Education in Gaza
    • Code [2091491]
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    Posted on 21:51:35 - 14/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    daprinceomar [2125322]


    Anyway gotta love the nonstop BULLSHIT IDF and Israeli propaganda, everywhere in govt and media and online. And the constant sucking each other off when presented with logic and facts and exposed for the lies.

    You sound very stable and i bet you have done thorough research.
    • Darkhelgi [2893568]
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    Posted on 21:54:42 - 14/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    Maybe someone banned in Google? HAMAS
    • Vernunzio [730674]
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    Posted on 22:01:39 - 14/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    daprinceomar [2125322]


    Anyway gotta love the nonstop BULLSHIT IDF and Israeli propaganda, everywhere in govt and media and online. And the constant sucking each other off when presented with logic and facts and exposed for the lies.

    What are you talking about?

    Every time I go online I see tragic circumstances presented as if Israel just woke up one day and said hey, let's f-k with Palestinians just for the sake of f-king with Palestinians, when reality is this has been a series of actions and reactions, a cycle of vengeance and mutual dehumanizing, of cynical politicians exploiting the divide for their own gain, that has gone on for over 75 years, and the original sin in the mind of many Palestinian supporters has been that Israel dared to exist in the first place. Or that Israel dared to win the wars initiated on it.

    Writing everything off as bullshit propaganda sounds like someone who is afraid to have their thinking and preconceptions challenged. You're better than that.


    • Asbestos [2605613]
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    Posted on 22:05:40 - 14/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    Darkhelgi [2893568]

    Try to play victim card....
    Education in Gaza
    Picture 1 photo credit: In this Dec. 14, 2014 file photo, masked Palestinian Hamas gunmen display their military skills during a rally to commemorate the 27th anniversary of the Hamas militant group, in Gaza City, Gaza. Khalil Hamra / AP LINK

    Picture 2 photo credit: A Palestinian kid with an assault rifle attends the funeral of Aysar al-Amer, 25, a local commander in the Islamic Jihad militant group, and Jawad Turki, 19, in the West Bank city of Jenin.Nasser Ishtayeh/Getty Images LINK

    Picture 3 is used widely, with none of the usage providing any kind or photo credit or provenance. Most of the usage seems to be in “see! Hamas hates the Jews!” opinion pages.

    Edit - the usual enemy of truth, downvoting source transparency:
    Smilin-Assassin disliked your post
    Last edited by Asbestos on 18:57:46 - 15/11/23 (1 year ago)
    • Darkhelgi [2893568]
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    Posted on 22:06:33 - 14/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    daprinceomar [2125322]


    Anyway gotta love the nonstop BULLSHIT IDF and Israeli propaganda, everywhere in govt and media and online. And the constant sucking each other off when presented with logic and facts and exposed for the lies.

    What river what sea? This slogan is for geographic cretinism. And simple call to genocide.
    We believe in your word and will do everything to protect our lives.
    Because we don't death cult like Hamas, no glory in the death of anyone.
    • Darkhelgi [2893568]
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    Posted on 22:17:08 - 14/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    Asbestos [2605613]

    Picture 1 photo credit: In this Dec. 14, 2014 file photo, masked Palestinian Hamas gunmen display their military skills during a rally to commemorate the 27th anniversary of the Hamas militant group, in Gaza City, Gaza. Khalil Hamra / AP LINK

    Picture 2 photo credit: A Palestinian kid with an assault rifle attends the funeral of Aysar al-Amer, 25, a local commander in the Islamic Jihad militant group, and Jawad Turki, 19, in the West Bank city of Jenin.Nasser Ishtayeh/Getty Images LINK

    Picture 3 is used widely, with none of the usage providing any kind or photo credit or provenance. Most of the usage seems to be in “see! Hamas hates the Jews!” opinion pages.

    Edit - the usual enemy of truth, downvoting source transparency:
    Smilin-Assassin disliked your post
    The last paragraph is an article on link... Israel gave them the Gaza Strip in 2005. But we can see what they build.
    • Asbestos [2605613]
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    Posted on 22:39:51 - 14/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    daprinceomar [2125322]


    Anyway gotta love the nonstop BULLSHIT IDF and Israeli propaganda, everywhere in govt and media and online. And the constant sucking each other off when presented with logic and facts and exposed for the lies.

    Darkhelgi [2893568]

    What river what sea? This slogan is for geographic cretinism. And simple call to genocide.
    We believe in your word and will do everything to protect our lives.
    Because we don't death cult like Hamas, no glory in the death of anyone.
    lol. The first picture is funny. Kinda seems like cultural appropriation, trying to make Hamas out to be David… How ironic that they depict a guy who wants to kills Jews as the Jew in the story. David (a Jew) vs Goliath (a Philistine/Arab) but making Hamas the victim. It’s got to be a weird humor piece.

    Edit: And the guns/israeli flag come out of the sky? So is God on the side of Israel against Iron Age PLO guy carrying on in the 21st century? I don’t think they really thought this one through.
    Last edited by Asbestos on 16:35:17 - 15/11/23 (1 year ago)
    • Steppenwulf [2960257]
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    Posted on 04:18:31 - 15/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    Seba_Nile [1782274]

    Why are Israelis forbidden from taking DNA tests xD why did their presidents like Netanyahu, Ariel Sharon and Ehud have to change their white ass last names to sound more indigenous xD
    So, interestingly enough, Netanyahu was actually born Netanyahu, but changed his name to Natay (or Natai) when he moved to the USA. When he returned to Israel, the place of his birth, he resumed his birth name.

    The other two were born with somewhat European names, and changed their names to "Hebraized" names, Sharon and Barak.

    I'd say they did so in an effort to promote a sense of inclusion and solidarity with the Hebrew Nation. Is that a problem? European Muslims change their names to Arabic names all the time. Cat Stevens ==> Yusuf Islam.

    Is it the whiteness of their names that bothers you more? Or is it the fact that by taking Hebrew names they are, by your own admission, making themselves sound more indigenous to the region? Or did you not realize that if taking a Hebrew name makes one sound indigenous to the region, it follows that the Hebrew people must in fact be indigenous to the region?

    Do you believe that a person born in Palestine or Israel has any less right to live in their place of birth because their parents and/or grandparents were born in Europe?

    How many generations does one have to live in a region to have a legitimate right to live there in your book? Should we trace the genes back 2000 years, when Jews and Greeks filled Israel but no Arabs?


    • Asbestos [2605613]
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    Posted on 06:40:02 - 15/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    Seba_Nile [1782274]

    Why are Israelis forbidden from taking DNA tests xD why did their presidents like Netanyahu, Ariel Sharon and Ehud have to change their white ass last names to sound more indigenous xD

    Steppenwulf [2960257]

    So, interestingly enough, Netanyahu was actually born Netanyahu, but changed his name to Natay (or Natai) when he moved to the USA. When he returned to Israel, the place of his birth, he resumed his birth name.

    The other two were born with somewhat European names, and changed their names to "Hebraized" names, Sharon and Barak.

    I'd say they did so in an effort to promote a sense of inclusion and solidarity with the Hebrew Nation. Is that a problem? European Muslims change their names to Arabic names all the time. Cat Stevens ==> Yusuf Islam.

    Is it the whiteness of their names that bothers you more? Or is it the fact that by taking Hebrew names they are, by your own admission, making themselves sound more indigenous to the region? Or did you not realize that if taking a Hebrew name makes one sound indigenous to the region, it follows that the Hebrew people must in fact be indigenous to the region?

    Do you believe that a person born in Palestine or Israel has any less right to live in their place of birth because their parents and/or grandparents were born in Europe?

    How many generations does one have to live in a region to have a legitimate right to live there in your book? Should we trace the genes back 2000 years, when Jews and Greeks filled Israel but no Arabs?
    Ignore him. He’s just reaching in his diaper and slinging shit to see what sticks. He’s just a boring racist that cuts and pastes from his Hamas propaganda masters.

    Last edited by Asbestos on 06:45:46 - 15/11/23 (1 year ago)
    • Smilin-Assassin [965750]
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    Posted on 18:04:33 - 15/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    ForesterISR [2529142]

    What's the matter? hamas terrorists figured out fighting an army isn't as easy as butchering woman and children, so they started crying to the world about it? didn't hear them asking for a ceasefire when they burned Be'eri, Kefar-aza, Nahal-Oz and Sufa.

    I've seen their shouts of joy when you slaughtered innocent.
    I've seen them giving our sweets in the streets with your crappy toyota trucks full with bodies.
    I've seen their kids being raised to hate the jews.
    I've seen the mob dance when the hamas fires rockets on cities full of civilians.

    Chance after chance, ceasefire after ceasefire you use only to re-arm yourself.

    on October 7th you have been in my home, MY. HOME. invaded. destroyed. butchered. burned. kidnapped.

    Now i'm in your "home". enjoy.

    Oh and keep you propaganda and lies to yourselves, you and i both know the truth. and we ain't stopping this time.
    You are in our home. You have been in our home for 75 years. So, sit while you can. Because your time to leave our home is coming. And whether you like it or not, we will take it back. And you will be homeless as you have always been, you stupid Zionist.


    • Smilin-Assassin [965750]
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    Posted on 18:06:54 - 15/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    Seba_Nile [1782274]

    Why are Israelis forbidden from taking DNA tests xD why did their presidents like Netanyahu, Ariel Sharon and Ehud have to change their white ass last names to sound more indigenous xD

    Steppenwulf [2960257]

    So, interestingly enough, Netanyahu was actually born Netanyahu, but changed his name to Natay (or Natai) when he moved to the USA. When he returned to Israel, the place of his birth, he resumed his birth name.

    The other two were born with somewhat European names, and changed their names to "Hebraized" names, Sharon and Barak.

    I'd say they did so in an effort to promote a sense of inclusion and solidarity with the Hebrew Nation. Is that a problem? European Muslims change their names to Arabic names all the time. Cat Stevens ==> Yusuf Islam.

    Is it the whiteness of their names that bothers you more? Or is it the fact that by taking Hebrew names they are, by your own admission, making themselves sound more indigenous to the region? Or did you not realize that if taking a Hebrew name makes one sound indigenous to the region, it follows that the Hebrew people must in fact be indigenous to the region?

    Do you believe that a person born in Palestine or Israel has any less right to live in their place of birth because their parents and/or grandparents were born in Europe?

    How many generations does one have to live in a region to have a legitimate right to live there in your book? Should we trace the genes back 2000 years, when Jews and Greeks filled Israel but no Arabs?
    If by right you mean force their way into people's homes and evict them and raze everything to the ground, sure, the zionists have done that. Thanks for proving that point ;)


    • Smilin-Assassin [965750]
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    Posted on 18:14:18 - 15/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    Darkhelgi [2893568]

    On the wall: "We start to speak "Arabic" Welcome to hell". Gaza chose Hamas, and Hamas chose war. Hamas called for total genocide of Israel. We know who says that want to kill us we believe that they want to kill us. 2 million Arab Muslims are happy to live in Israel.
    Nope, Hamas did not call for any genocide. Hamas called for you f**ks to get off their land and give them back what you took. And only a fraction is what you can give back, considering the millions of Palestinians you have killed over the past 75 years. You say Hamas called for total genocide when it is YOUR ZIONIST ARMY that is killing everyone without discrimination and calling everyone terrorists.

    2 million Arab Muslims are not happy to live in Israel because Israel does not exist on anything but on the dead bodies of those they murdered to create their pretentious nation. Pretend all you like, idiot. Your zionists have already lost billions and more loss to come. What you're witnessing the moments right before they topple over. Enjoy it while it lasts.


    • Smilin-Assassin [965750]
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    Posted on 18:34:35 - 15/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    Jabajaba [2499335]

    Have a listen to this chap - International law should be followed at all times, no excuses. Genocide is genocide, simple as that.

    Hamas should be able to be removed without bombing innocent people or telling 2m civilians to "move" in 24 hours...

    I am personally appalled by the UK and US stance on all of this - the nations that troll around the world claiming to be morally superior to everyone else, only until they decide that it is in their interest to back an ally that is commiting horrendous war crimes.

    This is not anything to do with religion. You just need to be a human being to see that the innocent people killed in Israel by hamas is wrong and the backlash on innocent civilians in Palestine is wrong.

    deadalus29 [2536273]

    What genocide are you refereeing to? to the negative "genocide" (AKA - positive growth rate) the Palestinians are currently experiencing?
    The international laws clearly states that killing civilians is OK, in certain cases (which, needless to say, happens at the Gaza strip)

    How Hamas can be removed without bombing (also) innocent people? Please answer with practical tactical solution which will not result in more innocents death and allow Israel to win the war which was forced upon it.

    Jabajaba [2499335]

    You should watch the YouTube clip buddy. All action needs to be proportionate. There's 20k Hamas and 2m civilians. Bombing a refugee camp to kill 1 hamas but murdering 500+ civilians is against international law. He covers the genocide of the Palestinian people and is a reputable source (just left the UN after 30+ years as he felt he could do more good outside and a lawyer).

    I'm not here to debate strategy. Simply stating there must be another way rather than killing people (mainly children - 50% of the population) that have nothing to do with it, other than to be unlucky enough to be born there.

    deadalus29 [2536273]

    How do you define the proportion ratio?

    I do not know of a case where 500 innocents civilians were killed to get only one Hamas guy, but continuing your argument - If that Hamas guy is high ranking officer and killing him would greatly diminish the ability of 20k warriors to fight than yes, that seems like a proportionate attack.

    Beside? how do you value the life of the defender against the life of the assailant (as the moral of the human race in the last 5000 years dictate that we should)? If that Hamas guy was finishing the immediate terror attack which will kill 50 Israel civilians than killing 500 enemy's civilians will be just, according to the defender. It is the enemy fault (and formal war crime) that it uses its civilians as human shield.

    I will write it again - a person who believe for more then 10 seconds that a nation which experience a positive growth rate is undergoing a genocide is a full retard person. Genocide is destroying a nation, and positive growth rate is literally the exact opposite.

    If you can come up with a way to fight terror organization which uses its civilians as human shields without killing those civilians you should advise it to Israel, which will immediately do just that, they are the last one who need more hate against them at the moment. Until you find such a way you should not claim that such a way "must be exist" because apparently, it doesnt exist.
    An occupying force, in this case, ISRAEL, can never defend itself from the victims. END OF f**kING DISCUSSION.

    And here is what a human shield looks like. Does this look like Hamas to you??
    Read up

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    How about this??
    Here is one from Haaretz itself!


    • Zachjuv [2015134]
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    Posted on 21:59:44 - 15/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    Darkhelgi [2893568]

    On the wall: "We start to speak "Arabic" Welcome to hell". Gaza chose Hamas, and Hamas chose war. Hamas called for total genocide of Israel. We know who says that want to kill us we believe that they want to kill us. 2 million Arab Muslims are happy to live in Israel.

    Smilin-Assassin [965750]

    Nope, Hamas did not call for any genocide. Hamas called for you f**ks to get off their land and give them back what you took. And only a fraction is what you can give back, considering the millions of Palestinians you have killed over the past 75 years. You say Hamas called for total genocide when it is YOUR ZIONIST ARMY that is killing everyone without discrimination and calling everyone terrorists.

    2 million Arab Muslims are not happy to live in Israel because Israel does not exist on anything but on the dead bodies of those they murdered to create their pretentious nation. Pretend all you like, idiot. Your zionists have already lost billions and more loss to come. What you're witnessing the moments right before they topple over. Enjoy it while it lasts.
    Can I ask you a question?

    What do you think makes a country a country?

    I can't imagine any definition of a country that would include palestine and exclude israel.
    • Adultery [2274232]
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    Posted on 22:18:11 - 15/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    when Esau and Ishmael chill out, Jacob will stop.

    Otherwise hes going to do what he has to do. And will be blessed while doing so.
    • Steppenwulf [2960257]
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    Posted on 22:20:31 - 15/11/23 (1 year ago)
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    Smilin-Assassin [965750]

    An occupying force, in this case, ISRAEL, can never defend itself from the victims. END OF f**kING DISCUSSION.

    And here is what a human shield looks like. Does this look like Hamas to you??
    Read up

    Keep reading
    How about this??
    Here is one from Haaretz itself!

    ^^ Now there's an impartial source for you.

    the source links to other of your sources here lead to this:

    Here's another problem with your sourcing:

    Why are you sourcing editorialized opinion pieces from unreliable hacks? Find more reliable sources.

    Bottom line: Israeli soldiers sometimes do nasty things they are not supposed to do, and are punished for it according to the law of their civilized society. Hamas terrorists commit atrocities and war crimes as a matter of official policy, and under direct orders from their leadership. And rather than any Palestinian authority condemning these atrocities, or placing the perpetrators under arrest or on trial, there appears to be jubilant dancing in the streets all around the world wherever supporters of Hamas are to be found.

    Imagine weighing 5 cases of "human shielding" spread out over 20 years, versus the thousands upon thousands of human shields currently employed by a defiant Hamas who have built their military infrastructure under hospitals and other civilian buildings.
    Last edited by Steppenwulf on 22:20:42 - 15/11/23 (1 year ago)


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