Political Meme Dump
Posted on 05:47:30 - 22/01/25 (17 days ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post link
Reminds me of madgod
Posted on 06:15:34 - 22/01/25 (17 days ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post link
Kaizaki defeated the dried up witch and got her prince in the end.
Posted on 14:19:11 - 22/01/25 (17 days ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post link
Massive respect to Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde. Not many people left with balls that big.
Posted on 16:43:15 - 22/01/25 (17 days ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post link
A) still using LLM responses I see
B) the executive order doesn't mention genetics at all.
Be gay. Do crimes.
Posted on 16:45:40 - 22/01/25 (17 days ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post link
This is fine meme coupled with image of a press conference to discuss the extensive disaster response. Do you understand how memes work?
Maybe you meant something like this?
Last edited by windyrockbell on 16:50:17 - 22/01/25 (17 days ago)Be gay. Do crimes.
Posted on 20:23:10 - 22/01/25 (17 days ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkLast edited by Bhappychap on 02:24:50 - 23/01/25 (16 days ago)
Posted on 04:52:43 - 23/01/25 (16 days ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post link
Lol, really Windy?
I kind of thought you were one of the level headed people in this st00pid area of the forum. All of a sudden it just seems like you lost your mind.
But I digress...Of course I know how memes work...I think I'm one of the few that do.Most others just start some argument session of nonsense over a meme...In a meme thread.
Others try to make "an impactful statement" while haRUMPHING at anyone else that might disagree, like you're trying to do...In a meme thread.
Me? I just use memes to kinda make a random point and be silly...At least in THE "official" meme thread.
But yea, your mentioning a CA Gov's press conference about a disaster that he previously personally cut funds to prevention and fighting (fire) disasters to mock a previous meme only to break out the "ClImAtE ChAnGe Is ThE CaUsE oF EvErYtHiNg BaD, mUaH!" is just an infantile, lost your mind rebuke.
Especially in a MEME THREAD, for Crissake.
You people are weird.Last edited by RatSalad on 04:53:29 - 23/01/25 (16 days ago) -
Posted on 20:53:03 - 23/01/25 (16 days ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post link
Be gay. Do crimes.