Political Meme Dump
Posted on 06:39:30 - 17/11/23 (10 months ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkZicky, there comes a point where "making jokes" is just a way to introduce the ideas to the public. They're not jokes, they're polling to see if they're in friendly company for similar ideals, and if not, the readily available excuse you're giving them, "oh, it was just a joke, don't be so sensitive" acts as coverWELL ACTUALLY, One of those is a dog, not a person. Checkmate, Lib. lol
Posted on 06:56:35 - 17/11/23 (10 months ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkI'm not saying it's just a joke, and not to be so sensitive. I'm saying he's pumping out controversy for clout. It's likely a grift, and less likely he's an actual nazi.that dog is a birthing person and your elder, respect is deserved
Posted on 20:41:02 - 18/11/23 (10 months ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkI did....You ignored the 13.7 million kids that go hungry, while at school. 3 links, you cherry picked one paragraph that kind of supports your claim, and the rest shows you that kids do in fact go hungry. Hence why some states are introducing bills for free elementary school lunches....Last edited by AineMari on 20:41:53 - 18/11/23
Posted on 21:16:07 - 18/11/23 (10 months ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkJust to clarify, we will control for bias by treating them exactly the same, yeah?
Posted on 21:18:11 - 18/11/23 (10 months ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkQuestion... if you don't feed your kids with welfare payments... won't they, like... die?
Then you won't get any welfare payments. -
Posted on 23:29:20 - 18/11/23 (10 months ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkMe when I've received trustworthy intel,that your balls are being used as a Hamas baseLast edited by Astolfo on 23:31:05 - 18/11/23
Posted on 00:51:32 - 19/11/23 (10 months ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkNo, you did not. I didn't ask you to show me a case of kids "going hungry". I asked you to show me a case of kids being denied a lunch at school. None of these three links show that, and I also googled "kids being denied lunch at school" phrased about 5 different ways and couldn't find a single article that mentions any child ever being denied a free lunch at school. -- Is it some grand conspiracy to suppress the truth? Or could it just be that it simply doesn't happen because Americans actually care about children and can't bear the thought of turning a hungry child away from a meal?
Remember, the specific point of this discussion was a meme that reads "It would be a better world if people fought as hard for every kid to have a good school lunch as they do to have every kid say the pledge of allegiance" To which I pointed out, THEY DO, and the the evidence that they do is that the pledge of allegiance is no longer being recited in classrooms across America, and at the same time, every child in school has access to a good lunch. Trying to direct the discussion into these peripheral channels of "kids going hungry" in general, or the specific policies of HOW children are provided with good lunches in schools, is disingenuous.
I don't need to cherry pick, because nothing in any of these sources makes any claim that any child has ever been denied a good lunch in an American school. Yes, I read the whole articles. And I also checked the sources they cited themselves.
Posted on 16:44:04 - 19/11/23 (10 months ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkCool. So… just to clarify, who embargoed who first?
Posted on 19:31:08 - 19/11/23 (10 months ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkI dispute one of those numbers......since the Tory Scum have infected England, Scotland and Wales for the last 13-14 years, Britain has to be close to the US CEO ratios!
Posted on 02:14:30 - 20/11/23 (10 months ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkWho invaded the other first ?
Kaizaki defeated the dried up witch and got her prince in the end.
Posted on 09:23:43 - 20/11/23 (10 months ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post link
Kaizaki defeated the dried up witch and got her prince in the end.
Posted on 22:11:52 - 20/11/23 (10 months ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkExcellent. We've now agreed that a question as simplistic as comparing a communist and capitalist country is totally redundant in a world that's full of competing geo-political interests.
Posted on 08:56:58 - 21/11/23 (10 months ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkLet's do the same thing a couple hundered kilometers away, send the us military in and let them desecrate the country and then check back in 2023 see who's still around