Political Meme Dump
Posted on 18:50:28 - 20/10/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post link
Posted on 23:46:41 - 20/10/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkThat 18-34 statistic is really low
Be gay. Do crimes.
Posted on 02:34:54 - 21/10/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkIt is very consistent with how younger generations are much more progressive.
Posted on 06:13:15 - 23/10/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkLast edited by Collete on 06:47:35 - 23/10/23 (1 year ago)
Kaizaki defeated the dried up witch and got her prince in the end.
Posted on 06:16:20 - 23/10/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkEw Facebook!
Posted on 06:45:47 - 23/10/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkLast edited by Collete on 06:42:34 - 24/10/23 (1 year ago)
Kaizaki defeated the dried up witch and got her prince in the end.
Posted on 10:43:42 - 24/10/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post link
Posted on 19:58:06 - 24/10/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkRon Desantis for president!
Posted on 15:27:55 - 25/10/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkThat there are better laws to prosecute people that knowingly spread HIV, that doesn't create a system of oppression on other sex workers?
Posted on 20:27:32 - 25/10/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkIf you look at things like the holocaust and the gulags and killing of 40 million civilians by stalin, and another 50 million by mao, well society went along with that and were so stupid a lot of them believed that those people were horrible and deserved it. oh, and those people also supported a culture that said if you didn't agree with them on everything they were killed.
Almost every country desolves into degeneracy and idiocy within a few generations until there is a revival in morals and patriotism. there hasn't been one in almost a hundred years since WW2. Even then the higher ups still had no morals and commited war rimes like the Nazis but they were ignored because we were the victors.
Operation Keelhaul, Hiroshima, Nagosaki, the Firebombing of Dresden (and hundreds of other towns that had no military targets), the supporting of the communists in china and vietnam who were fightint the Japanese (but were also commiting atrocities to their own people).
Even some of the Nuremburg trials were unjust. Rudolf Hess was shot down by the british on his way to try to make peace with the British and was imprisoned in 1939. he was sentenced to life in jail even though this was before the start of the holocaust.
Every society is screwed especially since they never realize the people who cause the most problems are the ones who are in the government for decades and never do anything for the people like improve the economy or protecting the citizens who they are supposed to represent, from foreigners. -
Posted on 02:44:18 - 27/10/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post link
Posted on 08:00:23 - 27/10/23 (1 year ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkLmaoLast edited by Odin-All-Father on 09:39:24 - 27/10/23 (1 year ago)