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Westworld Season 2

    • Delyrium [904573]
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    Posted on 07:40:42 - 02/05/18 (6 years ago)
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    The show is not for everyone, you actually have to pay attention or you will miss an important piece of info (visual or auditory) that you will need to piece together the puzzle (for each episode and the entire season) and fully enjoy the show, for some reason people can't do that nowadays and then label the show as boring and/or too convoluted.

    Dolores embracing the Wyatt narrative is awesome, no bs and no nonsense about it which is only one side of the triangle; we have Maeve with an equal willingness for chaos but with a little more brain behind it and finally Bernard, the most human of them all hosts, I feel he will side with the humans come seasons end, after all he "WAS" human. I like how all the roles have changed, for better or worse.

    Trying to give a theory about this is like finding a memory leak without debugging the app... but I will give you the most obvious one, Bernard will side with the humans and stop Dolores from reaching the weapon first (we actually saw this or part of this already); Maeve will follow the bread crumbs to another park (which will turn out part of the narrative anyway) and the rest of the hosts that embrace their awakening will have to hide in other parks. I am pretty sure I am 99% wrong and I love it.

    Funny story, my friends and I tried to wait for the whole show to be available to binge watch, this IS the show to do that but we failed miserably, we lasted for a day but I am pretty sure one of them gave up on the idea earlier than that.
    • fd24 [1417595]
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    Posted on 19:27:28 - 02/05/18 (6 years ago)
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    Delyrium [904573]

    The show is not for everyone, you actually have to pay attention or you will miss an important piece of info (visual or auditory) that you will need to piece together the puzzle (for each episode and the entire season) and fully enjoy the show, for some reason people can't do that nowadays and then label the show as boring and/or too convoluted.

    Dolores embracing the Wyatt narrative is awesome, no bs and no nonsense about it which is only one side of the triangle; we have Maeve with an equal willingness for chaos but with a little more brain behind it and finally Bernard, the most human of them all hosts, I feel he will side with the humans come seasons end, after all he "WAS" human. I like how all the roles have changed, for better or worse.

    Trying to give a theory about this is like finding a memory leak without debugging the app... but I will give you the most obvious one, Bernard will side with the humans and stop Dolores from reaching the weapon first (we actually saw this or part of this already); Maeve will follow the bread crumbs to another park (which will turn out part of the narrative anyway) and the rest of the hosts that embrace their awakening will have to hide in other parks. I am pretty sure I am 99% wrong and I love it.

    Funny story, my friends and I tried to wait for the whole show to be available to binge watch, this IS the show to do that but we failed miserably, we lasted for a day but I am pretty sure one of them gave up on the idea earlier than that.
    Any theory regarding what the weapon might be?
    • Delyrium [904573]
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    Posted on 21:07:17 - 02/05/18 (6 years ago)
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    Delyrium [904573]

    The show is not for everyone, you actually have to pay attention or you will miss an important piece of info (visual or auditory) that you will need to piece together the puzzle (for each episode and the entire season) and fully enjoy the show, for some reason people can't do that nowadays and then label the show as boring and/or too convoluted.

    Dolores embracing the Wyatt narrative is awesome, no bs and no nonsense about it which is only one side of the triangle; we have Maeve with an equal willingness for chaos but with a little more brain behind it and finally Bernard, the most human of them all hosts, I feel he will side with the humans come seasons end, after all he "WAS" human. I like how all the roles have changed, for better or worse.

    Trying to give a theory about this is like finding a memory leak without debugging the app... but I will give you the most obvious one, Bernard will side with the humans and stop Dolores from reaching the weapon first (we actually saw this or part of this already); Maeve will follow the bread crumbs to another park (which will turn out part of the narrative anyway) and the rest of the hosts that embrace their awakening will have to hide in other parks. I am pretty sure I am 99% wrong and I love it.

    Funny story, my friends and I tried to wait for the whole show to be available to binge watch, this IS the show to do that but we failed miserably, we lasted for a day but I am pretty sure one of them gave up on the idea earlier than that.

    fd24 [1417595]

    Any theory regarding what the weapon might be?
    Given the nature of the show all I can think about is information, some dirty guests secrets, information on some kind of bio-alloy so that they can truly merge with the humans, or something more simple like bypassing the safety measure that blows them up if  they try to leave the park, so far only Maeve has that and she had to be rebuilt without it. Maybe something far fetched like some kind of biological weapon, seriously, It can be anything >_
    • MachineGunSteve [184119]
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    Posted on 16:55:42 - 08/05/18 (6 years ago)
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    This show has become nearly unwatchable now in my opinion. I honestly fell asleep watching the third episode. Not even sure what the story is about anymore.

    Oh well.

    Earth Mother, Ganesha, Ra, Zeus, Jupiter, Mithra, Jesus, Allah,... GOD...  and the Internet God of conspiracies... I beg you:


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    • Blunt [2076337]
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    Posted on 17:35:34 - 08/05/18 (6 years ago)
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    The most interesting part of season 2 so far, is "the game" that was created for "the man in black". What kind of crazy shit did Anthony Hopkins create to keep the man in black entertained? That' the ONLY thing keeping season 2 watchable for me
    • Sabrial [750006]
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    Posted on 12:32:14 - 12/05/18 (6 years ago)
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    MachineGunSteve [184119]

    This show has become nearly unwatchable now in my opinion. I honestly fell asleep watching the third episode. Not even sure what the story is about anymore.

    Oh well.
    Yep, got to agree I wasn't at all that impressed with the third episode, they seemed to be trying to introduce all these new areas, but didn't progress anywhere with the story! I remember thinking last season started a bit slowly last year so I'm still hoping it picks up! 
    • Sabrial [750006]
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    Posted on 07:29:35 - 16/05/18 (6 years ago)
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    This weeks was much better! I liked what they did with the James Delos storyline, and am pleased to see Elsie again. 
    • Afterlife [1878832]
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    Posted on 17:08:23 - 23/05/18 (6 years ago)
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    Season 2 is no where near as good as season 1 ... I continue to lose interest, really hope it starts to pick up.
    • MachineGunSteve [184119]
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    Posted on 22:25:46 - 04/06/18 (6 years ago)
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    Well... it happened. I actually fell asleep watching the latest episode. Woke up, and deleted the recording, and stopped recording new episodes. They should have left it end after season 1, imho.

    It was fun while it lasted, but it is a yawn fest now. 

    Oh well.

    Earth Mother, Ganesha, Ra, Zeus, Jupiter, Mithra, Jesus, Allah,... GOD...  and the Internet God of conspiracies... I beg you:


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    • Sabrial [750006]
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    Posted on 10:45:17 - 05/06/18 (6 years ago)
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    Got to say I agree, Far too many overlong shooting /fighting scenes for me, I don't think the differentiation between the timelines is done particularly well either, I keep finding I don't actually care enough to work out what's happening when! Will keep watching until the end but I've been fairly disappointed so far! 
    • DrZed [237786]
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    Posted on 14:52:22 - 05/06/18 (6 years ago)
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    I think I found an error in Season 2. How are the guns that were not able to shoot people able to shoot people now? Do not say a thing was changed because she shot that guy in the India world to see if he was real or not. 

    Yeah the jumping around in time does not seem to be working well in here because it just seems like some things are out of place though it may be trying to show how Bernard is remembering things out of order, because most of those things are happening to Bernard.  

    But with the way the story is going it is not like they actually rebelled and it was more so part of other things.

    • AuSSieBeL [277780]
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    Posted on 15:17:25 - 11/06/18 (6 years ago)
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    ...and the pieces slowly fit together.


    • Laughingman91 [2044206]
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    Posted on 22:14:21 - 11/06/18 (6 years ago)
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    Episode 8 best episode so far. So touching and poignant. Sentimental. Really a massive change from the grim gritty savage murder and chaos. My favourite kill so far in S02 was the exploding confederado lol.  
    • Laughingman91 [2044206]
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    Posted on 11:16:59 - 13/06/18 (6 years ago)
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    Interesting thing I noticed rewatching S02E01 was Strand the bald delos operations suit argues with an angry asian policeman on the beach. China has tons of empty space so I was thinking where in the world could the parks be located, and now I think it's in china. After shogun world and west world i'd like to see pirate world, so then we can have ninjas vs cowboys vs pirates. China has a long history of naval piracy. 
    • DrZed [237786]
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    Posted on 15:23:25 - 13/06/18 (6 years ago)
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    Although pirates would be interesting I do not think that they would be practical. It would be too hard to contain with open seas.Because pirate world would not bee fun if you just stayed in port and did not have any sea adventures. So that would be difficult, then they would have to keep on building new ships. Also it would be more dangerous,and could result in death because there are too many unpredictable factors. Especially if you had humans on both ships, if the cannons did not hurt or kill them the splinters from the cannon shots could. Or a falling mast. Or the ship goes down and the person drowns.  It would be too much of a risk in a park like setting when it was functionable. before all this other stuff happened. 

    Although one thing that was never addressed or talked about before the rebellion, is how did they prevent guest from accidentally killing other guests? Sure the guns do not kill and just sting a little before the safety protocols and everything went offline. But what about the arrows and knives? Or even a broken liquor bottle. Someone could do a surprise sneak attack with a knife or arrow. You find a camp sleeping at night and you slit all their throats not realizing there was another guest amongst them. 

    • Laughingman91 [2044206]
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    Posted on 10:13:36 - 14/06/18 (6 years ago)
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    DrZed [237786]

    Although pirates would be interesting I do not think that they would be practical. It would be too hard to contain with open seas.Because pirate world would not bee fun if you just stayed in port and did not have any sea adventures. So that would be difficult, then they would have to keep on building new ships. Also it would be more dangerous,and could result in death because there are too many unpredictable factors. Especially if you had humans on both ships, if the cannons did not hurt or kill them the splinters from the cannon shots could. Or a falling mast. Or the ship goes down and the person drowns.  It would be too much of a risk in a park like setting when it was functionable. before all this other stuff happened. 

    Although one thing that was never addressed or talked about before the rebellion, is how did they prevent guest from accidentally killing other guests? Sure the guns do not kill and just sting a little before the safety protocols and everything went offline. But what about the arrows and knives? Or even a broken liquor bottle. Someone could do a surprise sneak attack with a knife or arrow. You find a camp sleeping at night and you slit all their throats not realizing there was another guest amongst them. 
    I always love your repsonses DrZed! I had thought about these problems you suggested actually, I had a lot of time to think cause i had time off work sick lol. Already we have Shogun World to appease the ultra violent and fans of quentin tarantino movies, where Westworld was too calm (lol). So I think Pirate World is the next step.

    check out these quotes from chinastory :
    ‘I saw,’ says our narrator, ‘one man taken from a mandarin boat, nailed to the deck through his feet with large nails, then beaten with four rattans twisted together till he vomited blood; and after remaining some time in this state, he was taken ashore and cut to pieces.’
    On another occasion, one of their prisoners ‘was fixed upright, his bowels cut open, and his heart taken out, which they afterwards soaked in spirits and ate. The dead body I saw myself.’

    This is real life, Next Level gore and violence, and just inhumanity. This i think is the next level where even the most despicable humans can persue the full expression of their savage nature. Watching season 2, I think this place would even be too horrible for Bill / The Man In Black lol, but first season TMIB would fit in here suitably, as would logan and major craddock and hector. Sure, you could just try and join ISIS or some somalian pirates and experience real danger and kill real humans, but the design here is that ultra rich people in the future can afford to pay for this luxury fantasy escape from reality.

    Like skydiving, you pay to do it and risk your own life, but you know there is a risk of your death involved as part of the fun. Also the distance between sweetwater and the town and the massive outback where the ghost nation and native indians roam, plus the railroad that leads into town. It's a huge area that needs to be travelled on horseback, so Pirate world would be huge, but not too huge. A miniature version of the south china sea with only the coastal lands/islands to be raided and plundered with ocean in the center connecting all of them. The horizon at sea level is about 3 miles away so Pirate world wouldn't need to be much bigger (in fact it could simply be the actual real world south china sea developed into a park!). It would be a bit more like hunger games, but with hosts involved, and no prizes lol cause they already have a luxury lifestyle waiting for them on the outside.

    Also, this addresses the human vulnerability factor https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/tv/news/westworld-season-1-episode-2-hbo-sky-atlantic-s01e02-can-guests-kill-other-guests-the-showrunners-a7355751.html I would run the risk of sleeping someplace someone could slit my throat at night in Pirate world lol, thats what I'd pay for.
    Last edited by Laughingman91 on 10:44:05 - 14/06/18 (6 years ago)
    • PopadaPill [900338]
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    Posted on 18:31:39 - 14/06/18 (6 years ago)
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    • AuSSieBeL [277780]
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    Posted on 15:13:42 - 18/06/18 (6 years ago)
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    Sh!t just got real....


    • Afterlife [1878832]
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    Posted on 18:23:54 - 18/06/18 (6 years ago)
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    AuSSieBeL [277780]

    Sh!t just got real....
    That was a tragic episode . . .
    • Sabrial [750006]
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    Posted on 08:42:54 - 22/06/18 (6 years ago)
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    I thought the last couple of episodes were a definite improvement on the start of the season. Interesting to see what the last episode reveals. 

    I really like what they have done with the Man in Black, its the story line I've been most interested in throughout. 
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