Westworld Season 2
Thread created on 11:41:31 - 09/02/18 (6 years ago)|Last replied 01:42:45 - 23/07/18 (6 years ago)So the trailer is out for Westworld season 2
Its been a long time coming!
Anyone got any good theories?
I'm thinking it will be lots of Delorous shooting people, We'll be introduced to the other worlds, and the Man in Black will still be around trying to complete his game.
I hope its as good as the first season! -
Posted on 01:47:57 - 14/04/18 (6 years ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkDo you mean the other worlds like the worlds that they had in the movie, like Roman world, and Medieval world. That would be interesting if they go into that but from so far how they did things it does not seem like they are there or would be connected to the story.
- Triplicant [2037705]
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Posted on 02:46:43 - 14/04/18 (6 years ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkThere was a screening of the old movie at a theatre near me a few days ago; The other parks were seemingly rreeaallyy close together compared to the modern version.
Possible suppliers for those who haven't seen season 1!
You were warned.
I'm on mobile so won't provide a source, but didn't Maeve run through a Shogun themed area of Delos when everything went mental? That would imply the existence, or at least thoughts toward building, another park. -
Posted on 02:52:26 - 14/04/18 (6 years ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkI think in the previews they showed that if not it being before. So maybe they do have the adjoining worlds. But how will that work with the whole Arnold thing, well maybe they can make it work.Hopefully it can work well into the backstory if they are going to still be going into that like how they did in the first season.
Posted on 22:27:23 - 15/04/18 (6 years ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkWatched the first season for the first time yesterday. Really good writing.
Posted on 09:52:35 - 17/04/18 (6 years ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkI think theories are too complex for a show like this lol. I was really shocked at the final ep with that twist, but also unsurprised lol cause its a typical robot meme in that kind of sci fi setting. I was more shocked that i didn't guess what was going on!!
And that is why i have no theories for the second season - I was completely distracted by what was being presented to me in season 1 that the real plot was completely hidden lol.
At a guess; it finished with the heroes wanting to overrun and escape their confines, and it seems the human security team aren't worth a dime, so I don't see why it can't head in that direction - only i'm sure that it won't if the story is as complex and dramatic as the first season lol. -
Posted on 16:52:16 - 17/04/18 (6 years ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkI think they should have left it. Without Anthony Hopkins I am just not that interested.
I think it should have ended where it did.Earth Mother, Ganesha, Ra, Zeus, Jupiter, Mithra, Jesus, Allah,... GOD... and the Internet God of conspiracies... I beg you:
Please protect me from your followers.
Posted on 01:19:28 - 22/04/18 (6 years ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkDude Everyone here is my new favourite people! I love Westworld but nobody I know has seen it. I was non-stop going 'What! No way! Whaaatt!' at the end of season 1. I have no theories for season 2 but I'm definitely avidly awaiting it!! :)
Posted on 04:54:21 - 22/04/18 (6 years ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkim still a bit miffed at the trickery done in the show, the watcher was lied to and misled on purpose away from the truth. Im naturally talking about the photograph on the table...
And therefore a logical construct could not be created. Or anything to lead from here on either as anything presented earlier as a fat could easily be a lie too from manipulated fake memories and replaced visions.
For a mystery to be solved such purposeful lies to the viewer kinda breaks the whole thing, -
Posted on 02:23:49 - 23/04/18 (6 years ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkWow!! What did everyone think of the first episode? I think we are gonna see the other parks this season because of the tiger. I think the different parks might actually be connected and if that tiger got in it means people can also go out so hopefully we'll get to see some of the others! I love this show!
Posted on 08:52:57 - 23/04/18 (6 years ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkI really agree with you for your reasoning, but personally i can accept that I was fooled by a tv show as an entertaining concept lol.
Most popular TV is for basic bitches right? But, I don't, and will never care what the kardashians ate for breakfast, or how controversial the latest south park / family guy joke was.
When i spend time watching TV, I actually want to be thrown for a loop by a mystery, while being entertained by old west violence and future robots. Most TV does not tick those boxes for me. -
Posted on 01:26:54 - 24/04/18 (6 years ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linknah bernard killed them, he's the only host still roaming around
Posted on 09:04:48 - 24/04/18 (6 years ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkThey haven't yet discussed the hosts from other parks. We are not certain about that. Besides Bernard is not the only host that we know for certain is alive. We do not know where Dolores is, what is this valley she was talking about, we do not know what is the status of Maeve is in the current timeline and whether or not she found her daughter.
I think episode 1 was just giving us a glimpse at the pieces on the board. I m guessing that the first few episodes will piece together what happened in the days between Bernard post massacre and Bernard in the present. Once we have an idea about that, we can try to figure out how season 2 would probably end. -
Posted on 11:58:25 - 24/04/18 (6 years ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkI definitely think they will continue with the messed up timelines, the Bernard one is the obvious one, but I wonder where all the others fit in!
Was a great start anyway, really enjoyed the whole episode and can't wait for next week! -
Posted on 15:45:00 - 24/04/18 (6 years ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkI'm hoping that the show evolves and doesn't stay stagnant. Ford's game really excites me i have a feeling he transferred his consciousness to one of the hosts he's made
Posted on 15:45:26 - 24/04/18 (6 years ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkI like your torn name. All I know about Dolores(from the actress that plays her), is that Dolores is gonna be pissed in Season 2.
Posted on 22:55:03 - 25/04/18 (6 years ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkyeh dude i get what you're saying about the other parks, it's possible they've gone to crap too because that tiger must have been acting of it's own will/off it's narrative to get on that beach but as for Dolores, i'm pretty sure she's dead because at the end of the episode we saw Teddy in the lake with the dead hosts and he was travelling with Dolores. The only possibility with her is that she and Bernard clearly share some sort of connection so he may have killed all of them but hidden her away somewhere or she escaped over the valley. I think the valley she was talking about was the one they found at the end leading to the sea (valleys can be rivers aha). With mauve I reckon she gave up on her daughter, I think she's gonna play a big part in this season maybe going to parks where nothings gone to crap yet and freeing the hosts. No matter what happens it's gonna be awesome though, I reckon the ending of this season is gonna be mauve forming an army of hosts from all the parks and setting them upon the outer world as she gave the speech about the world outside and how they need to take over that too. possibly the season will just end with them breaking through some sort of wall to the outside world then the camera zooms out, we see pretty much a whole country surrounded by walls separated into different parks showing what the place really is and all the hosts stood looking out at the real world, that'd be a cool end scene anyway haha
- BlindSniper [1864813]
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Posted on 05:33:33 - 29/04/18 (6 years ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkSo disappointed in how cringe Dolores lines and plot line went. Her scene with the people set to hang themselves was so awfully done. Her acting was solid, but what the hell was that script she had? Last season she was the 2nd best story line and now she's the worst for me.
Everything else was AMAZING, hyped for this season.Last edited by BlindSniper on 05:34:00 - 29/04/18 (6 years ago) -
Posted on 22:49:55 - 29/04/18 (6 years ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkI do slightly agree about Dolores but yeh everything else was awesome! Psyched for tonight!