Favourite Disney children's movie - Page 2 | TV & Movies | TORN

Favourite Disney children's movie

    • butimanalien [1996904]
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    Posted on 21:20:46 - 22/06/16 (8 years ago)
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    butimanalien [1996904]

    Lilo & Stitch! It really bothers me that some people underrate this movie :( It was the first Disney feature (before Frozen!) to put emphasis on familial love rather than romantic. Ohana means family and family means nobody gets left behind!

    Flugkatze [1718691]

    Lilo is such a sweet girl. She's encountering so much trouble and only wants to have her "family" around her.
    Watched the series too. Not only the movies.
    The series was nice too! :) Wish Netflix would eventually add it on..
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