If Walking Dead were Reality... | TV & Movies | TORN

If Walking Dead were Reality...

    • Daneel_Olivaw [1736842]
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    Thread created on 10:10:21 - 19/07/15 (9 years ago)
    Last replied 03:25:55 - 26/08/15 (9 years ago)
    Would you survive? Would you just shoot yourself?

    Remember, no cell phones, internet, tv or movies, no running water, almost no other humans to talk to, and the few that there are are likely to kill you instead of help or socialize... oh yeah! and zombies everywhere!

    Hunting for your own food, or eating people like Terminus, trying to find water...

    Would you survive? Would you even want to try?

    Please discuss it a little. Why would you survive? Do you have Special Forces training or something, or are you just stubborn about NOT DYING???
    • Would you survive the Walking Dead?
    • Yes
    • No
    Total number of votes: 28
    • delaydat [1933654]
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    Posted on 15:04:08 - 20/07/15 (9 years ago)
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    So far 5 votes, and all are yes... myself included. Interesting....
    • Dead--Man [1895400]
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    Posted on 16:12:42 - 20/07/15 (9 years ago)
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    delaydat [1933654]

    So far 5 votes, and all are yes... myself included. Interesting....
    they are all going to die
    • DrZed [237786]
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    Posted on 03:37:23 - 21/07/15 (9 years ago)
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    If the walking dead were real all of those people would be dead because they do such stupid things on there. But if it was me in a zombie situation I would be dead. although I do have a good plan but stupid humans I am sure would mess it up.

    • Ceb [68232]
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    Posted on 05:15:08 - 21/07/15 (9 years ago)
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    If the walking dead were real, then it'd be a cakewalk. the zombie situation would be a two, three week issue tops. It'd make for a good holiday afterwards though.

    That's not to say I don't enjoy the show, but the suspension of disbelief starts for me the moment a walker steps outside onto the street. People are much more dangerous than zombies.

    • Daneel_Olivaw [1736842]
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    Posted on 16:27:11 - 21/07/15 (9 years ago)
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    DrZed [237786]

    If the walking dead were real all of those people would be dead because they do such stupid things on there. But if it was me in a zombie situation I would be dead. although I do have a good plan but stupid humans I am sure would mess it up.
    Good answer.

    I know more than the average person knows about wilderness survival. As soon as I realized shit had hit the fan, I'd try to disappear into the middle of nowhere. I'd want to be as far away from populated areas as possible. As long as I made it that far, my chances of continued survival would be high.
    • dunmugmeh [538353]
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    Posted on 21:38:43 - 22/07/15 (9 years ago)
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    Depends on where you live if you live in a big town or city it would be difficult to survive without preparations ie heavily fortified house and lots and lots and lots of supplies in your house. And running for the hills in your car would be impossible they would all be blocked by other people trying to escape.

    If you lived in a village or isolated place you would have more time to prepare but after the trouble has spread you will need other skills like survival skills and/or combat training and weapons.

    I live in a big town with a flimsy house ie patio windows and no supplies or weapons i can fight with karate brown belt but i would be screwed if the zombies came tomorrow!

    Forum signatures make my eyes hurt so i have turned them off.

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    • delaydat [1933654]
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    Posted on 14:47:27 - 23/07/15 (9 years ago)
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    I live in a small town (around 4k population) with lots of villages in surrounding area. Lots of rivers and lakes nearby too.
    Weapons wouldn't be a problem since lot of people have all kind of guns hidden in their houses coz there was war 20yrs ago and lot of people kept their guns and ammo instead of givin them up to UN.
    Isolation seems like a good solution.
    But as we saw in movies and TV series...main problem would be other humans that are alive, not the dead ones.
    • Jason187 [1808995]
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    Posted on 14:59:12 - 23/07/15 (9 years ago)
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    I live in a town of 40k people. Lots of wooded areas around to hide in. I also have a nice small arsenal of knives, swords, guns and axes and the skill to take them out 1 by 1. I don't see myself being caught by a slow moving walker or even 40k slow moving brainless zombies. I would lure them into a trap, like a huge hole in the ground then set them bitches on fire, or in the case of TWD, stab them in their soft heads. Then be back at home in my own bed the next day.


    • RasAlGhul [1448500]
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    Posted on 22:34:49 - 12/08/15 (9 years ago)
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    I would.. try not to die. But if I have nothing worth living for (Family..) then I probably would.

    If you can see this, you are viewing the forums badly.

    • squishi [1949523]
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    Posted on 19:27:31 - 13/08/15 (9 years ago)
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    we watched this not long ago. I do not reckon I would survive.
    also does anyone know when the next season is out on dvd please?
    • Consequences [1948505]
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    Posted on 14:38:43 - 16/08/15 (9 years ago)
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    Hardly anyone would.

    Go buy Arma 2 for the PC and download Dayz. It is important you play this and not Dayz standalone as it is far more realistic.

    I give you 3 mins before you die. This is what RL would be like. One false move. Dead. It is not just zombies you have to worry about, it is other people.
    • Consequences [1948505]
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    Posted on 14:42:05 - 16/08/15 (9 years ago)
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    DrZed [237786]

    If the walking dead were real all of those people would be dead because they do such stupid things on there. But if it was me in a zombie situation I would be dead. although I do have a good plan but stupid humans I am sure would mess it up.

    Daneel_Olivaw [1736842]

    Good answer.

    I know more than the average person knows about wilderness survival. As soon as I realized shit had hit the fan, I'd try to disappear into the middle of nowhere. I'd want to be as far away from populated areas as possible. As long as I made it that far, my chances of continued survival would be high.
    I think you would actually fare better in densely populated areas for a few reasons.

    1. Easy access to food and drink.
    2. Most of the human population would already be dead.
    3. In out-of-city areas you are more likely to come across or be hunted by psychopaths with the actual life and hunting skills they need to kill you.
    4. HUGE assumption but zombies wouldn't be clever enough to get into buildings with any security.
    5. If you need med supplies, good luck finding them in "the hills".
    • Daneel_Olivaw [1736842]
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    Posted on 17:21:00 - 17/08/15 (9 years ago)
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    RasAlGhul [1448500]

    I would.. try not to die. But if I have nothing worth living for (Family..) then I probably would.
    I think the majority of people will feel there is no reason worth living. Which is interesting since we humans spent all but the last hundred years in technological and industrial darkness. I think there's been a trend, over the last hundred years, or so, where a higher and higher percentage of humans are living in city-areas. Don't know if that's true, or not, though.
    • Telomun [463664]
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    Posted on 21:17:33 - 17/08/15 (9 years ago)
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    I would probably die. While I am often entertained by post apocalyptic entertainment, I don't have a plot shield to keep me alive.

    I have no weapons, other then my kitchen knives.

    No real survival training.

    I live a little under 10 minutes drive from downtown in a semi urban area in a city populated by 2.5million people.

    I have very, very slim chances :{
    Last edited by Telomun on 21:18:04 - 17/08/15 (9 years ago)
    • S_H_A_Z_A_M [1939661]
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    Posted on 02:27:46 - 26/08/15 (9 years ago)
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    A zombie situation is very close to a situation where society collapses, there'll be looters, there'll be criminals who are running free to do what they want, no help from anyone or anywhere. Stuff like that.

    As long as you stay away from populated places, surviving zombie apocalypse is not as hard as it seems. Whenever you're in the middle of these things, violent chaotic situations, the adrenaline, the cortisol, etc. it doesn't feel as bad and scary as they look when you're just imagining them.

    Fear is just a story we tell ourselves it's in our imagination, but when you're actually in those situations, you don't have time to imagine and think, you just do or die, so there's no time to be afraid, even though you are and you just.. do.

    So yes, i would survive, because i know the necessary steps to take and have the necessary training to take them successfully.

    I would also prefer to travel alone, rather than in a group, unless the individuals are at my level of prep and can take care of themselves and not put the responsibility of their safety on my head.


    • AwakeNoWokeFail [79965]
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    Posted on 03:25:55 - 26/08/15 (9 years ago)
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    I'm the Carol type. Just try and kill me.

    Last edited by AwakeNoWokeFail on 03:41:09 - 26/08/15 (9 years ago)

    I'm Sorry


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