The 'Never Seen Star Wars' Thread
Posted on 15:07:19 - 26/01/15 (10 years ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkIn 1977 the 13 year old me loved Star Wars... what was not to love? Back in those days just going to the movies was cool... literally cool. It was summer after all and going to the movies meant AC, and the movie was an exciting good vs. evil never before seen cowboys in space trip... the subsequent 5 movies were not great, but that was because I wasn't 13 anymore, and they tried to hard to be better than the last one, which is the problem with all series type movies imho.
To be honest I am just not that into the modern special FX movies anymore, because there is rarely much of a story, and all they have is CGI eye candy. The only "recentish" movie I have liked that was CGI'd was the first Transformers movie, which I took my kid too when he was about 10 or so, and I was pleasantly surprised that there was an actual story, and humor, and of course the special FX... a little too much explosion stuff form me, but still good.
Anyway... I have watched bits a pieces of just about all the big series type movies, and none of them have lived up to the hype in my opinion, but then again I am not 13 anymore.
I hear they are remaking Blade Runner, which is kind of ridiculous if you ask me, but sadly there haven't been many new ideas in Hollywood in a long time in my opinion, as far as special FX movies go...
I liked Oh Brother Where Art Thou, Moonrise Kingdom, and am looking forward to seeing Grand Budapest Hotel once it is out in On Demand. I like quirky now.Last edited by MachineGunSteve on 15:09:21 - 26/01/15 (10 years ago)Earth Mother, Ganesha, Ra, Zeus, Jupiter, Mithra, Jesus, Allah,... GOD... and the Internet God of conspiracies... I beg you:
Please protect me from your followers.