dont sell stocks
f**king mugger
KingLion: oh yh sorry i just think buy mugging is part of the game
[SELL] WLT FHG bbs [BUYING] Stocks 85-105%
- ConjureImage [1313976]
- Role: Civilian
- Level: 34
- Posts: 82
- Karma: 1
- Last Action: 9 months
Posted on 16:39:38 - 29/03/21 (3 years ago)Post link copied to clipboard Copy post linkYou told me after the mug, you were about to buy a 10* sweet shop for 500m+, they sell for 350mill someone was ripping you off... i mugged you for 50millish so then you could not afford it anymore, i just saved you 100mill bro you just made profit! You're welcome :)